Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Gotcha Day...

We have some friends in Arkansas that adopted twins from Guatemala a couple of years ago, and the day that they brought those precious children home is known at their house as "Gotcha Day".  

We had a little Gotcha Day celebration of our own on Sunday to mark the day that we added Jack-the-Beagle to our family!  
He has been a really good fit for us!  My kids love him to pieces, and he is ever so patient with their smothering affection.

To celebrate, we made him some Peanut-Butter-Dog-Biscuits in the shape of bones...

and since it snowed here all day, the kids went out and played in it with him!  He loves the snow...
I love to watch him run and jump around in it.

And it totally cracks me up when he buries his face in the snow!

Doing what Jack does best!

One well-loved dog!

Happy Gotcha Day, Jack!


  1. So darn cute. Happy Gotcha Day Jack the Beagle!

    from the Heims and Daisy the Beagle

  2. What a great dog!!

    Hope all is going well with your dad.

  3. Darling...

    Annie and Murphy give their love.

  4. He is such a cutie!!!!! Hope everything is going well with your dad. Been praying for you all.

    Have a Blessed day,

  5. What a fun dog. We are still snowless, there was a light dusting Friday night but it's all gone now. Your snow looks like so much fun, the kids are anxious for it to snow so they can play in it!

  6. OH how we want a dog....he looks very happy and well-loved!!!

    The pics of him in the snow were cracking me up!!!

  7. OH how we want a dog....he looks very happy and well-loved!!!

    The pics of him in the snow were cracking me up!!!

  8. OH how we want a dog....he looks very happy and well-loved!!!

    The pics of him in the snow were cracking me up!!!

  9. OH how we want a dog....he looks very happy and well-loved!!!

    The pics of him in the snow were cracking me up!!!

  10. What a great name!

    Those peanut butter cookies are a GREAT idea ;)!

  11. (I think Tiffani really wants a dog!)

    I think it's so funny you celebrated "Gotcha Day" with Jack. So "you!" I've wanted a dog lately, but Gary is like WAY against it, so I'll have to live vicariously through you and Jack. ;)

  12. I love the phrase "Gotcha Day"!! We celebrate Rand's adoption date but have not really known what to call it all these years. So perfect!! Happy "Gotcha Day", Jack! You definitely got a great family!

    Thinking and praying for you....

  13. I love this idea! You have such a fun family. If we ever get a pet I am definitely going to do this - SO FUN!!!

  14. happy gotcha day

    when we are next door neighbors i think sydney bristow the beagle and jack the beagle will be bff (beagle friends forever)

  15. Too cute!! We have a beagle/basset named Harley that is a great dog.

    Hope things go well with your father.

    Lisa Q

  16. Happy belated Gotcha Day - what a fun party. Great pics!

    M. wants a beagle so bad! Jeremy gave us the go ahead to get a dog after the holidays. I think we will wait until April after my youngest brother's wedding.

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