Monday, January 05, 2009

It's Monday. It's Random. And It's Okay!

John pulled out of the driveway about twenty minutes ago. I may or may not have cried. I said yesterday that we'd had fourteen days of family togetherness. I was wrong. It was SIXTEEN. And he was just as sad to leave as we were to see him go. *sniff sniff*

The kids and I are going to run some errands this morning--to keep our minds off of missing him and to snap us out of our lazing around doing nothing all day mode.  

We're headed to the library since it snowed all day yesterday (we got at least 6 inches!) and we didn't venture out for our traditional Sunday afternoon trip.  

We're also heading to Walmart. We made a trip last week once we got back from Arkansas, but I forgot to get stuff for school lunches. Plus, we're out of coffee filters and that isn't good.

I'm dying to go to Target and Hobby Lobby, but am going to resist that urge. It's 14 degrees right now and you have no idea how hard it is going to be for me to resist the warmness of Starbucks.  If you're clueless to what I'm talking about, click here to read about my January No-Spend Challenge.  

Speaking of that challenge, I've decided to check in once a week and let you know how it's going. Probably on Friday.  Maybe Saturday. Let me see what my schedule looks like later this week.

Okay, back to errands. We're also going to run by Blockbuster and switch out our movies. We subscribe to and for $21/month we get to keep 3 dvds out at a time (by mail) and can return the mailers to the store and exchange for free rentals. Considering that we don't have cable and that one in-store rental is $5, I think it's a good deal.

So...I have six movies to return right now (3 of which I can trade for 3 more--free!)
I'm returning:
Holiday Inn (a very old favorite that the girls and I watched together)
Hancock (didn't watch it)
Burn After Reading (weird movie)
Wall-E (I didn't like it)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (kids watched without me)
The Visitor (I liked it!)

We're also going to write thank you notes today. I've procrastinated because I needed to buy some notecards. Last night we made a list of who we need to write them to, and I decided we were going to make our own cards.  That's on the agenda for today as well.  

Last night, the girls and I put together a puzzle that Sarah got for Christmas. The one thing she kept telling us she wanted from Santa was a globe puzzle. Santa delivered. 

We spent a few hours working on it.  You know, putting the whole world together is hard work! While trying to snap the last piece in, I dropped the globe and we had to rebuild a few continents (arghh!) but we're finished, and we're proud. Very cool, huh? (And very educational too!)

Thank goodness the back of the pieces are numbered.  I promise you that is the only way I was able to complete this baby!


  1. What a cool puzzle! I saw one like it at Target and wondered how hard it would be to complete. :)

    I was laughing at your Starbucks cutback. My cutback has been smoothies. I am.......was addicted to these things! I used to get one a day and that would set me back $25 for the week. Gosh! That's $100 a month in smoothies. So I stopped cold turkey right after Thanksgiving. I had one last week and the funny thing is I think I've lost the 'taste' for them! Good thing too because I can do so much more with $100. LOL

    I was blue yesterday too. My peeps went back to school today. I spent all morning cleaning (which did feel good) and now I'm off to return some stuff at Walmart and pick up some food at the butcher. :)

    Have a fabulous day Mer! You blog makes me smile!

  2. It's pouring here so I have no desire to get out. Hope you have a good day making your cards. That'll be fun! I've been wanting to go to Covenant...formerly Crosswalk now owned by Donna Twyford....they are having a big sale. I want to find a devotional book...but I'm resisting too...boy this is going to be harder than I thought.

  3. You have done a lot of blogging while I was gone and I have loved catching up on all of it ;)!

    *I love the ornaments that were on your sisters tree ;). Very creative!!!

    *I think your no spending challenge is a fabulous idea and I wish you all of the best ;).

    *My galz and I are starting a book club too. I can't wait to read again ;)!

    *Your family is so beautiful! Be sure to include pics of your wonderful self next time ;)!

    *I know that it will be hard to get back in the swing of things, but it sounds like your 16 days were magical ;)!

  4. She's got the whole world on her head

    She's got the whole world on her head

    She's got the whole world on her head

    She's got the whole wide world.

    She's got little bitty children... that's a bit of what came to mind when I saw Sarah and her puzzle. ;)

  5. Fun posts. Fun pictures. One Question?

    Its fourteen degrees outside and your girl is wearing a tank top????

    She must be related to my kids; Who refuse to wear "real" shoes in the winter...they just can't stop wearing their flip-flops and summer sandals.

    I've given up on trying...if they want to have cold toes, then I say "go for it!"

    Happy Monday!

  6. Like the globe, I need to get one of those. Holidays are fun with hubs and kid at home. Back to the old grind. It is about that cold here with snow too, Starbucks does sound good....

  7. Mer,

    I had to laugh when you mentioned Wall-E. Not sure if you get the Gazette, but the guy who does all the movie reviews is a friend of mine. We saw him while in town and he gave us a sneak peek at his top 10. Wall-E was on the list, so we rented it last weekend. We weren't very into it, either. I'd only heard of 2 of the movies on his entire list!

  8. That is so cool!!! I'd be glad for the numbers, too. lol

  9. Good for you, Mer! I think I would go absolutely nuts if there were a Target and Hobby Lobby closer to me. Having to drive 45 minutes to get to one keeps me out of A LOT of trouble!

    We got Wall*E for Christmas....the kids liked it. Me? Not so much.

    Enjoy your last few hours with the kiddos before the homework routine sets back in. My kids went back today and we're already loaded down tonight. Ugh.

    Love that puzzle!!

  10. I went to the library today too!

  11. I looks like you had a fun Monday. The globe puzzle is so cool. Where in the world did Santa find that? My kids would love something like that.

    I think it is WONDERFUL you guys don't have cable. My kids are only allowed to watch PBS and movies; however, we keep ours b/c of football, then when we think about getting rid of it guess what comes around . . . basketball . . . oh and then baseball. Can you tell I'm married to a sports nut? We do the Blockbuster thing on-line too.

  12. Very cool puzzle. My hubby goes back to work tomorrow. I'm sad and glad at the same time. I'm ready for some routine and order!!! And that does NOT happen when Daddy is home! But, I will miss having him around. = )

  13. I don't think I could go to Hobby Lobby or Target and not spend... so you did good resisting!

    That puzzle is cool!!

  14. Ooh cool globe! Sarah looks like she had fun!

  15. Aw, man--Gretchen stole my song comment!!!

    That puzzle is very cool!!

    I think that this country is got 6 inches of snow and I literally turned my air on to knock some of the stuffiness out of 79* house!! It's been SO damp/muggy/rainy/cloudy/yucky down here, I'm beginning to wonder if Mr. Golden Sun has given up the ghost!!!

    Hope you can adjust back to your schedule today...I'm thinking of you!

  16. We rented BURN AFTER READING - just the other day - we thought it was very weird too? What is the library like on Sundays? That is a good I idea I hadn't thought about! Sweet blessings!

  17. What a neat puzzle!! The whole time I'm looking at those pictures I'm thinking..."It's 14 degrees and she's wearing a spaghetti strap??" Haha You must have your house all nice and toasty!

    You are doing great on the no-spend challenge! It's hard, isn't it?? I'm trying to spend less this month, too.
