Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oh so busy...

You know how you feel a few days before Christmas when you look at your to-do list, then you look at the calendar and wonder how in the world you can possibly get it all done?

That's how I'm feeling. This week is SO full. Abbey's Daisy field trip to the fire station. Sarah's 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Will's science fair project. Bunco. Yearbook deadlines. John and Abbey's birthday on Saturday. And Easter. Throw all of that in with the normal stuff that happens in a week and it's feeling just a little crazy around here.

I didn't get a pic from Sarah's basketball tournament this afternoon, but her team did great, and more importantly, they had fun!

I'm taking things one day at a time. And really, things should drastically slow down around here on Friday. The kids are out of school on Friday and John is off too, and next week is spring break! YAY! I am so looking forward to a clear calendar!


  1. I hear ya on the busy! meeeee toooooo!

    now, why does popcorn pop? i need to know now!!!


  2. Mer,

    Glad you checked in. That looks like an interesting science fair project! I remember 2 of my topics: one was something about flourescent colors, and the other in 7th grade was on how solar energy heats water. Ah, memories!

  3. Now that's a science project I could really sink my teeth in. Bwhaaaaa! Sorry. Couldn't help myself. It looks like a fun project. We were just commenting the other day how tiny a popcorn kernel is but how much stuff pops out of it. Amazing. Andy yummy with the salt and butter!

  4. Wow you do sound busy. I am sure next week (SB) is looking better and better to ya!

    Will's science project looks really good! Y'all did a great job.

    Hang in there.

  5. They're all smiling. That's what's important.

    Good Job, Momma!

    Happy Easter. xxxooogretchen

  6. Ahhhh spring break! Ours is in two weeks.........and counting! LOL


  7. Well, with Bunco on the list, you'll be fine. :-)

    I totally understand your excitement about a clean calendar. I've stopped looking at my calendar. Too scary!

  8. Love those pictures! And I know exactly what you mean...that's why the girls and I backed out of going on the Spring Break mission trip with Mike and the college students. Have fun with the birthdays and Happy Easter!

  9. Great pictures!

    And here is a giant HOORAY! for the finished science project!

    Those are always a lot of fun and a lot of WORK!

    and I have a mentioned lately how adorable you kids are?

  10. the's your hair holding up with the $2.79 shampoo? Inquiring minds want to know! :)

    Happy Holy Weekend. xxxooogretchen
