Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello, my name is Meredith and I have a problem...

I've decided that I'm unplugging once a week, on a day that I have at home in order to completely conquer my to-do list. It's drastic, but I seem to have a little problem with walking away from the computer. I wish I was stronger, but I'm weak, weak, weak. John and I talked about it today and sadly, he agrees that I have a bit of a problem with the computer and time parameters. From the comments I've received on posts about this, it sounds like I'm not alone. Maybe we need to form a support group...

...because ya'll, I got so much accomplished today (and last time, and the time before that) without a computer at home to distract me.

(Chasing a rabbit for a sec: Did you notice I said "ya'll" in that last sentence? My youngest asked me yesterday why I keep saying ya'll. She was even doing the eye-rolling thing and used a slightly exasperated tone when she asked. She'd rather me say "you guys", but I told her she wasn't a guy so I was sticking with ya'll.)

So, one of the things I did today was plan meals and make a ginormous shopping list which I need to tackle sometime tomorrow. I just posted my meal plan for the next two weeks here.

I also cleaned out the fridge and pantry, got my laundry completely caught up, helped Abbey sell some more Girl Scout cookies, and even had time this afternoon to start a new book. 

I am SO behind on all of the blogs I read, but I'm hoping to get caught up over the weekend. It's looking to be cold and snowy...perfect for lazing around which is how we prefer to spend our Saturdays and Sundays.

One blog that I have been keeping up with daily is Kelly's. Harper made some GREAT progress yesterday...go read the latest and rejoice with them! 

*Some of you mentioned that you'd like to "unplug" but it's challenging because you have a desktop computer. I thought my friend, Trish, had a brilliant remedy. She unplugged her mouse and sent it with her husband. Isn't that genius? 


  1. Unplugging the mouse does sound like a good idea. I packed away my laptop when I was studying for my A-levels. It worked! It follows the same idea as yours. If you can't resist it, pack it! And send it off on a short holiday if possible.

    Congratulations on finishing stuff on your To-Do list! =) I'm a list person too, so I understand the huge sense of satisfaction you got when you could cross out stuff from the list. Three cheers for Meredith!

  2. I'm joining the support group! Mind if I play along? Are you going to do the same day each week or vary it? If I know someone else is unplugging at the same time, it probably will help me in the ol' accountability department! :)

  3. I laughed out loud before I even got past the title... I was just thinking on the way back from carpool this morning about how proud I was that I didn't turn on my computer before getting all the kids out the door.

    Now, before you get all "yeah, sus!" on me, that's a whole...hour.

  4. I'm in. I totally need some accountability in this department. with me working, I tend to come straight home and hop on the computer to see what I've missed all throughout the day. When I get off it is time to start the whole dinner routine and then it is homework/bathtime/bedtime. And then I'm too tired to even think about laundry. If I could make myself walk away from the computer when I get home, then I would get SO much accomplished before dinner time. I think I need a couple of days a week of "unplugged" time! But, I'll start with one....I wouldn't want to shove my system into shock mode!!

  5. I'm in. I totally need some accountability in this department. with me working, I tend to come straight home and hop on the computer to see what I've missed all throughout the day. When I get off it is time to start the whole dinner routine and then it is homework/bathtime/bedtime. And then I'm too tired to even think about laundry. If I could make myself walk away from the computer when I get home, then I would get SO much accomplished before dinner time. I think I need a couple of days a week of "unplugged" time! But, I'll start with one....I wouldn't want to shove my system into shock mode!!

  6. I've been noticing that my daughter spends too much time on the computer...which has caused me to look at my own time spent. We're getting ready to make some changes in how we use our time.

    Blogging can be a good, encouraging thing...but it can also easily get out of hand. I've been learning this lesson (though, admittedly, not so well).

  7. I'm always amazed and how quickly I get sucked in to spending too much time on the computer. I'll go check things "real quick" and an hour later I'm still sitting at my desk. The kids have noticed and sometimes they complain. Not good! We have a desktop, so to stay away sometimes I just shut it down and close the doors to the armoire. The baby's naptime is the hardest to stay away-I can get so much done on the computer without distractions! So sad, because I could get so much more done in the house. I definitely need your support group:(

  8. I've also been thinking about sending the laptop with hubby but he won't want to carry TWO laptops into work. I just thought of another idea - send my power cord. I don't even have to send the whole thing, just a piece about 2 feet long. Won't take up much space for him but it'll limit me to the 1.5 hours (more or less) of my battery. Boy would I be choosy about using that!! I think this might work for me!

  9. I think we should all unplug together on the same day! It isn't always bad things that distract us; it can be perfectly good things that compete for your time.

    Lisa Q

  10. I love the mouse idea & am totally game for the "support group"....I work away from home, so my unplug days need to be on the weekends...I'm thinking Saturday or *gasp* Saturday AND Sunday!

