Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Relational junk...

This morning is my morning to volunteer at my kids' school. I usually enjoy my time there very much, but today I'm really dreading it. I'm dreading it because I need to confront someone. And I don't like confrontation all that much.

I coordinate a very big project at my kids' school. I took it on for the first time last year, and made myself, and my family, absolutely crazy...just ask my mom who was here for about 2 weeks and barely saw me! I swore I wouldn't do it again this year, but I actually prayed about it and felt like I was supposed to. And really, the second year is much easier because you've learned what to do and what not to do, and probably my biggest lesson after last year was that I need to delegate.

So...delegate I did. And so far it's been pretty smooth sailing. Until last week. I delegated a very important task to someone I probably shouldn't have, and I spent more time than I had last week doing damage control because many mistakes were made. Mistakes are just that--they're mistakes--and they're fixable and forgiveable, but I'm still a little flustered about the whole thing.

I've been praying since last week about what I need to say to this person. I want my words to be seasoned with grace and forgiveness, but there are some important things I need to communicate to this person, and I'm not sure how exactly to do that and be heard. So, I think I need some prayer support here. Will you ask God to give me the words to say, the grace with which to speak them, and for them to be received? I would be very grateful!


  1. Yes, ma'am, I will pray. Now. And whenever you come to mind today. ;o)

    He is faithful.

    Love and hugs,


  2. Oh, Mer, this kind of thing just makes me sick to my stomach. Praying for you!!

  3. Lord Jesus, I lift Meredith to you and thank You for her faith in Your will for her. I ask that You would guide her heart and her words. That You would help her be heard while still building up this individual. I pray that You would comfort Meredith in this yucky situation. None of us loves confrontation, Lord, yet I praise You that Meredith is obedient in speaking to this person and not gossiping behind her/his back to others. Holy Spirit, fill her, surround her, and protect her, I pray. In Jesus' name. Amen.


    P.S. Confrontation sucks. I so feel for you. Hang in there.

  4. Just prayed. I know how hard that could be. Let us know how it goes.

  5. Oh, I hate confronting people too. I am praying.

  6. I'm sorry I didn't read this post this morning! I'm praying for you anyway ~ let me know how things went. I'm not a confrontational person, either, so I understand your apprehension.


  7. I am praying, my friend.
    Love you much in Him!

  8. You are wise to seek the Lord in prayer first. I'm sure whatever you decide to say will be gracious and kind. : )

  9. I feel bad that I did not check your blog earlier. I prayed for you and the situation anyway!! I really hate confrontation and I avoid at times to a fault.

    I loved reading your last paragraph - it shows your heart was in the right place. Thanks for being an example to me.

  10. That is one of my most dreaded type of situations. I am just reading this, so I was glad to read that it went well.
