Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm confused...

Is it fall? Or is it winter?

It feels (and looks) like winter but the calendar tells me it is fall. Ah...the joys of living in Colorado.

Mimi and Papa--you only missed the snow (and ice) by 2 days!!!


  1. Love it!! This post put a big smile on my face. :)

  2. Arg.

    Did you drive in this stuff this morning? It was really slippery!! I drove Noah to choir early (and was late) and barely got Kylie to the bus in time. Then Chris called to tell me it was slick outside--Hmmm, do tell.

    I Love your fall decorations!!

  3. Wow! That's amazing...snow in October!! I can't even imagine :)

  4. Is the ice gone yet? Be safe on your drive to pick up the kiddos.

    Cute fall decorations by the way. :o)

  5. OK, I'll stop complaimin about how cold I am here today. It's 56 and sunny, which I am sure you would L-O-V-E.

    So I am going to quit grumbling about how cold my toes and fingers are and just be thankful!

    Hang in there!

    I hear drinking coffee is a great consolation in cold climates!

  6. Nooooo way!!!! Its pretty from afar! :)

  7. Wow, snow already! I guess you became a coffee drinker just in time - you're gonna need it to warm yourself up. :)

  8. This is sooo why tulips never worked for me. We'd have a couple of beautiful 70 degree days, and then, "whammo" 2 feet of snow! Oh, it crushed their little heads. Crocus know better--they keep themselves low to the ground. :)

  9. Feeling the slightest pangs of envy creeping in....I love the snow so much!!!!!

  10. Ha! At least your scarecrow is still standing - I found one of ours blown about 25 feet plus into the front yard! Were you able to get the kids to school? I drove 3/4 of the way to H-Bear's school - only to turn around after sitting in a five mile long bumper to bumper line - for 30 plus minutes! Ugh! It is pretty though!
    Have a blessed one!

  11. That is crazy....but kinda cool. I think I would love where you live!

  12. I heard you had an early snow!! Get that coffee brewing! :)

  13. Yeah, what the heck with the snow today?? I wore my flip flops out, in protest. Apparently fall is over.

    At least I'm getting big and fat in time for winter!!

  14. I can't believe it is snowing there...WOW ;)!
