Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Rest of the Story...

John and I were ended our date night last week over a cup of coffee at a local coffee shop. After a few minutes, our conversation turned to blogging, and I was telling him that sometimes this whole blogging thing feels hard for me to navigate. Take the story of losing Jack-the-beagle last week. I didn't report anything that wasn't true, but I omitted some things in the re-telling of the story that made things look a little "neater".

The real story is that I was freaking out when I saw that Jack had escaped. I was furious at my son for not paying better attention to where Jack was when he opened the front door, and I let him have it when he returned home (bawling) without the dog (as if he wasn't feeling bad enough). I was frustrated that I had to take an hour out of my morning to go search for the dog (remember, I had guests coming that afternoon) and I had already had to stop and clean up dog vomit that looked amazingly like the Peeps that had disappeared from the kids' Easter baskets the night before. I was frustrated that Jack wasn't wearing his collar, and even if he had been, we haven't bothered to make a new id tags for Jack with our contact info on it...and we've had Jack since November. I was frustrated at myself, at the dog, at my kids, and at the situation. Ugh.

John asked me why I left those parts out. I dunno. I just did. Maybe I didn't want to look like a bad mom. Maybe I just didn't want to make an already long story even longer. Maybe this, maybe that...I really don't know.

I talked to John's brother last night for a few minutes. He was telling me that their dog escaped last week too, and that the story that played out at their house was nothing like ours. I felt the need to assure him that it was probably more similar than he knew...

I've apologized to Will for losing my temper with him. It was a mistake, and mistakes are fixable and forgiveable. The most important thing is that we found Jack (and he now has new id tags!)

So...there's the rest of the story for you.


  1. It's so funny that you wrote about this today. I have been thinking about it because I am very new to blogging, but I can already see how you can slant things so easily. How do you avoid coming across as negative or whiny, but remain honest and real at the same time? You don't want to appear to be "Miss Merry Sunshine" every day, either. Nobody is really like that! And when you look back at your life through your posts, it will not be a true picture if you sugar coat everything. There is a fine line you have to walk here. Thank you for being genuine and sincere. I appreciate that about you! :)

  2. This was a wonderfully honest and refreshing post. I think that blogging. like any form of writing should come from your heart. There are times when we are so fragile that we cannot or aren't ready to share the full story. I think that is OK. And there are times that we feel like we can share more. It's a bit of balance and I really think you do a good job at it.

  3. I think about this all the time. In protecting others (and myself) sometimes I think I paint a rosier picture than reality.

    I love your "part two" but I think that the rest of us moms kinda knew the rest... it was implied!!!

  4. Thanks for being honest. Being a mom is so hard, and as much as we try to be perfect ones, we can't be. Thankfully the Lord is forgiving. I'm also grateful when my children forgive me.

  5. P.S. How come I can't get your blog on my RSS feed? (Pageflakes)

  6. Mer,

    Thanks for sharing the "real" story.

    BLogging is funny because if we wanted to we could write ourselves into the most "perfect" wife, mother, friend, and christian.

    But then nobody else would read our blogs because we would be so unbelievable!!

    One of the reasons I read your blog is because you seem so transparent in your writing. I enjoy reading about you, your life, your heart for God, and your adventures! Even without ALL the details!

  7. Thanks for sharing the rest of the story! Your real and I love that!!!!!

  8. I totally understand what your saying, thanks for having the courage to say it!

    :) Hope you have a great week!

  9. So glad you're normal. Now I don't have to delete less-than-perfect family videos to try to impress you. Ha! :)K

  10. You know I went through the same thing with blogging this week. I deleted a post because I did not want to come off negative or offend someone. So it hard to stay real but know how much to say.

    There have been many times that I lost it with my boys. After the fact I feel as though I may have affected their self image or ruined them. I love your line - "It was a mistake, and mistakes are fixable and forgiveable.". It also shows them that we are not perfect and that everyone makes mistakes.
    Thank you for being real with us.

  11. I lurked over the weekend and saw this, and my heart went out to you.

    I feel a couple of things: First, it's your blog and you can share if you want to, share if you want to, share if you want to...You would share too if it happened to you (or not). :)

    Second, I think we all inferred what was going on behind the scenes, based on our own experiences. That's why I made the crack about needing a valium. It's H.a.r.d. Period. The dogs never escape when you have loads of time to find them, etc. It's always going to be a hassle.

    You are so genuine and so sweet to even give us an explanation. We're all figuring out this bloggy thing, one step at a time, right? :)

    Hugs on your week. xxxooogretchen

  12. I lurked over the weekend and saw this, and my heart went out to you.

    I feel a couple of things: First, it's your blog and you can share if you want to, share if you want to, share if you want to...You would share too if it happened to you (or not). :)

    Second, I think we all inferred what was going on behind the scenes, based on our own experiences. That's why I made the crack about needing a valium. It's H.a.r.d. Period. The dogs never escape when you have loads of time to find them, etc. It's always going to be a hassle.

    You are so genuine and so sweet to even give us an explanation. We're all figuring out this bloggy thing, one step at a time, right? :)

    Hugs on your week. xxxooogretchen
