Saturday, October 25, 2008

Help a girl out. Please. Pretty please.

I'm not a fan of Halloween. Not because I think it's a dark holiday or anything like that, but because I am so incredibly challenged in the creative costume idea/costume making department. Nothing stresses me out more this time of year than the thought of having to come up with something for my kids to wear.

Last year, I talked the kids out of trick-or-treating, but I still didn't escape the whole costume ordeal because they encourage costumes at their school "fall" party. *Why they don't just go ahead and call it a Halloween party is beyond me.*

I threw some costumes together for the girls last year using the contents of our dress-up box and their closet. Abbey was a princess, and Sarah dressed up like one of her AG dolls. Simple, quick, and cheap--perfect for me--especially since I started thinking about what they could wear the night before the party.

I don't like stress, so I'm trying to come up with something cute, clever and cheap for this year BEFORE the actual party on Thursday. Any ideas or suggestions for me? I'd love to pick all of your creative brains. I only need ideas for Sarah and Abbey because Will doesn't want to dress up. Oh, and it has to be something easy to put togther. I have a sewing machine, but let's just say we're not the best of friends.

The jury is still out on whether or not they'll trick or treat this year. I'm going to be in Arkansas next weekend, and whenever they ask their dad about it, he just kinda rolls his eyes and changes the subject.


  1. okay, here are my suggestions:

    Vet--one of Dad's white shirts over regular clothes and stuffed animals with Band-Aids on them..something as a medical bag??

    Zookeeper--(this is what JuJu is this year)...khaki shorts/top, stuffed beanie monkey hanging from pocket..(we did buy a hat for 6.99 at Party City)

    Wendy from Peter Pan--a long blue nightgown with a big blue bow in the hair..

    Scarecrow--overalls/flannel...straw hat with cute little freckles on the face.

    Playing Card--I did this on my last Halloween as a child..I had a funny jester style hat...two big pieces of poster/foam board with a queen/king/jack or ace drawn on it..

    Indian Princess--tea dye a t-shirt and fringe the ends/tie on beads?? stripes on the face?? long yarn wig w/ feathers??

    Hope this will get you thinking and I bet I'll think of more as I'm cleaning today...I welcome things to keep my mind stay tuned!!

    OH, and I'm still waiting on the video!!

  2. Okay...I'm so not any help in this department. We pick ours off the rack in the store. And we buy CHEAP! So, we usually aren't the best dressed group, but whatever.

    Can't wait to see pictures of what you come up with though!

  3. I'm not much help, either. My one child is super easy...he's still little and we just bought a costume from the store!

  4. Wanna come up to Denver? You're welcome to borrow our Laura Ingalls Wilder costume I made for Audrey. It fits Emma now, but a 4th grader fit into it last year.

    And I have a pretty great dress-up box!

  5. is my 2 cent's worth:
    These are dress up ideas for moi because I usually do a little somethin-somethin on Halloween. NOw that my youngest is in 5th grade, it's probably my last year. I'm afraid we've left most of the classroom parties behind...

    1. Hippie. Cheapo Lennon glasses from Party City, and peace sign necklace from same place. Tie dye t-shirt. Long, straight hair. Could be flower child, too.

    2. Ghost. Sheet, scissors, done.

    3. Bum (not p.c., but I dressed as one as a child). torn pants and shirt, long stick with a bandana filled with ?? tied to the stick. "Dirty face".

    4. Another non p.c. choice: Gypsy. Yes, I was a child of the 70s. My mom dressed me as a gypsy in 3rd grade. :)Scarf around head. Chains of gold, flowy shirt. Heavy makeup.

    5. Alien. All is fair game. Look for remants of metallic fabric.

    6. My daughter is dressing as a vampire. Black turtleneck. Black cape, black pants and shoes. White face with fangs and slicked back hair. Done.

    7. With all the black from above, black cat (with store bought ears and drawn on whiskers) is about as easy as it gets.

    Have fun.


  6. I bet they'd make pretty cute gypsies! Not the promiscuous types, mind you, just lots of costume makeup and gobs of beaded necklaces thrown over whatever outfit from the dress-up box.