  11. I am with you girl!!! I have recently moved our computer to our house. Instead of the office....across they backyard joined by a sidwalk.
    Is there REHAB for Facebook??? haha
    No Really, We moved over here so I could teach Blake how to pay bills- online and just in general.
    Ever since it has been here...I am addicted. I ONLY use to use the computer when the boys took there 2 hour afternoon nap. Not anymore. I really am checking my e-mail, reading blogs, and F.B. every chance I get.
    I feel as if I am taking valuable time away from the boys, Blake & the HOUSE!!! Cannot tell you how many MESSES I have had to clean up since I remove myself from a room for minutes at a time!!! You remember how a 3 & 1 year old are?
    Anyway, I am with you...any certian day?
    I can send my cell phone with Blake- that is our DSL connection!
    I will have to say when we had dial-up I was NOT on the computer as much!!! The Faster- the Better?
    Thanks, Mollie

  12. Way to go Meredith! That's being proactive! As others mentioned, let us know what day you choose...I might jump on board too!

  13. Got your twitter message, and YES, I love the mouse idea!!

    I just might join you on that day off each week...

  14. You crack me up!

    I sit at a computer ALL day at work and then go home and sit with my laptop and join the blog world. My husband thinks I'm crazy!

  15. My name is Gretchen, and I have a computer obsession problem.

    I repent.

    I seek to join ye on the journey of unpluggage.

    For now, I'm designating Weds as no bloggy/computer day.

    Pray for me. :)

  16. We love you Meredith...

    I too am an addict. SO I am going to unplug with you.

    I am also horribly behind in the blog reading. And I am COMPLETELY torn: I don't want to miss a word of whats going on...but the shear number of posts I need to read and comment on are overwhelming.

    I'm actually struggling a bit because there is SO MUCH in life that I want to be a part of, but can't because I am only one women. And yet, even in the knowledge that I cannot to everything, I am trying to do it all and feeling horrible because I am not doing any one thing well. Not. One. Stinkin'. Thing.

    And as a result, all this Half-done work is making my life feel out of control! And I really don't like that feeling.

    I have no idea why I just typed all this out on your comment page, except to say that I feel where you are...and I will probably be joining you on the UnPLugged Bandwagon.

    With love,

  17. Mer,

    I am so impressed with your menu.... your food looks so yummy... Can you add some in for me and David, cause my kids like boring food!

    By the way, Hannah (my oldest) was in Colorado Springs last week visiting one of her YWAM friends. They went to visit other YWAM friends in Wisconsin...sorta a little reunion. The "friend" in CS has confirmed that he likes her and she a long distance relationship has begun. Maybe one of these days we'll actually get back out there for a visit....

    I'd love to see you again!


  18. I think the length of everyone's comments is indicative of an EPIDEMIC wouldn't you???

    See, I, too have a laptop but also a desktop that primarily the kids use for school, etc. So, I'm gonna have to come up with something (hello, Tiff, it's called ding dang self control) that would work out...although, as I'm typing a day of being unplugged wouldn't hurt the kiddos, maybe I'll try the mouse thing after all!

    Sometimes I'm very convicted by the OTHER things I could not only be doing but by if I devoted the same amount of time to even ONE thing as much as this computer what I'd accomplish personally, spiritually, physically!!

    Thanks for your honesty and I think it's "time for a cool change"!

  19. Learning to set boundaries with my computer. Not there yet. :) I am begging God for wisdom. Somedays I cannot not blog. I feel like fire inside. I have to shout out. Share.

    It's hard to keep up with the visits back though. Hard to discern if this is a gift or stronghold.

  20. I'm with ya! For the past week I have pretty much unplugged myself from my cyber world. My google reader can prove it. Over 1,000 posts UNREAD!

  21. I'm with you on this one girl... I struggle with the same thing, there needs to be a support group, haha!!! :)

  22. Oh my yes...a support group is EXACTLY what we need. It is SO HARD to step away. Good for you, Meredith...I think I will follow in your footsteps.

  23. I'm right there with you sister. I think I have a "problem" too. LOL!

  24. I'll join your support group. Unfortunately, my husband's never home, so I can't send the laptop with him. Maybe I could leave it with a neighbor for the that works, so I couldn't go get it back until the end of the day. It's random reinforcement, I tell ya! Just one response or comment on FB and I'm done for the day...just waiting for another one like a rat!

    Hi, my name is leigh and I'm a computeraholic.

  25. I have been away from blog world so long I did not even know Kelly had Harper. I have lurked on her blog for over a year now but have not checked in since before Christmas. I went and read her blog just now. I am praying for them.

  26. hmmm, I so empathise!! I definitely spend far too much on the laptop!! (but it's fun!!!!)
