Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm feeling generous...

**UPDATED--Giveaway will remain open until 9AM (MST) Monday, November 3 at which time I'll pick a winner!**

I haven't done a giveaway in awhile, so what better time to hop on the Bloggy Giveaway bandwagon than now?

Here's what I'm offering: A Creative Memories Mini Everyday Display

To enter for a chance to win, simply leave me a comment. I will close comments on Friday, October 31 at noon (MST) and will select a winner on Monday, November 3. Giveaway is open to US residents only (sorry international friends). You don't have to have a blog to enter, but if you don't have one, you MUST leave a valid email address in your comment. One entry per person, please.

Prize includes:
• An 13x13-inch frame with beveled edges
• An 8x8 fabric-covered magnetic board inside the frame
• 4 black decorative magnets
• A thin black ribbon stretched across the lower portion of the magnetic board
• 2 black clothespins
• A black ribbon and a decorative peg for hanging the frame
• Sawtooth hanger option
• Easel for tabletop display

• Frame finished in weathered-look chocolate black
• Fits 8x8 paper or digital print

Thanks for stopping by! For more great giveaways, click here.


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Frugal Finds said...

I love this give away and your blog! I saved you in my favorites!!
Thanks for the chance!!

Julie Donahue said...

I have never seen these before! Adorable!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...


Here's to a great day!

And sign me up, while you're at it! :)

Carolina Mama said...

Mountain Man is from Boulder so I had to stop by :) and I would love to be entered for your cute Giveaway.

Come register for mine. I'm playing in the Bloggy Giveaway too. :)

I loved the outdoors while Colorado too. I don't miss the super long cold winters - except for the skiing! :)

Martha said...

I LOVE this frame!! My creative memories consultant just gave us each one as a gift when we went to her retreat the other week. I would love to use this as a gift!:) What a great giveaway!!!

Martha said...

OH...and my e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Fantastic giveaway!

jhicks603 AT aol DOT com

Becca said...

Cute! Thank you!

Ruth Ann said...

You've lured me out of lurking! I found you through Moriah at Please Pass the Salt!

Rae said...

I am sneaking in a couple minutes of computer time in DK's office and you are the first blog I wanted to check I see why!! What a fabulous giveaway. I'm so glad I didn't miss out.

To answer your question about my lovely daughter became upset with it (like we all do on occasion) and decided to slam it down on the table. This led to the hinges coming loose and the screen doesn't stay up but starts tilting back and back and back. Thankfully it's under warranty and we do not have to pay for the repair. Rand has been banned from using laptops!!!

Gretchen said...

Why not? I'd love one.

I need to see about hopping on the bandwagon, too. :)

orneryswife said...

This is cool! I have never seen these before--it's been years since I visited w/ a creative memories consultant. Would love to win--have a son in the Air Force who would love it for pix of his girl!

The Westbys said...

What a cool giveaway. Please, enter me! I found your blog via another and I have enjoyed reading along. Most gave me some great inspiration for starting my laundry in the morning! Thanks!

Tiffani said...

good afternoon, my sweet friend...

I would love that sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog--I actually attended OBU from 1987-1990 then transferred to the University of Alabama. Don't know if our dates may have crossed or not though.
I love these frames from CM, please put my name in!

Short Stop said...

I just LOVE this. It's just precious!

BTW, I noticed that you love the Jesus Storybook Bible. I'm giving away 10 copies - not part of the Bloggy Giveaways, but the publisher gave me 10 to give away. Also, I just interviwed Sally Lloyd-Jones and will be posting my interview with her tomorrow! I thought you might enjoy reading it!

I enjoyed my visit here today!

Jessica said...

I really like it. It would be very cute in my girls room

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks!!

Trish said...

That is so cute! It would be perfect for showing off pictures of my daughter!

Anonymous said...

oh I love scrapbook stuff and this would be cute!


Check out my giveaway too

Gina said...

Ooh, ooh, I want! I want!

Anonymous said...

pretty. thank you

lisa@littlesliceoflife said...

Ooh, how cute! I haven't seen any Creative Memories stuff in years! (Don't ask how far behind I am in scrapbooking.)

Trish said...

So cute.......
I've never seen one of those!

Count me in.

Did you finish Twlight yet?

rebecca said...

Wow, it's been a good long while since I've seen Creative Memories stuff... And I've never seen this before. It's too cute!


gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful!
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i would love to win this and scrap my new baby boy!

Croasla0 said...

This is super cute. Would be great in my dorm room with pics of all my college friends :)


Katie said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
katiellloyd at yahoo(dot)com

Wendy said...

great giveaway! thanks:)

CrystalGB said...

Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Janelle said...

That is awesome!!! I love the tiny little clothes pins! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

This so cute! Thanks for offering such a adorable display.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

This is a fabulous giveaway! Love CM.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Becky said...

I could never have too many cute picture frames!

Anonymous said...

Cute frames!

Michele said...

I love that you are feeling generous!!! Thanks for doing the giveaway.

altermyworld said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fun, i love these types of giveaways.

michelle said...

I haven't seen these before, but they look awesome. I know just the place I would hang it. I love CM products, but haven't scrapbooked in sooooooo long. I need to get back at it.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

AudreyO said...

I know you're getting a zillion comments but I have to share a story. My sister lives in Denver part time and Colorado Springs part time. She was out visiting a few weeks ago and brought cake. Burnt on the bottom. I teased her. She said I should try cooking just once at her elevation and then talk to her about burnt bottoms LOL.

Thanks for entering me.

Bettina said...

I haven't ever seen one of these. Cool!

Rach said...

Very sweet!

Anonymous said...

I love this! Thanks for the contest.

chappyandalexa [at] earthlink [dot] net

Judy said...

What an adorable giveaway! I haven't scrapped in so long...I really need to get back into it!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Stacy said...

That is so cute. And it would be a great gift.


punkinmama said...

I would love to win this! It would help get my creative juices flowing again!

Wade's World said...

Thanks! Sounds wonderful!

Jennifer said...

You're right, I love this! It's beautiful!!!!

Thanks for sharing!

Michelle said...

what a great prize - thanks!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Hi friend! Cute giveaway. Hmm... maybe I'll give away something too!

Kecia said...

I bet even I could do this one. With help. Maybe. ;)

frugallm said...

This is a great giveaway! I love Creative Memories!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Chantelle said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in to win this great prize.

Jackie said...

So cute! I could definitely find a place for this. :)

Are you a Creative Memories Consultant or do you just use their materials?

Casey said...

That is adorable. I have never heard of that...what a great gift idea!

Anonymous said...

this is such a cool giveaway.


Sandra said...

I didn't realize the CM had picture frames...I would love to win this.I have been using their scrapbooking supplies and they are great quality.
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cool giveaway!

Erin said...

I would love to win this, such a cool idea. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I would love a chance to win this. Thanks!
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

i love this giveaway, count me in!

Audra said...

How lovely- the only hard part would be deciding what pictures to put in it!

Thanks so much for the AWE-some Give-oh-Way!

{amy k.} said...

So cute! Love it, and would LOVE to win it!


Kristin W. said...

very cute. thanks for doing the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

very cute
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

The Caple Crew said...

that frame is way cute! You are so talented!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!


Lori said...

OMG! Is that ever cute!!! I love it!

Emily said...

Very cute!

Thanks for offering it!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

Davina Perret said...

I love the frame and CM. I'm from Littleton, CO but just moved to Eugene, OR and agree that the mountains are the best. I'll take them over the city or coast any day.
Please check out my giveaway at

Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

Count me in!

37 Questions said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway!

jjdragonfly [at] gmail {dot} com

Ginny said...

I love this giveaway, awesome prize!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful giveaway. Would love to win.

Becky Avella said...

Great giveaway. I love CM. Thanks for the chance to win.

WendyDarling said...

I love Creative Memories!! Thank you for participating. :-)

Lisa said...

Oh please pick me. I have wanted one of these for awhile and haven't bought one for myself.

Unknown said...

Very nice giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

peony paperie said...

I was given one of these as a gift and love it! It would be great to have a matching one. I could do each of my kids in one frame.

Since you mentioned altitude in your blog title, have you checked out the cookbook "Pie in the Sky"? It's for baking at high altitudes and is great. We live in Parker, CO and I bake in the 5000 feet category, but there is a 3500, 7000, 10,000, and sea level directions for each recipe.

michelleharrod at hotmail dot com

Momnerd said...

I have wanted one of these for a while now! Thanks so much for the chance!! sharlacarbine at gmail dot com

Leah Belle said...

wow look at all the comments.
hope mine's the lucky one though!

World's Greatest Mommy said...

I've never seen this before. It is super cute! What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

How precious is this? Thanks for the chance!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Becky said...

Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

So cute!


Molly C. said...

Awww! I love it!

jenny said...

wow how nice i love to try and win this thanks

Amber said...

Gee whiz...people turn out for free stuff, don't they!!?? Saying that...I LOVE FREE STUFF! Pick me!!

Unknown said...

thanks for hosting this!

