Thursday, December 27, 2007

Well, we've certainly been enjoying a lot of family togetherness this week. John has been off all week and we've done a lot of nothing. Probably because we've had quite a bit of snow, and when it's snowing, I just want to stay inside and read and play games and watch movies and bake cookies. Except that I have no desire to do any more baking or eating these days! Been doing WAY too much of that.

We all have a touch of cabin fever though, so tomorrow we're going to get out for awhile and let the kids spend the gift cards they received for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, ours was lovely. And it was white too!

Here's a few pictures for you.

Every year John takes a picture of me with the kids after church on Christmas Eve. We can usually get a good one if we promise they can take a crazy one too. Lucky you...

Will was thrilled with the 2 games he got for his Nintendo DS.

Abbey loved her Hannah Montana doll, can't you tell? Oh, and Santa did in fact bring her a real make-up kit, much to the chagrin of her mother. You should see some of the clown faces "looks" she's created.

Sarah loved her easel from Santa. It's a white board on one side, a chalkboard on the other, and has a roll of paper for drawing/painting/etc. Very cool, and very Sarah.

Well, friends, that's it for now. I'm exhausted from all the "nothing" we've been doing lately.

Hope your Christmas was merry and blessed!


  1. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I meant to tell you - I saw Abbey's Groovy Girls on your blog a while back and decided to get a couple for Jessie's Christmas present. (I had never heard of them.) She is my "groovy girl," and she loves them!

    Dee Dee

  2. Cute picture of you and the kids! I'm jealous of all of your snow. But I understand cabin fever. I love a day or so of being snowed in but I get very ansty!

  3. You look beautiful!

    I'm so thankful for the blessed Christmas God has given you!! I am thankful that what He set in your heart has come to pass.
    Much love to you, Friend,

  4. Glad you had a great Christmas. Love the pics. Thanks for sharing.

  5. We too promise the crazy picture so we can get a good shot! :o)

    Looks like a fun and relaxing Christmas.
