Thursday, March 06, 2008

Another one of those posts

I don't think I can make it through a week without a random, all-over-the-place post. That's exactly how I'm feeling this week--scattered all-over-the-place.

Where to begin?

Well, it's the sixth day of March, and as my son told me this morning, it has snowed here 50% of this month. Three of the last six days have been snowy and COLD. I am very anxious for the arrival of spring. I'll likely be waiting until the end of May. Sigh.

I've been busy this week. Not crazy-busy like I was the week before the flu hit our house, but good-busy. I'm almost finished delivering Girl Scout cookies! Woohoo! I'm working on the yearbook at the kids' school. It's a big job, but I enjoy it for the most part. I'm also deactivating as a Creative Memories consultant so I've been busy filling existing orders, and finishing up some paperwork, and evaluating my inventory. I loved being a consultant, but I just couldn't keep up with all the new product, and somewhere along the way, my hobby became so intertwined with my business that I lost my love for scrapbooking. I'm hoping to rediscover the joy now that the pressure is off!

The kids don't have school again tomorrow. I say "again" because this is the 4th week in a row that we've had a 4-day week. That makes Thursday nights feel sorta like Fridays! I love that. I told John this morning that I am so thankful I can be at home with our kids because we have so many days off from school here! I know it's hard for my friends' who work to make arrangements for their kids.

Speaking of school, we only have 2 more weeks until Spring Break! I also need to get in party planning mode seeing as how Abbey and John both have an upcoming birthday. And then there's Easter. March is a happenin' month around here!!!

I'm not usually one to recommend movies because everyone is different, and I'd hate to tell you that a movie is wonderful only to find out you hated it or were offended by it. BUT, I'm breaking my own rule to tell you about one of my favorite movies. I watched it for the umpteenth time last Saturday night. It's called Strictly Ballroom. It's an older, independent film and I'd call it a dramedy. It's very funny and romantic, and really is one of my all-time favorites. Click on the link above for more info! There. I did it. I recommended a movie. If you watch it and hate it, please don't tell me!

Oh, I loved the idea you guys passed on for Family Day! Especially the ones about letting the kids choose. I hope to sit down with them soon and let them each pick an activity. Thank you for sharing your brilliance with me!

LOST is on tonight. It's crazy how much I look forward to that show. I still need to watch last week's episode. I'm going to try to fit that in later today. Not that I'll be caught up or anything. I'll probably be even more confused!

I'm running out of things to say and I really want to make some of this before the kids get home from school.

Let me share one more thing! I was so blessed by this post that my friend Julie wrote. Julie is the first internet-turned-real-life friend I ever made. She flew out here a couple of years ago to attend a Captivating conference with me, and another friend named Julie. Everything she writes is brilliant, but this post really struck a chord with me. Read it and be blessed.


  1. I was reading along....agreeing and thinking of how much I was going to support your Strictly Ballroom selection because I LOVE's one of my all time favorite films. Cheesy, yes, but I love the story of the woman coming alive in her beauty.....

    I need a "shocked" emoticon....

    I am so blessed that what God gave me blessed you. Thank you Mer, for your kind words....

    I count it a blessing to have met you face to face 3 years ago. Can you believe it's been 3 years???

    I am thankful our paths have crossed again.

    Much love,

  2. Hi, I was over here a bit earlier and went right to Julie's so I forgot to comment. :)Luuuurved her post. Reminds me of some of John's writing, which I also luurve. But with him, I always have to make sure I don't have to go somewhere, just in case I cry.

    I remember seeing Strictly Ballroom several years back, I think. Wasn't that an Aussie film? I think I remember liking it. Dramedy rings a bell. Of course I could just be off my rocker, too. ;)

    For the record, I love random posts. After all, our lives in blogland are intertwined with "real life", too.

    Thanks for the hair love. xxxooogretchen

  3. Strictly Ballroom is one of my favorites as well, Mer. Recommend away.

  4. Random is just like our lives these days! So it's refreshing to know that I am not the only one all over. LOL

    Weird thing is that I de-activated from CM this month too! Actually it's because I am overloaded with spare product and I just don't need that much to purchase quarterly. LOL Hope you are able to move your inventory. :)

  5. Would you believe we're forecast to get anywhere from 3-12+ of snow tonight/tomorrow?? And Spring is only a few weeks away! No snow all Winter and NOW we get snow. Phbbbbtttt!

    I checked out the granola recipe. It sounds yummy, and I'm copying it to try soon! I think I have everything on hand to make it now.

    Stay warm and cozy and enjoy your long weekend, Mer. ;o)

    Love and hugs,


  6. I hope you are enjoying your day at home with the kids.

    Thanks for sharing the granola recipe. I am looking forward to trying it.

    We still have snow and I am enjoying its beauty.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Mer,

    I know I saw that movie years ago, but I confess I don't remember anything about it. It must have made quite an impression!

    Will check out the post you linked to.

  8. I did watch that movie a long time ago and enjoyed it. Especially since I actually did take ballroom lessons in Little Rock and did a competition in Swing and Waltz. The ballroom industry is very quirky, and this movie captured the experience to the tee:)

  9. Hey Mer! :) While we were in Colorado, our DVR was unplugged, so we missed Lost AND Jericho :( But, I noticed that there were two episodes of Lost scheduled for Thursday night, so I watched the first one as well as the second one. The first one was last week's episode, only enhanced ~ they wrote stuff at the bottom of the screen that tells more about the story. I've watched Lost from the beginning, but the enhanced episode told me a lot of things I didn't know about the show! I hope they do that again next week ~ I'm learning lots of great info that way! :)


  10. I love random posts - gives me permission to step out of a routine.
