Thursday, September 04, 2008

Question of the Week...

What's on your to-do list today?

My daily to-do list is something I can't live without. I rely on it to help me prioritize my time and remember the myriad of things that must be accomplished each and every day. Today, my list is long:

1. Mop the kitchen floor.

2. Clean bathrooms.

3. Dinner--I put this in the crock pot earlier this morning.

4. Laundry.

5. Complete some Girl Scout paperwork and get it turned in.

6. Make list of things to pack for our weekend camping trip. I'm certain I made a master packing list after our last camping trip, but I have no idea where I've put it!

7. Make grocery list for our camping trip. This list in includes plenty of hot chocolate mix, Hershey bars, marshmallows, and graham crackers!

8. PACK for our camping trip. This includes pulling out our winter gear since overnight temps are going to be in the low 30s. Brrrrrr...we're gonna freeze!

9. Make weekend arrangements for Jack-the-beagle.

10. Pick kids up from school.

11. Pick Abbey up from track. She's running cross-country this fall--how fun is that?

12. Call Allison.

That's what's on tap for me today. What's on your to-do list???

Updated: I'm making progress!!! Crossed some more tasks off--woohoo!


  1. Bills
    Wait for the inspector for our basement final inspection
    Take Tabor to Kindergarten
    Nurse this cold

  2. teach my kids their homeschool lessons

    cook for supper coop


    sort, organize, catalog daughter's fall clothing in preparation for fall consignment sale

  3. laundry

    FOLD laundry

    bathe (maybe that shoulda been at the top ;)

    homeschool the kids (if I knew how to use that strikethrough feature, I would b/c that's done!)

    start a good book I checked out of the library

    visit grandmother-in-law "Sweetie" in the hospital (yep, that's what everyone calls her)

    wait on UPS to bring some long awaited curriculum..

  4. I am with you on the to-do list...can't live w/out it!

    Make A Different...Find Volunteers

    Order Halloween Costume



    Iron Clothes for Friday night gathering


    Give V a bath

    Watch NFL!!!!

  5. I'm lost without my list. However, having said that, my list for today is fairly simple:
    1. Laundry
    2. Make reservations for fall trip up north
    3. Target

  6. Let's see...
    1. Laundry (of course, it's never NOT on the list)
    2. Finalizing plans for tomorrow's baby shower
    3. Spending some "fun" time with my kids

  7. I think it's hysterical that laundry is on everyone's list and I agree with it ever NOT on the list?! :) Fun Question, Mer!

  8. First of all, I FINISHED Drew's room... as in DONE. (Pictures tomorrow.) :) Oh, happy day.

    I've got all the kids napping so I'm going to fold all the 4 baskets of clean clothes I've got... maybe catch a cat nap.

    Tonight, the only priority is we're out of coffee (oh, and almost out of diapers and M's night-time pull-ups). So we'll have to run to the store at some point.

  9. laundry

    getting the kids to/from school

    out to lunch with Big


    figuring out my post-school starting life

  10. I have a daily list that I try to stick to also. Thursdays are fairly light, just maintenance stuff like laundry, sweeping floors, unloading the dishwasher, etc. No heavy stuff for Thursdays. Most of that is on Mondays and Tuesdays, so this week, that got pushed to Tues/Wed. I'm taking a break today, especially since I woke up with a sore throat.

    Hope you get everything crossed off your to-do list, and that you have a wonderful day Meredith!

  11. Usually my to-do list for a Thursday would be:
    1. Go to work
    2. Laundry
    3. Cook Supper
    4. Hang with the family

    But, since I got the day off because of the flood, today it looks like this:
    1. Clean out shed for garage sale
    (finished was nasty)
    2. Price more garage sale stuff
    3. Laundry
    4. Dinner
    5. Take garage sale stuff to Steph's...that's if the flood has gone down and I can get there!

  12. I see laundry seems to be the re-occurring theme on everyone's list.
    Lovely isn't it?

    I noticed you hadn't crossed off the school pick-up part. Hope you didn't forget anyone!
    just playin :)

  13. Well, the day is technically over, but pretty much the only thing on my list was to finish the loads of vacation laundry.'s done! Yay! I love crossing things off my list, even if only mentally.

  14. Bills...GROSS


    Clean house...GROSS

    But, counting my blessings I have it all to do. :)

    Hey..tell the dumbo here how you cross things out in your post? I don't want to try to figure it out.
    Lazy I know.


  15. My list has, well...
    1. Tutorials for my 5 subjects
    2. Print lecture notes
    3. Complete Physics assignment
    Ok I shall not bore you further :)

  16. Great job tackling your list! I've still got to:
    1. Pick up a bridesmaid dress at the store for a friend. (I was supposed to do this last week!)
    2. Wash and change out sheets on beds.
    3. Print and address and mail party invites for sunday school party.
    4. Mail niece's gift at post office.
    5. LOTS More-ha!

  17. Ok..I almost always make a list, but did not today! Big Mistake!! Here's what's been on tap today...
    1. Call Mal's doctor about surgery reschedule
    2. Call Tricare (always a joy!)
    3. Banking
    4. Meeting at 4:30
    5. Sing National Anthem for Derby at 6:00

  18. Abbey is running Cross country in
    1st grade? I wish they offered track in Texas in Elem. school. M. would love to do that - he has to wait for track until middle school.
