Saturday, March 24, 2007

Well, today is March 24 and it is snowing outside. Hopefully the snow is on it's way out, especially since this week is Spring Break!

John and Abbey shared a birthday on Thursday. John is 40 and Abbey is 5! John took the day off to spend with Abbey, and they hung out together all day. Abbey picked out a restaurant for the birthday dinner...Noodles, followed by ice cream at Coldstone Creamery. She's been given the royal treatment for the last few days and that will likely continue through tomorrow afternoon when we have her party. We're taking her and two little friends to Build-a-Bear workshop. They get to each make their own teddy bear. She's very excited. I feel a little (okay a LOT) guilty that John must share his birthday with Abbey. I doubt he would have chosen Noodles for his birthday dinner (though he does love Coldstone's milkshakes for dessert!) and I don't think that pink birthday cupcakes or Build-a-Bear with three little girls is his ideal way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but he's a good sport. And Abbey loves it so much that she and her daddy share this special day! Thanks to all of you who wished John a happy birthday. His inbox was full of birthday greetings and blessings and he loved it.

John got an early birthday gift this week. He got to meet and have dinner with an author he greatly admires. Brennan Manning. John's company secured a book deal this week with Mr. Manning and John will be the editor for the book and get to work with him during the process. Very cool. There are a lot of neat details involved in this story, and it's evident to us that God's hand is at work in all of this, and we are both very humbled and very much in awe of God's kindness to John this week. Will keeps asking if Brennan Manning is related to Peyton. Go figure.

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