Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i heart him.

some of the many reasons why i love john...

he keeps gas in my van. he went last night and filled me up so that i wouldn't have to do it this morning.

he unloads the dishwasher for me every. single. morning. can i just tell you how much that means to me? it's my most dreaded chore. every once in a while he has an early morning meeting/breakfast and he doesn't get it done, but he always leaves me a note apologizing. isn't that sweet?

he helps the kids with their homework. (another of my least favorite tasks).

he picks up the slack in laundry when i fall behind. and i'm behind these days.

he gives me starbucks gift cards because he knows i have a fond affection for non-fat chai lattes.

he makes me laugh. even when i'm mad. which usually helps me snap out of it and get back in the happies. (yeah, we call it the happies).

he tells me i'm beautiful. especially when i feel anything BUT.

he calls me from work...multiple times a day. just to say hi.

he eats whatever i make for dinner, without complaining. (that's more than i can say for our children).

he works hard so that i can be at home full-time. and he loves that i have time during the day to spend with friends.

he adores our children. 

he has a huge heart. a tender heart too. (we're not afraid of tears around here.)

i love you, j.


  1. Gosh, little lady; makes me walk slightly taller, it does. Shucks.

  2. Wow. You know, Big should have the opportunity to read something like that about himself, too. Not the dishwasher emptying or the laundry. No...that's a John thing. much of the life I have is due to one amazing and hot hubby.

    Good marriages: they don't just happen.

  3. Seems like he hasn't changed at all in 10 years since we met you!!
    ~Mollie M.

  4. dishwasher? really? laundry, too? amazing!

    you got a keeper!

  5. So sweet! I love that he unloads the dishwasher and doesn't care if you spend time with friends during the day. Mine is the same and I LOVE that about him.

    You are blessed, but I know you know that :)

  6. Sounds like you are blessed to have him, and like he is blessed to have you! Every guy has to love a little bit of that public praise! :)

  7. Awww, so sweet.
    The Dishwasher?? Is he for sale?

  8. *sniffle*

    Hugging my hubby a little tighter today, for the same reasons.

    beautiful post. there's something amazing about a woman who loves her husband.

  9. Awww. . . such a sweet post. I'm so glad God has blessed you with such an incredible husband. What a great wife you are to notice what he does for you! You guys are such a sweet couple!

  10. Awww...and I just love that he called you "little lady" in his comment. Seems like he should be wearing a cowboy hat while saying that!



  11. You are a blessed woman, as am I. My hubby does many of those things when his schedule allows.

    And I LOVE that he said "Shucks" in his comment! How sweet and gallant is THAT?!

  12. Such a sweet thoughtful's such a blessing to have a husband like that!

    Makes me wanna do one for my sweet man, too!

    Your heart and love for him are so evident here...I loved his comment too! ;)

  13. Wow! What a sweet post! Sounds wonderful, just like my sweetie! :)

  14. This made me smile because I read it last night AT THE EXACT MOMENT I was thinking about how thankful I was for something that Andy did for me yesterday.

    I know exactly what ya mean. We don't have homework yet (HURRAY!) but Andy makes the kids breakfast almost every morning and then also unloads and reloads the dishwasher.

    And he takes the kids out so I can have some peace.

    And he's been known to do laundry on occasion. Although, I'm always secretly nervous about my jeans. LOL.

    Have a wonderful day today!

  15. This is an awesome tribute to your man!

  16. Love this post, Mer. John is a winner both as a husband, father but also as a "forever pastor", friend.

  17. What a great list of things to love him for!!

  18. So sweet and wonderful! Definitely a keeper!

  19. What a beautiful post! I am glad you gushed on John. I am very thankful for Jeremy but I think I need to tell him specifically reasons why I love him just like you did here. What sweet words - it made made my heart smile.
