Friday, September 12, 2008

Afternoon freak out...

Things have certainly been interesting around here this afternoon.

I had an email mid-morning from our school district informing me that our district was implementing their "shelter in place" status because police were pursuing a dangerous suspect in our area believed to be armed. "Shelter in place" didn't sound like it warranted too much concern, so I thought, "okay...that's good to know" and I went on about the business of the day.

Around noon, a friend called me and told me to turn on the television. Every single local news station was either broadcasting about the ginormous manhunt for the armed suspect at large or had a crawler on the bottom of the screen detailing all the schools in our district and the district just south of us that were in lockdown. A community college and mega-church down the road were also in lockdown mode. S-C-A-R-Y.

Naturally, I freaked out, because that's what I seem to do in crisis situations. God forbid I ever get bit by a rattlesnake or something because calm isn't really my first response. A few years ago, my sister came for a visit, and I ventured out in the ice and snow to retrieve her from the airport. On the way home, my van slid on the ice and landed in a ditch. We were fine, but I'm pretty sure she had no reason to freak out because I was doing enough of that for the both of us. And man, did I chase a rabbit here or what?

Anyway, other than the same info that the news media was continuously crawling across the screen, information was scarce.

I knew my kids were in a safe place, so I tried to calm down and just pray. Thanks to those of you who knew to pray with and for me! I appreciate it.

The kids are fine. The armed suspect is still at large, but I felt better seeing policemen around school when I picked the kids up. They're all home with me now, and I'm thankful they are safe and sound! And I am so, so grateful.


  1. Oh, I am so relieved I saw your status on facebook and instantly felt for you...I'm thankful they're safe and you can wrap your arms around your babies ;) I'll be praying for you tomorrow, too!!!

  2. Yikes...that's scary.
    And I love your "law of the trail" post.
    And just reading the words "freshman directory" makes me laugh, for some reason. Kind of like remembering those Kappa Chi computer date match thingies. Funny.

  3. Glad the kids are okay and home safe with you. That situation sure sounds scary though; I'd be a mess too! Good luck tomorrow on your hike - I'll be praying for strength and endurance!

  4. Glad everyone is home and safe - I can only imagine how scary that would be. I'm like you though, I don't do well in crisis moments but instead of freaking, I freeze.

  5. Oh, goodness, I would have freaked out, too. So glad everybody is home safe and sound!

  6. I was a little anxious reading this. I'm glad everyone is home safe and sound.

  7. Mer,
    My tendency is to "freak out" too at many things: large and small. Praying the both of us will grow more in this area and let Him be our calm in the midst of life's stormy weather. Glad the kids are home: safe and sound. Hope the criminal is caught soon.

  8. Oh yikes. This sounds like that Texas 7 they caught in the Springs a few years ago! I have been quite guilty to "freak out" under pressure. My hubs says that we are like a tube of toothpaste, it is only when squeezed can you see what is really inside. Lately, I have found some real "uglies" in there.

  9. Oh Meredith! I am so glad that you are all safe and sound. I thought that I was having a tough week, thanks for helping me keep things in perspective.

  10. I'm so like you, Mer. I'm always straight to freak out mode. Sounds like this warrented it though. Glad the kiddos are all safe and sound.

  11. Yikes! It is such a scary thing!! I'm grateful that the schools have implemented such safeguards and as you said the children are in a safe place. I remember going to school in Europe during the mid-80's and having armed guards guarding the school because Lybia was acting up against the US. But I always felt safe. Crazy memories!!!

  12. Hope your hike went well today! I tagged you for a post on my blog, so if you feel like playing along, I'd love it! Hope you're having an excellent weekend!

  13. Oh Mer! So glad everything worked out! I would have freaked out too. I'm am pretty good in stressful situations, but when it comes to my kids...not so much!

  14. I would have been right there with you...FREAKING OUT!

    I am so glad your kiddos are safe and sound ;)!

  15. Things like that give us perspective on keeping our ducks all in the nest, don't they. So glad you are out of harm's way.

  16. I am so glad the kids are safe. Did they ever catch the guy?

    I hear ya about freaking out in situations. I tend to overreact, then when it is over I am so mad at myself that I did not breath first and try to pray about it. Maybe I will learn someday.

  17. That had to be totally scary for you. I'm sorry you had to go thru those awful feelings.
    Glad everyone's ok.
    God bless,
    Brenda :)
