Monday, March 31, 2008


My house is really quiet right now. The kids are at school. John is at work. Jack is napping in Will's room. I like quiet, but I much prefer the sound of activity around here.

My morning began with a sleepy six-year-old girl looking out the window and asking me why, if it's spring, do we keep waking up to snow? I dunno. I guess because we live in Colorado. It's melting quickly though, and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds.

Everyone woke up and got dressed and made their beds (wow...even I am shocked) and joined me in the kitchen for breakfast. It was amazing to me how quickly we slipped back into our morning routine. Everyone was completely ready one hour before we had to leave, even me! It helped that both Will and Sarah wanted to eat at school today. I make their lunch most of the time, because I tend to be a bit of a nutrition freak. Every so often one of them wants to eat at school, but it's a rare day that they BOTH want what the cafeteria is serving. It was a Monday morning gift to this momma! It bought me at least 10 extra morning minutes...woohoo!

I realized as I was getting ready this morning that I haven't worn my watch in more than a WEEK. I even had to search to find it. Isn't that a true vacation? I haven't been bound by time parameters in the last 10 days, and it has been so refreshing. But, alas (I love using that word), the time has come to chain strap the watch onto my wrist and let myself be a slave to it once again. *big sigh*

Happy Monday!


  1. I feel that exact same way after a break from school.

    As a matter of fact, last monday when my kids were heading back I got the school calendar out to see when the next three day weekend or day off would be. But there aren't any for the next 8 weeks. not even a measly half day!

    I totally understand where you are coming from!

    Hang in there today!

  2. Also for some reason when I click to your site I cannot see your header. Your posts are fine, but the header with your title and the pine cones is missing. Is it just me?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Routines are good. I think we need them. Of course vacations are fun, and we need them, too, but knowing and predicting what's going to happen during the day is quite comforting.

  5. Hey Mer,
    I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy visiting your blog. It's always such a warm inviting place...I bet your home is too. I love reading about your daily life, with or without all the details. Just thought I'd share.

  6. I found your blog through another one. I too returned from spring break today. I have been dreading it all weekend. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Cute kids!

  7. Hi! I popped over here from Julie's blog. Noticed you're reading Mission of Motherhood. Great book! I enjoyed browsing your blog.

  8. Wow - your family was ready an hour before school! Very impressive. We only have to get one ready and we are usually running out the door.
