Wednesday, November 30, 2005

John took Sarah to AWANA tonight. She goes to AWANA at one of the churches here in town and she loves it. There are two teachers in her class and during the first 10-15 minutes of class, both teachers listen to the kids recite their memory verses for the week. As you can imagine, it gets a little rowdy in the classroom when both teachers are occupied. So, a few weeks ago, they recruited John to stay for the first few minutes of class and listen to the kids say their verses. Tonight, one of the teachers was telling him about how excited she was that one of the dads was going to help out during that time. She was grateful for the help, but wasn't sure this dad was a Christian, so she hoped that his work with AWANA might lead to an opportunity for him to come to know the Lord. Well, it turns out she was talking about John! We got a good chuckle out of that little story. She was a little embarrassed when she learned that John was a pastor, but was able to laugh at herself! John told her to keep praying...he's very close to making a decision.

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