Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sometimes a break is a good thing

If you haven't noticed, I've been on a bit of a blogging break. It wasn't an intentional break though. Our computer decided sometime on Tuesday not to let us log into Blogger. Every single time one of us tried, it kicked us out and completely closed our browser window. Irritating. So very irritating. John took the 'ole Mac to the Mac store this week and the guy told him some things to try. Finally, after reinstalling the OS, we're up and running again. Yay!

Here's some of what I didn't get to post about last week...

Another winter storm dumped about 7 inches of snow on us. For the second week in a row, Abbey's field trip and our school's science fair were cancelled due to snow. Do you know how un-fun it is to reschedule this kind of stuff during the last few weeks of school???

Before (and after) the big storm, we had a very nice taste of spring with temps in the 70s. I even broke out the capris! After wearing jeans for six months, I'm seriously in need of some sunless tanner.

I had to deal with a heaping dose of mom guilt this week. More to come on that.

The kids were out of school on Friday for a teacher workday. They specifically asked if we could go to Carls Jr. for lunch. We did, and we went bowling too. It was very fun. And FYI, all that practice on the Wii does NOT make one a better bowler.

My huge project at the kids' school--the yearbook--is 99% finished. My two friends did all the layouts and it looks fabulous! It goes to the printer tomorrow. And I am so happy. This is the first week in a long time that I have nothing yearbook related on my calendar for the upcoming week. I feel so free!

In fact, the only things on my calendar this week are fun things! I'm hoping to get to meet two of my favorite blog friends who are visiting close by. I'm just a teensy bit excited about that!

Even though I didn't really plan this blog break, it wasn't such a bad thing. It's amazing how much more I get done when sitting down at the computer isn't an option! And now I'm off to enjoy our lovely spring weather! Have a great Sunday!


  1. I did miss your lack of posts, but it sounds like it was a good break.

    And WHOO!!! HOOO!! on the year book project. That is huge.

  2. Well, welcome back. I know how frustrating that OS stuff is. I had a whole system crash in November.
    Looking forward to more peeks into your life!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I did miss your posts! Glad you had a nice break with the weather too. :)

  5. You were missed!

    Ah...the Mom guilt ... can't wait to hear because I can probably so relate to it.

    I always forget to go bowling. Sounds like a fun idea.

  6. We are finally getting some spring... actually summer like weather here in the Northeast. I am loving it! Cabin fever is gone and the freedom to go outside without having to bundle up in heavenly! :)

  7. Welcome back, sweet Mer. Sorry the computer was sick. Glad you had a break, though.

    Good for you with the yearbook project! Woot Woot!


  8. I was wondering where you were! But I figured you were just taking a break.

    I'm glad your yearbook project is done! I know that has to feel good!

    I can't wait to hear about your lunch with your blogging friends. How fun!

    Enjoy your week. Hope it warms up again soon!

  9. You've probably done this but....I tagged you! Come over to my bloggity blog blog

  10. Glad your computer is fixed. Missed reading your blog - but glad you caught us up.

    Sorry about all the snow - maybe Spring will stay around!

    Congrats on getting your yearbook project done. I was on the yearbook in high school and college and loved it.

    Glad your week is not too full. I am looking forward to hearing about your lunch with your blog friends. Take pictures. :o)

  11. I know I spend way too much time on the computer myself. I have found that with nicer weather here lately, I haven't been on quite as much. Sorry you all are still having so much snow. Hope you can all stay healthy with so much changing weather.