  7. Oh, Mer. I'm taking notes from your comments. I haven't the foggiest idea what my girls are going to be and am feeling the pressure because Emma has her first preschool fall party on Friday. (Actually they're going to a nursing home in costumes. Cute.) I suppose if all else fails, they'll wear their princess dresses that they wear every. single. day.

    And I'm not loving Halloween either. I feel like I succumb and play along. Bah humbug!

  8. There's this idea:

  9. I love Halloween! Although I have to admit that I'm uninspired this year too. (If my family would let me sleep I'm sure I'd be very creative) You've got some great suggestions on here though. Good luck.

  10. I'm so glad I read your blog today, Mer. I'm so stuck with Emma! Jessie's easy - she's wearing her ballet outfit from last spring's recital. I got something on sale at Target for Aubrie. But, Emma wants to be a vet when she grows up, and I think we have everything for that one. I'm really hoping she'll go for it!

  11. I once heard of someone taking smartie (the candy) wrappers and gluing them on jeans (maybe an old pair) and going dressed up as "smartie pants."

    One year my sister-in-law bought a bunch of fake autumn leaves from a craft store and got some sewing glue and glued them on her child's clothing. He was a tree.

    I can't wait to hear what you do!

    Also, thanks for your encouraging post on my blog about "letting go." It really helps to know you are not all alone and others are going through some of the same stuff.

  12. Oh, Michele's comment reminded me of another sister did this when we were young..she painted a big "P" on a sweatshirt and painted her eye black and she was a "blackeyed pea" :)!

  13. When my daughter was in 1st grade she loved cats. So she dressed up as a WHITE cat. I am anti-halloween so I refused to do the black cat thing. I found white sweat pants and sweat shirt, made a tail and glued some white felt ears on a head-band. I think I drew whiskers on her face too. She then could wear the sweats for pjs or play after that.

    My kids have never been trick-or-treating. I buy them candy the day after at 50% off. (Still do even though they are in college.) When they were growing up, we avoided the trick-or-treaters by going out to eat at a Chinese restaurant. (Chinese don't celebrate that holiday) They are now a freshman and a senior at the same college and told me today they have plans to go out to eat together at a Chinese restaurant on that day! It made me smile. :)

  14. Ooohhh, I would love to help you out with ideas for a Harvest costume, but I'm late for my WICA meeting and gotta run.

    Seriously, my kids are at the bunny/kitty/puppy stage of costuming so I'll be no help. You could use my mom's favorite costume, which was dress in a purple sheet and say you are Lydia. From the Bible. Not kidding. Now there's a woman who knows how to party.

  15. No help, but good luck. I'm sure all the ideas you get above will spark something.
    Grace is wearing her recital ballet costume from last May. We had to pay a pretty penny for it so it's gonna get some use! And thankfully that's what she wants to do anyway.
    God bless,
    Brenda :)

  16. I enjoyed reading the comments on this page. We do let the kids Trick or Treat because it's fun. We go as a family in our neighborhood, and we see lots of our neighbors and friends.

    Anyway, this year I told the kids that they had to come up with their own ideas because I didn't want to spend $60 on costumes when they had boxes full of dress up. I told them I would help them if my part is minimal. Meaning I am not going to buy lots of material and spend two days sewing!

  17. I saw your comment about making costumes for the kids and I have to confess--I bought the boys' costumes this year. I made Justin's and did alterations on mine-LOL!! Sure you will come up with something cute. The first post had some great ideas.

  18. I saw a cute washing machine costume. All it took was a box, a marker to draw the necssary dials etc - and a few clothes scatter about (not sure how the clothes were attached - staples???) but it WAS a super- cute costume!

  19. Tape a bunch of quarters to the back = quarterback :)

    I tried the Smartypants costume here - worked well, except the humidity was so high that my smarties fell right off my pants. Better than the pants falling off though, right?

  20. Wear sweats or pj bottoms in a solid color and tie or pin hair bows to the pants. When any one ask you can say your bow-legged
