Saturday, May 06, 2006

About a week ago, John and I got our first ATM/debit cards in 11 years. ELEVEN YEARS! When we moved from Irving, TX to Stephens, AR in 1995, our local bank didn't offer an ATM card, so we did without. We got so used to living without it that we didn't choose one when we later moved to Arkadelphia and then to Colorado. It wasn't really too hard to do without one, but did require planning ahead for weekends and making sure we had cash before the bank closed on Friday/Saturday/holidays. A few weeks ago we ran into a situation (track registration) where we really didn't want to use our credit card, but they were going to charge us $10 more to write a check (arghhhh). A debit card would have been the solution, but we didn't have one. So we decided to apply for one and like I said we got them about a week ago. Actually, they sat on the counter for 4-5 days before we even remembered to use it. Let me say...OH MY GOSH!! How much easier this has made my life!!! I really didn't know what I was missing when my kids were smaller and I was at the checkout line putting the groceries on the belt while trying to juggle a kid on my hip, keep the others from climbing out of the cart, give the cashier my coupons AND write a check while my baby was trying to grab my pen and put it in her mouth. How much easier it would have been to swipe my debit card and be done with it! NOW you tell me...

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