Anonymous said...

What a very unique gift to offer. I would love to have one for my son who is eleven. I have pictures of him all over of course but nothing special like this.
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

This is too adorable... I take pictures of the wee ones all the time but this is by far the cutest wall hanging set up... Thanks for the giveaway wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I was struck by the name of your blog... I too live in Colorado at over 7000 feet!

the schros said...

cute blog- great giveaway

Michele P. said...

wow, this is so nice! I would love to win this, it would make a great addition to my living room brag wall-pics of the kiddos of course!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

How cool...I've never seen those before! Thanks for the giveaway.

Crayl said...

Super cute, thanks for a chance.

Tammy said...

What a wonderful giveaway - I would love to use this to display a digiscrap page!

Jenna said...

i'm new to scrapbooking so this would be excellent for me to show off the little ones!

jenna at loveofbabyonline dot com

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I could use this!

Thanks so much!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Very nice!

lilacbutterfly [at]

Anonymous said...

I love this idea, great giveaway!

D Q said...

Great giveaway. Thank you.

Ren said...

Such an awesome giveaway! It's gorgeous.

Suzie Williams said...

Neato! I'd love to win this.

Michelle@Life with Three said...

How cute is that? I didn't even know Creative Memories had a product like that! (It's been a while since I've sat down to scrapbook.) Thanks for the chance to win!

Heidi said...

I don't get much time to scrapbook these days, but I could manage to put together that cute display during the kids' naptime! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm hthaden at gmail dot com.

Jen said...

I've been looking at these offered by CM. I'd love to be able to "showcase" our children in this. Thank you for offering this!

Deidre said...

Great giveaway! Count me in :)

Gina said...

OOOH! I love Creative Memories!! I use all their scrapbook stuff! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Tara said...

Unique prize! Thanks for the chance.

mommy koala at live dot com

Gina @ MoneywiseMoms said...

That is generous! Thanks!

Jody said...

A great giveaway! I have a couple but I want more!


Mia said...

i hope i win! i also love your blog!

Unknown said...

You're so right...I love this giveaway...thanks for bringing it to my attention.

This not having internet at home is killin' me!

Nissa said...

Oh I would love to win this for my mom.. or MIL, or maybe just keep it for myself! :) Thanks!

lusciousnis at yahoo dot com

Carol said...

Cute! Thanks for a chance!


HeatherLow said...

I love it...this is the first time I've seen that display.

Christy M. said...

I'm a CM junkie. I would love to win this frame to give as a gift (with my scrapbooked kids' photos in it of course) to my mom!!

Thanks so much for the great giveway!

Sunny said...

That's adorable! I love CM!

sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

Amanda said...

What a lovely giveaway! I just started getting into creative memories and I saw the everyday displays and thought, "I'd love to have one of these, but I don't think I'll ever actually buy one"! Thanks you!

Jingle said...

These are wonderful! I am an avid scrapbooker and another consultant! (I work with Close To My Heart!) I love these frames and I would be so thrilled to win one!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute and would be great with family pictures. Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)

Amy said...

I'd love the chance to win. Thanks!

Julie said...

OOh that looks really cute and fun!

ahiltz said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I hope you pick me! Thanks so much for doing this for us!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I would love one of these to put in my new house ;)!

fancyfeet48 said...

love this! It's beautiful

Sarah said...

Great giveaway! It would be just perfect for my mother-in-law!

31graphics at gmail dot com

Denise said...

I saw you're reading Twilight. Me too!! Can't put it down (at times). I just redid my living room, and this would look great in it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Tres cute!

crystal said...

I love anything CM. This is awesome! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Great prizes thank you for the giveaway! This would be perfect for christmas!

lc_intocable [at]yahoo[dot]com

Smellyann said...

I'd love to win, thanks!

Liz said...

I love Creative Memories! I would love one of these display boards! Please count me in! Thanks!

Reva Skie said...

I love that display, too cute.

kristine said...

this is super cute!!!!

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

That's really cute and would look great on the wall.

Katie said...

How cute. Thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

That is just sooo cute! I love everything Creative Memories and that would look really cute right over my desk!

I just read through some of your old blog posts and I like what I see. I'm going to add you to my google reader using your instructions. I'm happy to have found your blog. (And the spider shirt...over the top with cuteness.)


Jodi said...

I love Creative Memories, their products are such high quality. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.


Pam's Pride said...

Beautiful!! I would love to win! I have so many photos of all the kiddos it is just crazy!

Anonymous said...

oh I LOVE this - I sure would enjoy seeing it up on my wall

Mandie P said...

