Thursday, February 07, 2008

Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?

The kids and I have watched the tv show, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? a handful of times. I love watching it with them because they think I'm a genius when I answer the questions correctly. They also tell me I should be a contestant because I'd win a million dollars. Hmmmm. Don't know about that...

John bought me a new cell phone a couple of weeks ago. My other one was 5 years old, and had been dropped a few too many times and he figured it was time for a new one. I told him I didn't need bells and whistles...just the basic model, please.

I came home to find my new phone on the kitchen counter, looked it over, made sure I could dial and answer, then walked away and forgot about it. When my kids came home from school later that afternoon my 5th grader (who loves all things electronic) spent some time playing with it. He asked me if I'd taken any pictures with it. What?!? It took a 5th grader to point the camera feature out. And my 5th grader helped me set my ring tone and showed me how to add names/numbers to my contact list, and how to text because I've never sent a text message. He also asked if he could play with my old one, and in 15 minutes, he knew more about that phone than I did in the five years I owned it.

Who needs an instruction manual when you have an almost 11-year-old son?

So apparently I'm not smarter than my 5th grader. Not even close.


  1. That is so funny, Mer. We don't even have a cell phone, so I definitely wouldn't know how to use a fancy one!

  2. I'm with you...My son is in 6th grade and is 11.5. He knows more history than I can ever hope to imagine knowing. I've got the bobble head nod down pat. Sprinkle in a few oohs, and ahhs, and he'll think you understand.

    Works for me. ;)

  3. As long as you don't try to change TV channels with it, you're doing okay!

  4. Ok Mer, this sounds like you are standing in my house! ROFL

    Hubby is getting me a new phone soon......and I've been researching and looking and it's all so fun. I had to laugh because MY son showed me how to do speed dial on my cell! I didn't even know I could have speed dial! And to top it off both boys keep changing my ring tones, so I never know what's going to ring. LOL

  5. We bought our first cell phone last May for a trip to AR. It has taken me months to realize when it's ME ringing. I know my kids will look at me the same way I looked at my mom for not being able to set the VCR clock. = )

  6. Wow! I need him to come show me how to use MY new phone. :) I had to call my hubby the other night from Fayetteville to find out how to turn it off-ha! And I'm still working on that ring tone...

    I'll have to check out the Once Upon A Child store in HS. We are at Lake Ouachita all the time in the summer, so I envision lots of side trips into town. :)

    I've never been to Duck Duck Goose, but my friends all love it. Maybe next year...

    OMG, it is so cold there!! We have one day 70, then the next 45. I'm sure you remember. :) It's why we are always sick.

  7. I am soooo electronic-handicapped that when my son came home Christmas he spend most of his time on my computer fixing all my problems. Oh, well, that's the way it is for each generation, I guess. Wonder what the 20 yr.olds of now will be having trouble with in another 30 years? har

  8. It is so wild for me to watch my 3 year old playing on the computer and my almost 8 year old doing power point at school. Kids are so technically savvy now!!
