Friday, February 20, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

I'm very thankful it is Friday, aren't you?

I've been at home every day this week which rarely happens. I generally plan to be home all day on Mondays, Fridays, and one day in between but since Abbey has been sick my schedule was (wonderfully) clear! I'm happy to report that she's feeling much better today and she's returning to school. 

Which is great because I need to get out of the house for a little while!

I'm heading out soon to buy all the stuff for this. And deliver the final few boxes of Abbey's Girl Scout cookie order. And hopefully by the time I'm home, John will be too! (He had a short business trip to the Windy City and I'm thankful he also had a chance to connect with one of his best friends--who I've heard reads my blog religiously--while there!)

I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight because I sleep SO badly when he's away.

I'm also looking forward to the weekend because this is the first time in about three weeks that we have NOTHING going on. We are so stingy with our Saturdays and Sundays, and this one is entirely ours! Woohoo!

I have a question for you guys. Do any of you have a recipe for baked oatmeal? I really want to try this, but I'm trying to find a recipe that doesn't call for one cup of oil. My friend, Kellie, has issues with mayonnaise, but I have (serious) issues with oil. Yes, I realize I could always substitute applesauce, which I often do, but I'd like to try a recipe that doesn't require substituting and one that is tried and true. Anyone?

And one more guys really need to go over and meet my friend, Susan. She's only been blogging for a few months, but her blog is one of my absolute favorites! She'll have you laughing in no time, I promise.

Happy Weekend!


  1. I hope you are able to enjoy your quiet weekend at home ;)!

  2. I don't have a good recipe (the one I've been about to try for two weeks now has 1/2 cup of oil), but if you get one, please share!

    Have a great weekend. :)

  3. Ok, I haven't tried either of these yet, so don't hate me if they're gross, but they got some good reviews!

    I too have wanting to try some baked oatmeat and neither of these have OIL:) Let me know you end up using one and what you thought.

    I never can sleep with the hubby gone either, so I hope you get some good sleep this weekend!

  4. Pretty much glad for the weekend but honestly, with toddlers, I sort of live like every day is the weekend. LOL.

    I don't have a baked oatmeal recipe -- I just use the quick oats (1/4 cup oats and 1/2 cup water for the kids) and mix in brown sugar, chopped walnuts, and raisins (AFTER IT'S COOKED) and wala, done in one minute. The kids love it. I also pour vanilla rice milk over it and that's good, too.

  5. Have you tried oatmeal in the crock pot? Is that what you mean by baked oatmeal? I am trying to add you to my Google reader and it says your url is not a valid feed. Any suggestions?

  6. I can't sleep well when my hubby is gone either. I think it's a wife/woman thing. My hubby laughs when I say I plan all sorts of stuff to do 'so I can get tired enough to sleep' when he is gone overnight. LOL

    We have a weekend to ourselves as well. The kids are off today for rodeo day (we don't get off for President's day). So I'm looking forward to a low key weekend :)

  7. DId you mean baked oatmeal cookies? I have never heard of baked oatmeal.

    I am sorry you have oil issues, but I am so glad I am not the only weird gal out there.

    Looking forward to clicking over to Susan's site!

    and HOORAY! for Johns return! Here's to a good sleeping this weekend!

  8. Glad your husband will be home. I'm the same way, I don't get a good nights sleep until mine returns. Sounds like a good weekend ahead :)

    I have two recipes for baked oatmeal that I have tried in the past. I liked them both, but my hubby won't eat either, so I don't make them often. They are both posted on our family website, I can send you links or the recipes themselves if you'd like. Just let me know if you're interested :) One is from Cooking Light and the other is from a message board, and neither have a cup of oil :)

  9. this one calls for 1/2c. our family loves it...especially the banana choc. chip version.

  10. I wish I had a good recipe to share! Have a wonderful, restful weekend!

  11. Glad you are in for a lazy weekend!
    Enjoy it!!! recipe here. We don't even eat the instant kind of oatmeal.

  12. Glad you are in for a lazy weekend!
    Enjoy it!!! recipe here. We don't even eat the instant kind of oatmeal.

  13. I have a thing with oil as well. Not sure what your reasoning is, but I've done lots of studying and have started using grapeseed oil and cottonseed oil for my cooking and baking. They're not bad for you like canola or vegetable and can withstand high heat, unlike olive oil.

  14. Sounds like you've had a good week.

    I miss hearing from you. Hope you are doing well.

    Did I tell you that my Hannah has a "fellow" who lives in Colorado Springs? She met him on her DTS with YWAM. Who knows maybe one day we'll get back out there...

  15. So I read your last post right before going to bed, and sang "Rock You Like a Hurricane" all night long! Just thought you should know. ;)

  16. Weekends with no obligations are so rare for us, and an absolute treat! Hope you enjoyed yours.

    Baked oatmeal sounds delish! Now I'm thinking that sounds good for dinner. :)

  17. baked oatmeal. another thing to enjoy when we're neighbors. totally gotta try that.

    just so you know, i like a little oatmeal with my brown sugar ;)
