I double booked myself for a coffee date this morning. I realized it in time to cancel the second one, but when my original date called to cancel, I found myself with a day at home. I'm such a homebody. There is nothing I love more than spending an entire day at home.
I noticed the camera on the counter beside the coffee pot this morning so I grabbed it with an idea in mind and started snapping pics. Here's my feeble attempt at a (very random) photo-documentary of my day.

Starting the day with coffee. I'm addicted to this gingerbread creamer, but I'm not quite as addicted as Michele is.

Starting my requisite two loads of laundry.

Checking email.

More coffee. See that lovely Arkansas mug? For my birthday, my dad replaced the one I broke. That mug makes me happy.

Ugh. I am not a fan of talking on the phone. I had to make a couple of calls this morning. I like to get my least favorite chores out of the way first thing.

Listening to music helps me get going in the mornings. John brought this cd home yesterday. I've always liked Brian Doerksen...this newest cd is great.

One load of laundry washed, dried, folded...waiting to be put away.

I rescued this Polly Pocket from the jaws of Jack the Beagle. Obviously, I didn't save her before he chewed off her hands and feet, so I "hid" her in the trash can. I doubt my girls will miss her since we only have 50 versions of Polly living in our house.

These two books are next on my list...after I finish the Twilight series, of course. Two down, two more to go.

Uh-huh. Our dog is so sneaky. In the blink of an eye, he found the Little People dad and chewed his hands off too. I wasn't feeling the doggy love today. And yes, he has chew toys, but he seems to have a taste for things that belong to other people.

Checking email...again. I conveniently left out photos of the time I spent on Facebook Crackbook today. (Hat tip to Fran for that very appropriate terminology.)

One very clean bathroom.

My to-do list is something I can't live without. Since I'm being transparent here, you should know that mopping didn't get done today. Neither did the cd burning (sorry, Tiff). Oh, and I'm going to Co Springs tomorrow for a brunch, so I had to make a list of errands to run while I'm there. You know me and my errand-combining-gas-saving trips.

Lunch break. This looks like a lot of food, but it's actually only 5 fajita nacho chips left over from our dinner at 3Margaritas last night (with a side of fresh guac). That cheese looks unnaturally orange, doesn't it?

It was gorgeous here today...sunny and unseasonably warm. I went for a hike with a friend, and it was the highlight of my day! I'm so sad I didn't take my camera with me because the sky was a beautiful, cloudless blue, and looked amazing against the mountains.

Waiting in the pick-up line at school...talking to my sister. I'm pretty sure the lady in front of me was watching me take a picture of myself and talk on my cell. Whatever.

Checked the mail on the way home and found our first Christmas card of the season waiting in the mailbox. The Turners are making me look like a slacker certainly on the ball this year. I don't know that I've ever received a card before Thanksgiving.

John had a dinner meeting tonight, so it was chocolate chip pancakes for the kids (leftovers for me). They love it when I make pancakes in the shape of letters. A & W are no problem, but my S's always break. Poor Sarah.

We worked on our Thankful Chain after dinner.

Abbey is our lefty. Check out that beautiful ring she got today from the treasure box in her classroom.

John missed out on a fun 2 hours of homework. Can I just say that's my least favorite thing about being a mom? I know it's part of my job as a parent, but I doubt I will ever be a fan.

Also got a movie it the mail today...The Family Stone...another one of my favorites (you probably know by now that I have many favorites). I'm off to watch it now! Good night.

