Thursday, April 03, 2008


John walked in the door from work last evening with this...

A coconut cream pie from Village Inn.

Wasn't that SWEET of him??? He read my post yesterday and thought it would be a fun surprise. My kids were ecstatic because I'm the "sugar sheriff" and dessert is a rare treat 'round here.

It was pretty good. It definitely wasn't as good as my mom's. (Mom, I forgot to tell you that when I called this morning!) But it was good, especially after all that talk about pie yesterday.

Thanks, J! I love you!


  1. I don't even like coconut cream pie, but that pie looks so wonderful, I tried to crawl through my monitor and sneak a piece!

    What a "sweet" guy. :-)

  2. What a sweetie!
    I like coconut, chocolate, pecan, Cyrus O'Leary's marionberry, and apple. :)

  3. Ah, what a great idea! Maybe I should blog about pie on my blog. =)

  4. How nice was that?

    Hope you all had a great evening!

  5. Looks like we both got surprises from our husbands yesterday, thanks to our blogs.

    Although, now that I think about it, you can't eat a funny post.

    Can I come share some of your surprise?

  6. Aren't surprises fun! What a great guy.

  7. Yummy! It looks great and I bet tasted even better!

    BTW, I saw your 'twin' in Gatlinburg today! LOL Sitting at dinner I'm peeking over at this girl and I told my hubby that this was Mer from the blogs........or at least your twin! LOL Funny thing is that she came over to ask if I lived in Nashville b/c I look like a girl she blogs with! Is that too funny or what!

  8. Wow, what a neat surprise! It looks yummy!

  9. Oh, I'd say he definitely earned a marital chip with that one. :)

    Blessings on your weekend.

  10. How thoughtful, what a nice surprise!
    I just found your blog, I'm lovin' it.

  11. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

    *considers posting about Grandma's cream cheese pie on her bog*

  12. Seems like every restaurant, when they bring the fake dessert thing around, has a coconut cream pie on it. It always takes me a second to say no, because I could eat the entire thing.
