Tuesday, December 27, 2005


We are in princess heaven around here. Santa brought Abbey Cinderella's Talking Vanity and lots of princess dress up clothes. She couldn't be happier. Everytime I see her she has on a different princess outfit, complete with shoes, jewelry, crown, and magic wand. Abbey is thoroughly convinced she's a "real" princess...and you know what? She is!

Last week, one of my favorite friends gave me a book titled, Gigi, God's Little Princess. It's a great book, and I highly recommend it if you have a little girl in your life (or if you're a girl at heart!). It is written by Shelia Walsh, and it tells the story of a little girl who believes she is a real princess. She can't figure out why she doesn't live in a castle or have any royal jewels though. Her parents explain to her that she is the daughter of the King of Kings...and therefore, she is exactly what she believes herself to be...a beautiful princess! It is an adorable book!

Will is very tolerant of his sister and her make-believe games. Of course, he's so obessesed with playing the GameCube that Santa brought him that he doesn't care much about anything else right now! I couldn't even get him to tear himself away long enough to eat breakfast this morning! I've let him play almost constantly for two days (it's Christmas, for Pete's sake), but tomorrow I'm afraid he's in for a rude awakening!

We got a really fun game this year from my sister. It's Cadoo, and we are loving it. We've played 5 or 6 times already and it's so fun! Abbey played with us tonight and she was actually able to answer some questions and give some clues. I'm so happy to have a new family game. There's only so much UNO a mom can take! Thanks, M!!!

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