This is a totally fun, off the wall question...
Which side of the bed do you sleep on? Left or right?
I've slept on the left side of our bed for years, and will probably never move to the "other side".
What about you?
*Pretend you're standing at the foot of the bed looking at it when you answer this question.*
Right side.
I have no idea why - but I'm pretty sure 30 years from now - I'll still be there! ha!
I have always slept on the right. Doesn't matter what house we've ever had, where the door is or anything. Always the right.
Right side... I think I've always slept on the right side...
I'm now on the left, after years on the right. Why? Simple. We are cheap, and my hubby is over 250 pounds, so we're getting more wear out of our bed, flipped and positions changed. It really is a sacrifice though, because it just doesn't feel right. ;)
Always the left side! It doesn't matter to me b/c I can sleep anywhere but apparently my husband sleeps best on the right side. The sacrifices we make for marital bliss! ;)
Whichever side is NOT by the wall. So right now, I'm on the right. When we were up north last year, our bed wasn't next to any walls and so I was on the left. (It WAS, however, closer to the right wall.)
It makes me claustrophobic to be next to the wall for some reason.
I don't care, but J needs to be on the left, so i gravitate toward the right.
i can sleep across the bed, standing up, rolled in a ball... makes no dif to me.
The whole thing! It's a single. So, yeah.
The right side--always.
I guess it's always been the right...(I typed some big long explanation here and then realized the QOD was not "EXPLAIN which side of the bed you sleep on")!! So, just the "right" is my answer :)!
I sleep on whichever side is closest to the bathroom, which right now is the right side.
I sleep on the side closet to the wall/bathroom. I don't like sleeping near the window and the window on both of our homes was on the other side. I have a huge fear of people looking into windows? Don't know why? Strange but true.
Fun! I asked this one at my blog last year, along with the question "do you sleep with your bedroom door open, closed or locked" I got some great answers!
I sleep on the left hand side, but that's if you're lying down. If you're standing at the foot of the bed, looking at it, I sleep on the right. I don't know if I could switch sides now either :) The only time I do is if we're at another place or hotel and that is the only side with a table (lamp, place for my alarm clock, etc). I'm funny about that :)
Have a wonderful day!
Right side. I am not sure why but I have for over 30 years. :)
Have a great weekend!
Fun question! I sleep on the right side, but like others have said it is more for J. than it is for me. I really do not have a preference.
Have a great weekend with your family! Sending hugs from Texas.:o)
left. But I'm really not picky. I actually like the middle the best but I don't like people on both sides. Ok now that sounds really kinky but I'm talking about my kids and/or dog.
Right Side! I like to be the farthest from the door but nearest to the lamp ;)!
Right side. Close to the bathroom, lamp, and I just always have!
Right side...even when we move the bed to another wall.
Right side.
The right side -which is rather curious b/c until I got married I always slept on the left!
Have a blessed one!
I sleep on the right side of the bed. When DK and I were first married we tried it the other way around but after a few days we had to admit it just wasn't right. We've been on our respective sides for 13 years now!
Standing at the foot of the bed makes it the right. We switch every few years. Especially if I am pregnant and need to get to the bathroom at night. And since my sister, Trish has started to read your blog- no, I'm not. I'm just sayin "When I was...."
Left side. It's always been that way, and I don't think I could sleep on the right side. :)
Left side for me. But not always. It just depends on where the bed is situated in relation to the door. I like sleeping furtherest away from the door. I know, sounds weird.
I Sleep on the left. But as I think about, it is always the side nearest the door. So on two occasions we flipped because of the lay out of our Master bed room.
Good question! It was fun to read the comments!
Right side here too. Seems that is the majority so far, I wonder why that is?
Last two houses-left. Previous house and apartments-right. I think I switched to the left because two houses ago we only had room for one table/lamp bedside the bed and since I read at night and Wes doesn't, I claimed it.
Right now it is the right side. However, I am the opposite of Kellie. I always have to sleep on the side farthest away from the door. Whenever we change our room around or sleep in a hotel or something, I always pick the side away from the door.
Right... but, this has changed over the years. When my kids were small, I always slept on the side that was closest to the bedroom door so I could get to my kids at a moment's notice!
The right side. Why? Because my mom did. Gary sleeps on the left. Why? Because his dad did! Good thing, huh?
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