I find it surprising that anyone would find what I say on this blog inspiring, but rather than debate it, I'll just accept her nod graciously. Thank you, Trish. Trish lives in Arkansas and we have a lot in common, including loving the Razorbacks (and Colorado!). We met in the blog-o-spere, and I'm glad to call her my friend.
So the rules for receiving this award include passing it on to 5 other inspirational bloggers. That's not an easy thing to do because there are so many to choose from.
After some thought here are five bloggers I find inspiring:
1. Kecia Kecia is a friend of mine from college and her husband was in seminary when John was in seminary (we went to church together there). Her family is in the process of moving and they are trusting God to work out a lot of details, big and small, with unwavering faith...and that inspires me.
2. Angie Angie is another college friend, and she and her family are missionaries in Mozambique. She inspires me by her commitment to give up the luxuries of life in the US (like Starbucks and Sonic) and raise her children while serving Jesus in Africa.
3. Debra I don't personally know Debra, but I wish I did. She and her family are journeying into the unknown right now, and though I'm sure they're fearful at times, she resonates peace. The peace that comes from knowing her Father has a glorious plan for her.
4. Holly I discovered not long ago that Holly lives very close to me...like five miles away. Our children go to the same school, and two of our children were actually in the same class a couple years ago. It's a small, small world. Holly writes great posts that really make me stop and think about how Jesus is working in my life. She is a Jesus-lover, and it shows in all she says and does.
5. Leahbelle Leahbelle is another friend I met in the blog-o-sphere, and I'm inspired by her life and faith as well. She's been vacationing in the Rockies and has some amazing vacation photos to post. And who isn't inspired by the mountains in all their splendor?
Thanks again, Trish!
Thanks for paying my blog another visit!
I grew up in Colorado Springs, quite different from the small Iowa town I live in now, but I've come to call both places "home".
Thank you, Friend...that's a title I want to have a "Jesus-lover." Oh Lord, may it be so!
Wow! I love the web site you sent...VRBO. We are looking for next weekend now. Chris has some work stuff this weekend.
Talk with you soon!
Thanks for the sweet words that you said about me. I can't believe that you would think of me for an award. humbling and sweet.
Quite an honor, Mer. You've introduced me to more than one inspirational blogger along the way.
Congratulations Meredith! :)
Wow, a blog award! I'm very honored, and humbled that I would insprire anyone. Thanks! BTW--we got renters for our house--God provides. We're leaving Conway Aug. 14.
Still lovin' keeping up with you thru blogs!
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