Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Calm Before the Storm?

It is beautiful here today. Sunny and warm(er) and Abbey has been playing in the backyard all afternoon. I've even had the windows open! I love days like this. But...

A storm is supposed to blow in tonight and dump 4-8 inches of snow on us and drop our temps about 30 degrees. I was up at the kids' school this morning and everyone is talking "snow day" tomorrow. Teachers were even making contingency plans for their Valentine parties should they be cancelled due to the weather.

I don't get too optimistic about snow days anymore. Probably because we've had 2 as opposed to the ten we had used by this same time last year. But I'm wondering if today's lovely weather is the calm before the storm? We'll see.

We're having a friend for dinner tonight. I have Joanne's Minestrone simmering on the stove, bread in the bread machine, and the salad ready to toss. I need to sweep the kitchen and make sure the bathroom is clean and get the table set. Definitely more calm around here than it normally is before company comes. Is this the calm before the storm too?


  1. I want some snow!!! I love your Arkansas mug by the way!

  2. Mmmmm....Dinner sound great! I'll be right over!


  3. Windows open!! I can hear songbirds outside again. Or at least I could until I woke up to 30* and snow that turned to rain. ALL. THE. LIVE. LONG. DAY. Those poor birds have probably frozen their little beaks off! But they give me hope that I will be able to open my windows soon, too. = )

  4. I hope you had a great dinner and that you get your snow day (or 2) tomorrow.

    The weather people are talking 60 for this Saturday. 60!

  5. I hope your family had a great visit with your dinner guest. The meal sounded yummy - I am going to have to try Joeanne's recipe. I love soup.

  6. My husband's exact words when I emailed him yesterday and told him it was gorgeous outside... he emailed back... calm before the storm! And yes, my 16yo is having a snow day today... I didn't want him driving as DH said the roads were horrible... and he's got 4wd!!! Enjoy your snow day today!

  7. Well did you get the snow? Or are you at the Valentine Parties? We leave for our parties in an hour. Your soup sounds great...I hope you had a great time.