Hi I'm Amber and I'm visiting by way of my aunt Brenda "it's all good" blog.
Like your blog, and I can relate to the dog eating all the kids toys. My dog is forever sneaking one of the kids toys and we are missing hands and feet of most of the figurines.
Well, I will pop in once in awhile and say "hi"
You are welcome to visit me
faithlovekidsandme / Amber
What a great day... I may have to follow suit and document my day... that would be very funny. I especially loved your photo of yourself on the cell phone in the car in the pick-up line. Classic!
Loved your blog today Meredith! I love sneaking a peek at how other mom's spend their time! I'm like you...not a big phone fan...I usually try to get phone calls made while in the carpool line too...makes better use of my time I figure! (By the way...I have the same coffee maker...and we are TOTALLY addicted to Gevalia...coffee snobs I guess! Also have the same washer!) :)
Oops Meredith...I am logged on as Corey...really it's me, Christi, that wrote that previous comment...hate when I do that!
Christi :)
Interesting entry :) More please!
fun day-in-the-life post! thanks for sharing!
I loved walking through your day with you! Our days are very similar! I'd love to meet you for a warm cup of cocoa!!!
What a great idea - I love it.
My E is only in the first grade and already has homework every night that takes only 30 minutes and I have a problem with that. I know it will get a lot worse and I have to tell you, I have a problem with that :)
Loved this post!
OH my goodness...this is the BEST post EVER!!! I LOVED IT!!! I am going to have to remember to snap some pics like that!!
Okay I need to comment on specifics here ;):
gotta love the creamer...
AND that jam up washing machine...
so nice of you to save amputee Polly only to discard her in the trash (although I totally support your decision since our "Polly Parts" get vacuumed up without a second glance)....
Don't worry about the CD's not being crossed off...I never made it to the post office yesterday and it's now on my list for TODAY...
What a fun pancake mama you are!! Gotta try that...
Michele and I made a thankful chain with our Wed. night group of kids at church last night--thanks for the idea...it was looonng!
Family Stone??? One of my FAVES ever...
You're gonna LOVE Eclipse!!
One must multitask even if that requires picture taking in car line...
I check my email and Crackbook MULTIPLE times a day...(um, a thousand??) Oh, and my friend says she checks Crackbook on her Crackberry :)!
Will looks like he grows everytime you post a pic of him....my goodness!
Okay, novella finished...this was a super fun and funny post!
Fun post, Mer!
Love the Family Stone, too!
And so jealous of your oh-so sparkly bathroom!
HA! You have me laughing this morning (which, after discovering ants all over my coffee maker this morning...laughing is something I really needed). I haven't found the gingerbread one yet - I might have to ask for a special order. And the arm/leg-less polly and little people. Oh my. So stinking funny!
I've started one of those - document "everything I did today" several times and then got so tired from documenting everything I was doing that I quit around noon.
I loved reading about your day...and seeing the pictures as well!
I think we should get our dogs together...Annie lurves underwear and socks, as you know, but she's also got a hankerin' for StarWars action figures and Webkinz. And, yes, she appears to have those specific tastes...Used to be Pollies and Barbies. In an effort to be supportive, my husband affixed a ball point pen to above-the-knee-amputee Barbie. Alas, my daughter didn't find it as amusing as he and i did.
Cute picture of you in the car.
The guac has my mouth watering.
Not a fan of the homework witching hour, either...However, a glass of wine helps. For me, not the kids. Geez.
My bathroom is ready for the Mer touch.
Blessings on your week.
Fun post. So that's what life looks like without children under foot. You actually get to sit down and eat lunch. Wow! = )
I loved this post! It was fun to go through your day with you! I might have to steal that idea! ;)
Your dog's penchant for plastic body parts is pretty humorous (and I was relieved to learn that I'm not the only one who hides toys in the trash!). I've yet to try the ol' Crackbook. I haven't done it because that's exactly what I'm afraid of...another addiction.
Btw -- is that 5:47 a.m. on your coffeemaker?!? You go girl!
This has got the be the best post ever! What a clever idea! Thanks for walking us through your day! One day I may steal this idea and blog about my day like this. SO MUCH FUN!
Fun! I felt like I was there! Laughed out loud at Polly Pocket. Do you know how many toys I've "hidden" in the trash because of Tess? She also loves shoe laces and bra straps.
It looks like a good day! Chocolate chip pancakes - I think I might have to let the blessings indulge sometime soon and 3 Margaritas! YUM!!!!
Have a blessed one Meredith!
