It's the promised 10 on the 10th post! Fun, huh??? HisGirl offered to make a cute button for the occasion, and I love what she came up with. If you want to play along, feel free to grab it and use it on your blog!
So...for my 10 things, I'm posting 10 photos from my day.
1. The stunning Pikes Peak. I had to run some errands in Colorado Springs and I thought Pikes Peak looked beautiful with her fresh coat of snow from the weekend. I took this pic while driving. (Scary.)

2. A quick stop at Starbucks to pick up a gift certificate for
Tiffani, who won my
fun little contest. It was H-A-R-D to walk out of there without getting a drink!

3. Afterwards, I met John
here for lunch. (Elizabeth, I thought of you!) He called me after his morning meetings and thought it would be fun to talk over lunch. (It WAS!)

4. As we were finishing lunch, John suggested we walk down to the Apple store. He said he really wanted to buy me an iPod. He recently wrote an article for a magazine and got his check in the mail over the weekend. He wanted to spend it on me! I really tried to get him to buy something for himself, but he kept refusing, so I graciously accepted. I got a Shuffle. It's the one I wanted. I'm a simple girl and like simple toys! I spent some time this afternoon loading my music onto it, and my kids are
thrilled that now I can quit borrowing theirs.

5. I also spent some time today sorting photos. I ordered about 400 prints that I picked up ealier today. I'm SUPER excited to be going on a scrapbook retreat this weekend with my church and I am trying to get myself organized for productivity!

6. I also had a good hair day. (Sorry for the weird self-portrait). (I think I look tired. Daylight Savings Time caught up with me today.)

7. Ugh. When I was making dinner I accidentally turned on the wrong burner and BURNED the bottom of this pot. There was nothing in it, but the burner was on high for several minutes before I realized it. Ugh. Thank goodness dinner wasn't ruined!

8. No unread posts in my Google reader. A small miracle.

9. We were excited to watch the season premiere of
Dancing With the Stars. I think I like the cowboy, Ty Murray, and Shawn Johnson the best. Isn't she adorable? (That is SO not her in the picture below!)

10. Since I didn't get a chai at Starbucks today, I made some at home.
This (below) is my favorite brand. I prefer it with turbinado sugar and a little half-n-half in my Arkansas mug, of course!

Alright. If you want to join in, please do. Just post 10 things. There are no rules. You could post a list, photos, ANYTHING. I'm going to try the Mr. Linky thing (wish me luck--the instructions are very confusing). If you want to post a link here you can.
*Yay! I think Mr. Linky is going to work. And yes, technically I know I'm posting this on the
9th, but I really want it up before tomorrow because I have a busy day!
I'm not going to give you a bunch of rules and instructions (I'm not that kind of girl) BUT if you link here, be sure to link to your post, and not just your blog. If you're unsure how to do that, email me...
Okay...okay...I'm noodling on this one. :)
Lurrve the self portrait. Perfect hair, makeup, and green.
Still squealing.
And semi-covetous of your scrapbook weekend! Yay you!!!! Get lots done, and don't even pack clothes--you'll probably be in your jammies all day.
Okay...last comment, I swear. We so do love QDoba, and other than me, you do have the best husband on the planet. Enjoy your tunes, Girl!
i'm going to have to do this tomorrow. interrupt all the giveaways and everything! love all your pictures with it. fun, fun!
I'll have to think about the 10 Things Blog. I'm taking baby steps this week. But YAY! for your iPod, lunch with your man, the beauty of your surroundings, the anticipation of a fun weekend that's actually productive, a good hair day, a clean Google reader slate (how many blogs do you subscribe to, if you don't mind me asking), and a yummy cup of chai. I hope one day God lets us enjoy a cup together in the same place! I would love that. (But boo for the pot.)
I know you'll love your Ipod shuffle. My daughter bought me one last Mom's Day, and her dad one for Christmas. