Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...

I'm thankful for...

my hard-working husband.

my children, and the fact that they have this week off from school.

our family in Arkansas, and the opportunity to spend some time with them this week.

some decent news about my dad's health.

our many friends--near and far, old and new.

Jack-the-Beagle, and a great neighbor who offered to watch him while we're in Arkansas.

for our home.

for our neighbors.

for the church we're growing to love.

for our health.

for blog friends!

for freedom.

for the mountains.

and for Jesus.

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!  


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Meredith! Great list - think I'll go do one of those myself.

  2. What a wonderful list! Have a fabulous Thanksgiving!!!

  3. Love the list - I planned to that today too. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday my friend.

  4. may the Lord bless you and keep you and shine His face upon you. Happy, Happy thanksgiving, my friend!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm so glad to hear the news about your dad. It's a tough road, but it's beatable.

    Safe travels to Arkansas...the weather is pretty nice right now...supposed to cool down over the weekend. Have a great trip! If you make it to Jonesboro...twitter me and maybe we can have a cocoa.

  6. happy thanksgiving!

    y'all be careful on the road...

  7. Eager to hear more of the church you're growing to love. I'm in the same boat having recently become part of a diffenent church.

    Don't imagine you'll be in Arkadelphia but would love seeing you if you venture this way.

  8. happy thanksgiving to a friend I've never mirl, but whom I love as tho we've been friends for years. U are a major blessing in this kid's life. Enjoy your family time. Traveling mercies. Xxxooo me

  9. Nice list. We all have so much to be thankful for.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. That IS a great list!

    Happy Thanksgiving! (Even though I'm late. But I'm just now getting around to reading blogs!) :)