These are my most favorite kind of post! I love the details, love the photos, love to see what people are doing, eating, going, saying, watching. Best posts, by far :)
Love the pancakes! And I bought another thing of Gingerbread creamer yesterday, I share your addiction :)
I just read your blog and I am exhausted...lol ;). I am glad that you got to sneak in a hike!
Family Stone...LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the photo pictorial of your day! I think it's so much fun to see how other people spend their day. I'm impressed that you tackle your least favorite chore first--I need to learn from that. I'm also inspired by your neat piles of folded laundry--I've got a pile waiting on the couch (I won't tell you how long its been there!)
Gonna comment in short sentances so I remember all I have to say:
-Love that you got a new ARkansas mug! What a treat.
-You have the most beautiful handwriting I have ever seen. So neat and tidy.
-Christmas Cards before Christmas? That's unnatural.
-You enchilada plate doesn't look like a lot of food, but it does look delicious (the Mexican food here is not-so-much. I miss it!)
-Your dog chewed toys made laugh out loud.
-I've never seen The Family Stone...I think I will go add that to my queue right now!
Two things:
First, you and I have the same washing machine. Mine, however, does not see two loads a day.
Second, you fold very nicely.
Love the post! And our dogs have chewed the feet off poor Barbie. And pulled out all her hair. It was really quiet sad...left her looking all trailor-park trashy! I missed my 2 loads today thanks to the whine 3 year old hanging off of me telling me her ear hurt. Poor thing.
My favorite picture and desciption has to be the one of you in carpool lane. funny!
This was fun! I was thinking about doing the same type thing sometime! I have to give it to you for taking a picture of yourself in the carpool line with all the other moms around. hahahahaha!!!
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog (I think it was last week...) Love your photo documentary. I too am a huge fan of coffee. My creamer choice is just the plain vanilla. I LOVE your pancake letters. I might have to try that tonight. Are you a lefty? I'm a lefty and we actually got 3! Oh AND, I LOVE your name! Your parents did a great job!
Fun post! I have the same washing machine.
Mer, Loved the pictures! Seeing your Ibook is making me miss my Powerbook... I pray someday I can have another one. I sure loved that machine...
We have the book, "Crazy Love". It's Hannah's. I might just start that one after I finish "Soul Talk" by Larry Crabb. I'll have to check out the "Bold Love" one.
Looks like you had a very productive day...
Hope you enjoyed the movie. I love that one too!
Fun post. My husband and I just watched The Family Stone last week...great movie.
Hi Mer,
That was fun to 'see' your day. I'll have to try that sometime, mind if I copy your idea?
God bless,
Brenda :)
What a great post (it was not ridiculous at all)!!
So happy you had such a great hike with your friend. M. is my only lefty and he also loves Treasure box at school. Tell Abbey great Hannah ring. My least favorite part of the day is homework and I only have one who has homework. Can't imagine 3!
My heart smiled when I saw that your dad replaced your mug. I am so happy for you because I know it was special to you.
I try to get my cards out the Monday after Thanksgiving (not happening this year). But wow I have never received one before. I haven't seen The Family Stone either - will have to check it out.
Loved seeing a day in the life of Meredith. :o)
I love these kinds of posts. :)
I am so not a phone person...I will put off making calls so long that I start to feel embarrassed. I much prefer email or face to face.
Cute pancakes! I would have to make an "S" and I'm pretty sure mine would break too.
I keep saying that we were twins separated at birth....Ok, maybe just in my head- but I DO think we were.
Same cofee pot. Same kind of creamer. Same amount of coffee.
Your turlet is WAY cleaner than mine- but I suspect your youngest boy can actually aim...
We don't have any homework until the Monday after Thanksgiving.
I would have kicked the dog out.
I thought that the family stone was just plain wierd. SJP in one of her finest neurotic roles.
I love this! It's nice to see I'm not the only one with similar days! You blog is great and you make me laugh!
What a fun post. I laughed when you said you were going to watch Family Stone. It's one of my favorites, too (I own it), and I was just thinking I needed to watch it soon!
p.s. We should learn more this afternoon . . .
HA - I see you "fixed" your screen shots, lol.
That was fabulous!!!! And, I think there were many of us that have those exact same days. ;)
Have a good weekend!
Thats one of my favorite posts you've done!
I liked the pictorial view of your day. Cute idea.
Your dog cracks me up.
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