Friday, April 06, 2007

I picked up a book the other day at the public library and I can't put it down. It's called, The Devil in the Junior League, and it is laugh-out-loud funny. I think I like it because the author pokes such fun at the socially elite do-gooders and all their societal rules. I laugh because most of those rules are familiar to me and my southern upbringing. It's super-light, purely indulgent reading, but as Abbey's little friend would say, "who weally cares?". I'm enjoying it.

John and I realized the other day that we've now lived in Colorado the same amount of time we lived in Arkadelphia, AR. Wow. And you know what? Right now, I just might prefer Arkansas' warm temps. It's 28 degrees and is snowing outside right now and we have a 70% chance of snow tomorrow. When we moved here, I didn't really believe the locals when they told me that it snows every Halloween and Easter, but I believe 'em now. In the almost 4 years we've lived here, we've consistently had snow on both holidays. Okay, maybe not actually on Easter Sunday, but ALWAYS on the day before. Makes for some interesting egg hunts and Easter outfits.

Abbey has the day off from preschool today, and John has the day off too because it's Good Friday. Will and Sarah had to go to school today and they were pretty bummed. Abbey is in heaven though since she has mom, and more importantly her daddy, all to her self. Tonight is the night the Easter bunny visits the Blase home. That tradition started many years ago when John was a pastor and Sunday mornings were crazy-busy. So, tomorrow our kiddos will awake to Easter loot and will have all day to gorge on candy and play with their trinkets and Sunday we can get off to church without begging and crying for candy (hopefully!). We're planning to get together with families from our small group at church for a picnic and a hike after church on Sunday, but the weather isn't really cooperating with our plan. No snow, thankfully, but cold temps are still in the forecast and I can't see how a picnic and hike with kids can be very enjoyable when it's barely 50degrees.

I had a huge milestone moment this week: I wrote my very last check for preschool tuition! Abbey goes to kindergarten in the fall! We had a one-year break from tuition when Sarah was in kindergarten, but I think we've been paying tuition of some sort for the last 6-7 years. WOW!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meredith!
    It's not going to be much warmer here. I'm not sure what my kids are wearing tomorrow. I can't believe it's been 4 yr's it doesn't seem that long. I think of you guys all the time. We've had a lot going on lately and it's during those times I think of you more and all the support and friendship you gave us. How exciting about the last check...wish we were in the same boat. Email me sometime. My email is the same.
    Stephanie D
