Thursday, October 25, 2007

Grammar Blogs

I came across a couple of very funny blogs today. I'm a grammar nut, and think I would do well as a copy editor because I catch things that others apparently don't. Grammar mistakes usually annoy me. I've been known to circle grammatical errors in notes from my kids' school and send them back in. Seriously. If a teacher can't get it right, how will my children learn!? Today when I read these posts I was more humored than annoyed! Click here and here and see for yourself how rampant these mistakes really are. And please, laugh!


  1. Mer,

    That's so funny! In school, we used to diagram sentences, but it seems grammar is going by the wayside.

    I've seen that quotation marks "site"--so "humorous!" =)

  2. I do that too!!! I especially hate finding errors in novels. Is there a way we can get paid for that?
    Still have snow on the ground? We finally got cooler weather here. It's 59 right now! I love it.

  3. Remember...laugh when you see that you made a typo and spelled copy editor wrong!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ...and shouldn't "kid's school" be "kids' school" if you're referring to more than one kid?

    OK, you may slap me if and when you see me again, but I hope that you won't. :)

    BTW, I won't be offended if you delete these comments!

  6.'re right. Thanks for correcting me. I don't have spell check on my blogger page, and it was late when I was typing that post. And YOU would make a way better copy editor than me!

    kecia...not much snow left. It was 75degrees yesterday. There are a few patches left in our back yard but they'll be gone by the weekend.

  7. Those are funny. Some of my pet peeves!

    And by the way, having you watched any baseball lately? = )

  8. i am not a grammar nut, but misspelled words drive me INSANE! i probably even made that and this sentence incorrectly. and yes, it is "kids' school" tee hee hee. one of my friends is a copy editor for a large church and she makes GOOD money. just fyi :o)

    thanks, i enjoyed your blog today and congratulations on the jewelry contest...

  9. Hey! Just saw you won yourself a necklace, courtesy of BooMama. Congratulations, girl!

  10. Dang! I just knew I was going wo win that necklace!!! But I'm so HAPPY that YOU won! You need to post a picture of you wearing it. :-)

  11. Hi Mer,

    I just dropped in to see how you all are handling what our Rockies are doing. I'm on pins and needles about tonight's game.

    This post hit a note with me. It makes me crazy when a teacher uses incorrect grammar and it's amazing how often it happens. I just don't get it. At all.

    PS - I'm wondering - did you ever get a dog? And if you did, what breed did you decide on?

  12. Those links were hilarious...

    My pet peeve? Apostrophes used for plurals or words ending in 's'.

    Drive's me nut's.



    BTW - Loved your boxes! I came over from Holly at CrownLaidDown.
