Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Carnival: What I Learned This Week

I've seen this on a few blogs I love and since I can't seem to think of anything else interesting to post today, I thought I'd play along too. Most of the posts I've read have been thoughtful ones about what God has been showing people, or what they're learning about themselves--you know, deep stuff.

I'm not feeling all that deep today, so here's a sampling of not-so-serious things I've learned this week:

1. I learned that if you're going to send out a district wide email about the Gifted and Talented program in your school district, it would be a good idea to spell "gifted" correctly. Or at least hit spell check. I wish I could tell you that my district was inspiring confidence in me these days, but that wouldn't be true.

2. I learned that there are some honest repairmen in this world. John called a guy to come take a look at our barely-functioning garage door and the guy gave him some things to try before he made a service call. It worked! John was able to fix it and we saved mucho money!

3. I learned that it cost more to have a suede shirt dry cleaned than it does for me to get my hair cut. Shocking. More about this on my No-Spend Challenge recap this weekend.

4. I learned that my oven has a self-cleaning feature. No joke. I've lived in this house for 5 years and didn't realize that until last weekend. (You're not allowed to ask if I've cleaned my oven in five years).

5. I learned that you can cook steel cut oats overnight in the crockpot, and that steel cut oats aren't your normal run-of-the-mill oats.

6. I also learned that these muffins are really good with some raw sunflower seeds and coconut mixed in. We've had them for breakfast twice this week! (Healthy and low-fat too!)

If you want some deeper inspiration, check out what others have learned this week HERE!

If you've learned something you want to share it's not too late to join the fun! (And might even win a cool prize!)


  1. I'm so glad that you don't clean your oven either! One of the many reasons I like you so much.

  2. does ANYONE clean their oven?!:) I always thought that was optional. (as in I opt not to do it.)

    ...might have to try those muffins...

  3. Those are some good things for one week! :)

    Your hair cut is fab by the way.

  4. I was wondering about those steel cut oats. Can you get those at a regular grocery store? I love oatmeal, so I bet I would like them!

    The muffins sound yummy, too!

  5. #1 made me laugh out laugh... I'm still kind of laughing on the inside about it.

    Watch out for #4. Its a wonderful feature, but it make a funny burnt smell if your a messy baker!

    Bummer about the shirt. Thats awful. I look forward to hearing the full story this weekend.

  6. I'm going to do the oatmeal tonight and sprinkle chopped pecans on top in the morning. Should be fab...

    And warning, Will Robinson, when you do use the self-cleaning feature, it will reek to high heaven in your house. And it'll be hot, so do it on a cold day.

  7. Our garage door has been having SERIOUS issues. Probably breathing it's last breaths. I wonder if we have any nice repair men like that around here??? :)

  8. A neighbor told me she did the self clean operation one time and had so much junk on the bottom of the oven that it caught on fire inside (and it locks while cleaning and you can't open it) SCARY! I hate fire. there isn't a nastier smell than cleaning the oven day. it even seeps into my hair ugh! (and it can kill birds)
    Oh you know how you mentioned steel cut oats the other day, well I was at Vitamin Cottage today and the dude behind me had some and I was totally starring like that's them! Probably thought I was a nut!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. no I was not starring but i was staring. omg. hooked on spell check worked for me! there. their. they're. it's not that hard.

  11. Great post girl :) Hope you had a GREAT day!!!

    By-the-way, Bride Wars was awesome! Go see it, and especially with your best friend. That's sooo funny you should say that because I've never been the one to go to the movies by myself but a friend of mine actually challenged me not too long ago to give it a try, and said it's really not that bad and the time to yourself can be enjoyable :)

  12. That first one was especially funny! (And sad!)

    I use steel cut oat groats most mornings. Is that what you're talking about?

  13. "I'm not feeling all that deep today" - ha! You're my kinda gal!

  14. I have to say I feel a little embarrassed for the person who misspelled gifted! I'm sure he/she will never live it down!

  15. We just discovered the oatmeal in the crockpot. I'm not an oatmeal gal myself (unless it's in meatloaf or cookies) but I have a small 1-cup crockpot that my husband puts his steel cuts in. Puts them in when he gets up, and their ready in an hour.
    I would suggest leaving the house for the duration of the oven cleaning. My experience, and it's happened in two different homes, is that there are some type of fume that gets in my lungs and I can't stop coughing. Then again maybe its just me.

  16. I love honest repairmen! I love spell check! I love that you just found you had an oven cleaner. So here is my confession, I have lived in my house for 2 years and have never cleaned mine. I will be cleaning it this weekend though b/c we are about to put our house on the market.

    Thank you for your prayers over my dad and my relationship with him. I am really doing a lot of repenting over my attitude towards him.

    Tiff and I WANT you to come hang out with us. We say all the time that we wish you lived near us. We would definitely all be close friends and hang out lots! If you ever make it to GA you'd better call us:) I hope to one day make it to CO, and I'll definitely give you a buzz!

  17. Ihear you about taking suede to the dry cleaner. Last time I took a suede skirt to be dry cleaned was definitely the LAST time. It cost more to clean it than the skirt itself cost. I wore it until it needed to be cleaned again and then I took it to Goodwill. :-)

  18. Thanks for sharing! And I might need to try those muffins. They look YUM! :-)

  19. I found a really great crockpot recipe for steel cut oat, barley and apple juice. I have to admit I was a little shocked when I opened the oats box. Not what I was expecting.

  20. Oh my gosh -- I practically choked on my coffee after that first one -- that cracked me up! Ha!

    Steel cut oats in the crockpot are my all-time favorite. I make that exact recipe and use dried cranberries and yellow raisins. It's delish. I've been meaning to make it for a couple weeks now, but I keep forgetting to set it up before I go to bed!

  21. WOW! What I've learned this week...

    ...that I am not really much of a pioneer sort

    ...that we take for granted the luxuries of electricity and hot water

    ...that you can live without TV, internet, and even cell phones

    ...that I can make biscuits on TOP of a gas stove

    ...that 45 degrees really isn't all that cold (compared to 20 without heat)

    ...that the children will not die if all they have to do is play cards and board games

    ...that I'm alot less cranky when I go to bed with the sun and wake up with the sun

    ...that we are a better family for having gone through the Winter Blast 2009

    Ok, just realized my comment turned into a post...sorry ;)

    I may have to post it on my!

  22. I just got all caught up on yer blog... how much I love to read what you've been stirring up in your head... so often it ministers directly to my heart.

    you are such a treasure, friend of mine! I love that I've been laughing and crying and nodding as I click though, smiling at your words and your amazing knack for ministering through your blog.