Great giveaway!! please count me in!!


Unknown said...

This is so neat! Thanks for the chance to win

Jeni said...

Thanks for the giveaway It would look nice on my wall

Daintry said...

Love it! I hadn't seen that before!

Angie said... cute..sign me up! Thank you for the chance to win!

rlgrady said...

Very nice giveaway! Thank you.

rlgrady [at] yahoo [dot] com

kamewh said...

Very cute!

Thank you for the giveaway!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

very nice gift. would love to win this.

Heather said...

This is cute~~! Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

What a cute item! I love it! Pricousins at aol dot com

Nelly said...

Oooh, this is so neat! Thanks for offering it as a giveaway. Can't wait to use it, heeeeheeee.


Emily Jennings said...

I have REALLY been wanting one of these since they came out!

Becky N. said...

How lovely, I would definitely enjoy having one of these on display in my house. Thanks for offering it!

Cindy said...

That is adorable! Perfect for my indecisiveness... I can change it whenever!

Cindy said...

That is adorable! Perfect for my indecisiveness... I can change it whenever!

Kathy - mom of many said...

Very nice! Hope I win!

Charlotte said...

I've never seen anything like this before. I'd love to have it in my office at work.


redpolkadotsgirl said...

wow! I sold Creative Memories such a long time ago. They have really come out with some really cute things!

Kathy in WA said...


Kristen said...

This is so cute. Please enter me. Thanks.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

WOW this is great! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Carolyn Sharkas said...

this is so cool. thanks for sharing

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

This is so neat! Thanks for a great giveaway! :)

stormraven at gmail dot com

Geri said...

great giveaway!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is unique!

I'd really like to do a couple photos from a vacation and a ticket or souvenir in there since it's like a little shadowbox display!

Great gift. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I love this!

Thanks for the giveaway!

daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

This is so neat! A friend made one of these for me after my son was born eight months ago. And I love it!!! :-) Thank you for offering this gift...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!
mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net

Nicole said...

What a great prize. Thanks!

Brandy said...

Wow, thanks for such a great giveaway. This would be so cute in my daughters room.

Unknown said...

this would be great for some of the fall pictures I just took of my kids!!

parresia03 (at) gmail (dot) com

Becky said...

I love this! I would use this for the wonderful pic I just took this weekend of my grandchildren.

Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Creative memories has such great stuff. I had not seen this one before....and I reeeeeeally want it, lol.

The Power of Housewife Word of Mouth

Kiy said...

This is something from CM I haven't seen yet. Wow, it's amazing and I know *just* the photo that I would put in there!

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this. I would love to win. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I have never seen anything like this before... it is so nice!


Amanda said...

I didn't know they sold these - so cute!!

Carrie Barron said...

Oh, that's cool! I suppose I might need to head over to Creative Memories to see what else they have to offer. Thanks!


Di said...

I love CM and this picture frame!

Candie L said...

I look up at my walls an i realize that I have not done anything with a cute frame in it since my oldest son was a baby. He is now 8

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a lot of comments!

Janelle said...

Cute idea! I'd love to win it.

Josie said...

Oooh, this is great! I hope I win!

Anita said...

I would love that! pick me! lol

The Fritz Facts said...

I love these. I got one for my mom last year, and am jealous every time I walk into her house.

fritzfacts at gmail dot com

Liz said...

What a neat idea. Count me in.

Jill said...

I would love to create one of these for my daughter's room. Awesome giveaway!!

Peggy said...

Fabulous giveaway,please count me in

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you came along!

I can imagine this frame in my dining room where it would be a masterpiece of my heart!

Jessi said...

What a cute idea! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.

windycindy said...

What a joy I would have making this Mini Everyday Display of my two sons!
Please enter me in your delightful giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Unknown said...

I love Creative Memories. This so cool. I would love to win this.
Please enter me in your contest.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this! Great giveaway!


~Cheryl said...

Awesome give away!! THANK YOU!!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway.
While I was visiting your blog I saw a couple of other blogs that caught my eye.
I just had to visit `Flibbertigibberish` (the name caught my eye). I enjoyed her `Tinkerbell Potty Post` and `Compa Ministries`. I also help our church with feeding the homeless & needy.
I also, just had to visit `Sweet Tea Please` (I LOVE sweet tea). While on her blog I scrolled down to look around, then I saw tie-dyed shirts. I still wear tie-dyed shirts, so does most my family. So that post interested me. I wanted to find out more about Mer's posts on tie-dyes and came full-swing back around to your blog. :) How lovely.

moma 3 homeschool (at)

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