Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Turning the page...

I flipped my calendar over to July this morning. I love doing that. There's something so beautiful about turning to a fresh page, whether it be my journal or my calendar. It holds the promise of something new and fresh and unexpected. It never fails to bring a smile to my face and a prayer to my lips...

Yesterday, John and I celebrated our eighteenth anniversary. Eighteen years...wow. We got a sitter last night and went on a date to celebrate! We spent some time talking about the last eighteen years and some of the things we've been able to do together as a couple. We talked about all the amazing people who've been a part of our lives, and all that God has done over the years to shape us into who we are today. We're two quite different people than we were eighteen years ago, but I think we're older and wiser and more confident in who God created us to be, and that's a beautiful thing!

After a delicious meal (Carrabba's--our fave!) we ran by Ulta because I'm almost completely out of makeup. We talked about a movie, but there wasn't anything on that we wanted to see, so we headed home...around 8:30pm. We laughed at how old that makes us seem! There was a day not too long ago that I milked every minute I possibly could from a babysitter. These days, our babysitter is usually home by 9pm. Yep...we're OLD!

I didn't mind coming home early because I'm completely engrossed in reading The Shack by William Young right now. Have you read it???

A good friend gave it to us last fall, and I tried to get into it then, but couldn't. I've picked it up a couple of times since and put it right back down. I've actually tried something different lately in my approach to reading. I've started praying about the books I pick up. I am absolutely convinced that is the reason that I can't get into some of the books I've tried to read lately, and that is the reason that the books I have read have been exactly what my heart needed to hear. It sounds like such a simple thing to do, but honestly, it's never occurred to me to pray about what I read before now.

Back to The Shack. I think it's the kind of book that you either love or hate. So far, I'm loving it. I definitely feel a post coming on once I finish the book. In the meantime, I have a few more pages to turn.


  1. We are "old", too. Good thing our sitter gets a high rate (in my opinion--I worked for $1/hr, so anything over $5 is high to me LOL), because we come home during daylight hours in the summer.

    Ever fall asleep in a movie? Guilty.

    I'm very interested in reading The Shack, too. Good idea in praying over a novel/book. I find that lately, I have to go: serious book, fluff, serious, fluff. I don't know why. Maybe my brain just needs a break! I'm currently on a "fluff".

  2. Happy Anniversary. We love Carabbas too. It is one of our favorites. Steak Marsala and garlic mash potatoes are my favorite! I never like to try anything new there b/c I am thoroughly convinced this is the best thing on the menu. I am currently reading The Shack also, and I LOVE it. It is a book that I have to read through carefully though and I can't just whizz through it. I am on the part where he is going to The Shack, and I am so anxious to find out what happens. I can't wait to see your post on it. I'll be on the lookout.

  3. Sounds like a great date! But then I'm WAY older than you!

    I have The Shack but haven't started it yet... maybe that will be the next book I pick up!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Definitely a reason to celebrate! Oh, and I hear you on sitters! :)

    I hadn't even heard of The Shack until a week ago. Since then I've seen it at Sam's and read about it here. I am planning to request it from our library. Funny thing, I haven't talked to any friends here who have read it...so maybe its making its way to New England!

  5. We tried to go to Carrabbas for lunch on during my girls weekend but they are only open for dinner here. Oh well. Maybe some other time.

    Amy (see above!) was just asking me about The Shack. Maybe I should request it from the library when she's finished. = )

  6. Happy anniversary, you two!

    I also love turning the page on a calendar--now I'll probably think of you when I do so each month. =)

    I've heard several people mention The Shack, but my book pile is way too big to add something else right now!

    Updated my post with the book link--

  7. I love turning calendar pages too. Even my cell phone has a calendar on it that changes color. :)
    I finished The Shack last week, and really like it. Have you read Crown Laid Down today?

  8. Great to hear that your evening was nice. We are old fuddy-duddy's who come home early too!

    About The Shack....I have heard more about this book that I have about a Christian fiction novel in a very long time. I'm going to have to join the bandwagon!

  9. I keep hearing about this book...hmmm...I'll have to check it out. I have never thought of praying before I start a book, but what a good insight.

  10. I KNEW you'd love that book!!!!

    What a great idea, praying over the books...DUH....
    Never thought of that, but it's a GREAT idea!!!

    You gotta email me or something when you finish that book!!!


  11. Happy anniversary! :)

    Yes! I have read The Shack. I've hesitated blogging about it because I don't want to give anything away. I'm actually on my second read-through. The first time I just had to get through it, and now I'm going back and highlighting parts that really hit me... and there are A LOT. It's pretty eye-opening. I'm eager to hear your review!

  12. Happy Anniversary! I love a new "page", too!

  13. Yeah, we're still in the milk-the-babysitter stage :) ha.

  14. Sounds like a fun evening. We are at the stage of milking the babysitter for every minute we can get! ;o)

    I have a friend who recommends The Shack to everyone she sees. Let us know what you think when you are done.
