Wednesday, June 20, 2007

a couple of things...

John and I started watching a new television show on dvd last night. It's really not a new show, but it's new to us. Gilmore Girls. We're loving it. And watching a series on dvd is so much better than trying to keep up with it from week to week. We were going to go to a bluegrass concert at one of our local parks tonight, but we've had a full day and just can't get motivated. John suggested staying home and watching more Gilmore Girls...and so that's the plan! And I have 2 more dvds on the way from Woohoo!

Minnie-the-van is in the shop this week. She needed new brakes and a tune-up. Turns out her shocks and struts need attention too, but that'll have to wait until our checkbook recovers from her brake work. Sheesh...she's a high maintenance gal!

By the way, I read in readers digest that folks who name their vehicles are more prone to road rage. Apparently, naming your vehicle gives you an excuse to blame bad driving on your car. It was Minnie's fault! I guess you better back off if you meet me on the road.

I was really trying hard to make it to July without turning on our air conditioner, but I'm throwing in the towel. It is HOT here. 87 today. I know that seems cool to our friends sufferin' in the deep south, but it's hot for us. We're just thankful we have central air. We don't know many folks who do! Shocking, I know.

Lastly, let me share with you an email I got from J today. These are his words to me: "M--This'll make you fume, but go ahead and read it. -J" Click here to read it. He knows me is shocking indeed!


  1. Gilmore Girls was one of my favorite TV shows. Actually, I looked forward to watching it late on Tuesday nights by myself with no interruptions. I know it's silly but it was my thing for me each week and I am going to miss it! Now I am hooked on Bones. I've got to rent the dvds to catch up before next season starts.

    I read the article John sent you and I am fuming right along w/you. Now we can have even more FAKE cookie cutter pastor's wives. As mad as it makes me, it also makes me sad. I just wonder how these women will cope with the reality of it all. I think instead of learning baking/sewing they should be taught how to cope when "friends" betray you, someone slanders your husband's name, or how not to be manipulated for info so that they don't feel so alone when it does happen. They know others have experienced the same things.
