I reserved the prayer room in the castle at Glen Eyrie, one of my favorite places in Colorado Springs. I've spent some time in the prayer room there before, but I was pleasantly surprised on Saturday when I walked in. They've expanded and refurbished the room, and it was wonderful.
I reserved it for 5 hours, and the time passed much too quickly. I spent some time praying, some time reading, and I also went back and read through some of my prayer journal. I love looking back and seeing how God has answered some specifics things I've prayed for...some things I'd even forgotten that I'd asked. The room was so comfortable that I even fell asleep for a little while. Very refreshing!!!
I stopped in the Glen Eyrie bookstore as I was leaving, and I was excited to see two of John's Navpress Bible studies on display. I wanted to take a photo to show him, but I chickened out. It's a small place, and there were several others in the bookstore too.
I left and got some lunch from Chipotle (yum-O!) and took it to Garden of the Gods, where I ate while soaking up the beauty around me. I've gotta tell you, I never take the beauty that I'm surrounded by for granted! It is stunning.
It was a really good way to end a really good day. God spoke into some things I've been struggling with lately...and reminded me of some things that I needed to be reminded of. I'm grateful for the time to get away, and for a beautiful, quiet, restful place to spend the day.
wow! that sounds FABULOUS!!! What a wonderful time with your Maker- looks beee-yoooo-tiiii-fullll!!!
Mer, yay!
I took my retreat Saturday, too. Though my location was much less exciting, my time was also much-needed and refreshing.
Monica used to work at GE and was married in the castle, so I have wonderful memories there! What a great lunch combo--Chipotle and GoG!!
Sounds like a wonderful time. And such beauty!!
What a wonderful day that must have been! I love that you take a Saturday a month just for yourself. I need to think about doing that.
I clicked on the link to the castle - gorgeous. The Garden of the Gods - breathtaking. How amazing to live in a place where you can daily see God's handy work! I know it is surrounds me as well, but you've lived in the Metroplex - it is just not the same. ;o)
I am glad to hear you are still taking your retreats away. I think that is AWESOME!
It is good seeing the pictures of Garden of the Gods.
It brings back memories of when we were there. Maybe the family needs to take a road trip soon....hmmmm...... We'd love to come back to Colorado.
I'm so thrilled for you! Even the tone of your post is restful, if that's possible. Not so difficult to see why the state is called Colorado. Very red, indeed. Garden of the Gods is fab.
Have a super week. xxxooogretchen
I am glad you were refreshed! Oh, Colorado is lovely. I do miss it:)
Wow--that sounds so wonderful to get away for the day! How can you feel anything but close to God when you are surrounded by his beauty and majesty everywhere? You are blessed to live in such an amazing place!
I have noticed that you've taken personal retreats before and they sound wonderful! Just wondering, how do you schedule them? By need or do you put them on the calendar at the beginning of the year or do you have another system? I notice that I tend to take personal retreats but often when I'm already WAY in need instead of proactive. Hope this makes sense...it's been a big day! :)
Good for you! It sounds so restful.
And those pictures are just beautiful. Isn't God amazing?
BTW, you know you can watch last week's LOST the hour before this week's, right? With pop-ups. Which can be annoying. But helpful sometimes. :)
One of my resolutions for 2008 was to take one day a month for a personal, spiritual retreat. It's March, and I've only been twice, but honestly, I'm okay with that. I usually just go month to month and look at my calendar and pick a day. However, I do have a couple of months already scheduled. My church has a one-day ladies retreat every quarter. The next one is in April, and I'm counting that as my personal retreat. Even though I'll be around lots of other women, there is quite a bit of alone time built into the day.
I prefer to keep my schedule fairly flexible, so it has worked well to just evaluate each month and pick a day when I flip the calendar! Hope that helps!
oh my! this is so amazing! good for you for getting away.
I loved the Garden of the Gods.
xo ~ K
That is beautiful!!!!
I'm sorry you didn't take the picture - next time you will!!!!
Glad you have these times with the Lord.
You're right about enjoying the beauty around you and not taking it for granted. I am enjoying pear blossoms and "tulip trees" around here. Isn't God so creative?
Can't wait to see the beauty in your area soon!
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