Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Our computer is acting very strange these days. I'm afraid it is on it's very last leg. Scary. Especially since we don't have the money to replace it right now, and paying cash for big ticket items is a must for us.

So...if the blog is quiet, that's why. If I'm not reading and commenting on your blogs, that's why. If I'm not responding to email, that's why. Ugh...that means I might have to rely on the dreaded telephone. Have I ever mentioned that I don't like talking on the phone?

The only positive thing I can think of about all of this is how much more I will be able to get done each day if I'm (temporarily) off-line.

(So far I've been able to post twice today...maybe that's a good sign).


  1. NO! (In a dramatic, theatrical voice!) I hope your computer is a okay ;)!

  2. Sorry to hear you're having computer woes, Mer. Hope to see you back soon!

  3. Computer trouble is no fun when you haven't "planned" for it. But a new computer can be LOTS of fun after the sticker shock wears off. Hope yours lasts long enough to allow for a little (or lot) of saving.

  4. Oh, I hate to use the phone, too. E- mail opened up a whole new world for me - not SUCH an introvert anymore :)

    I hope your computer starts acting right - no one like to replace something like a computer!

  5. I should just copy Deidre's comment because I was going to say the SAME THING! (I think we might be the same person!) I am way too much of an introvert to use the phone!
    Hope your computer gets "healed"!

  6. Yeah, I abhor the phone, too. I wonder why that is?

    Get well soon, computer!

  7. Nnnnnnooooooo...you can't go off-line!

    Hope your computer is healed quickly!

  8. hey, I'll be the 2nd amber to say nnnoooooooooooooooooo!!!!

  9. I'm not a phone talker, either. I much prefer email. Hope it's just a temporary glitch and the computer sorts itself out!

  10. I absolutely believe that no matter what brand of computer you buy, it's got a built-in expiration date, Mer. Mine is six years old so let me tell you, I have panic attacks during the night about when it's going to die.

    I'm in the same boat. If my computer dies, I'm out of business. There's just no way I can get ahead enough to be financially ready for that. So I totally understand.

    Here's hoping yours (and mine) hangs in there long enough that maybe we'll be better prepared for it's demise.

    Sad. We depend on our computer so much any more, don't we? I simply must get a new computer savings account going! For my next trick, I'll figure out how to do that and still feed us. Sigh.

  11. Maybe we should pray over it???? Seriously, I don't know what I would do!

  12. Oh I feel your pain! My computer crashed a few months ago, and it was awful.

    I avoid the phone at all costs, too. :)

  13. Well, we'll pray it holds on until the $$ is available for a new one ok?
    God bless,

  14. I know. Happened to me. Won't tell you the outcome. :)


  15. I know. Happened to me. Won't tell you the outcome. :)


  16. Sending happy computer thoughts your way!

    I hope your day goes swimmingly otherwise!

