Monday, July 09, 2007

Ta-Da! My New Look!

Well, I've been wanting to do this for some time, and after checking out some books at the library and realizing that I was in WAY over my head, I decided to pay someone to give my blog a make-over. I love the results!

Dawn at Barefoot Blog Design created this for me, and did a wonderful job! I'm thrilled with how it turned out. So, thanks, Dawn, especially for the after hours tech support and southern girl chat! Small world, huh?

My apologies if you're a mac user (like me). I couldn't see the header design until I installed Mozilla Firefox. I think it's a Safari problem. And I don't have a clue about how to fix it. Sorry.


  1. Mer:

    I went to take a shower, etc., and came back to see how your installation went. I had no emails, but then I saw this. Yea! Welcome to the world of Mozilla! I love it. Tabbed browsing rocks!

    I think if you had been able to upgrade your Safari it probably would have worked, too, I think it is just a coding/browser issue.

  2. Isn't Dawn wonderful? I love her designs. Yours is lovely!

  3. Mer, I've been away for a week and was greeted with your new look as I checked in on my blog friends. It's great!

  4. Wow, Mer. Major change. I really like it!

  5. Mer,
    It looks so great!! I love your post about the motrin, underwear, etc..... it just made me smile :)
    We are having bible school this week and I am helping with preschool crafts :) It is fun and they are so cute and they never tell you they don't like what you have for them and they let you hold them a little!! We are the Avalanche Ranch this year and it is fun.
    Hope you have a great week.

  6. Will you be my girlfriend?


    Love the blog look!

  7. I love your blog--I should have used your designer as I ordered mine nearly 5 months ago, and I've yet to get it. Driving me CRAZY!
    I love the Glory Revealed cd t00--great music.
