Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday to you!

I have a lot I want to say, but my morning is off to a busy start and is chock-full of errands, projects, school activities, and even something FUN for me. More about that later though. I wanted to post something because I feel guilty about misleading you with the title of my last post, which I've had to look at everytime I've pulled up my blog for the last 3 days. Just so we're clear, I did not make the soldier costume...that was my attempt at sarcastic humor. :)
Hope your Monday is off to a great start!

Oh, have I told you this is our last week of school? I am so happy about that, and this time next week, I intend to be snoozing!


  1. This is our last week of school, too. Somehow, I don't think my kids are going to let me sleep past 6:30 each morning. OH, how I wish they would!

  2. Do something fun for ALL of us today, okay?!

  3. Yay! It's our last week too!

    HAppy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

    Can't wait to here what you get to do that is fun!

  4. Hey - you won over at "for such a time as this"!! I'm so jealous!!!

  5. Yeah, no more school! The kids here get out in mid July. Isn't that such a bummer?

  6. Enjoy your last week of school, Mer! We'll be plodding along till mid June, but that's okay--summer doesn't really get here till mid July. Although...we did break some records recently--when I was picking up Big from the airport this weekend, it was 94 degrees. car's a/c is busted. Two words: flop sweat. ;)


  7. Just stopping by to congratulate you for winning my, I mean Deidre's, Target gift card. Humor me and buy something I would like, OK? :-)

  8. Enjoy the last week of school! How did Will's presentation go?

    We have a few more weeks of school left but we do have a four day weekend coming up. Yeah!

    Have a wonderful week! :o)
