Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well, we made it to Arkansas, and are having a great time being with family! John's parents took us to eat fried catfish for dinner tonight...I was in heaven!

I was going to post a few pictures, but I can't get our laptop to connect to their wireless network (frustrating) so I'll have to do that another time.

Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.

I think I'm going to take a blog break for the next several days and enjoy the downtime.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

PS--If you have children...you simply must find and download the song by Sara Groves titled, Toy Packaging. I promise you'll be able to relate!


  1. Glad you made it here safe. Hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS with your family. I'm off to check out Sara Groves.

  2. Glad you are there - enjoy your time with your family. Googling the song now!

  3. Merry Christmas to you all!

    Enjoy your time with family!

  4. You with the catfish again! Now I'm hungry. {whine.whine.whine.}

    I heard that song for the first time yesterday. HILARIOUS!!

    Enjoy your visit.

  5. Mer, if you love catfish, you would fit in great here in GA!!! Merry Christmas. Enjoy your family. Soak every last one of them up!

  6. Glad you made it....I was worried with the weather the way it was yesterday...but that's nothing for you guys! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  7. ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!!! Can't WAIT to hear about your holidays, Mer!!

    LOTS of love and hugs from Georgia!!!

  8. Merry Christmas, Mer!!! My, what a Christmassy blog design you have! ;)

  9. Glad you all made it safely, Mer.
    Merry Christmas to ya.

  10. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas to all of you and your extended fam.

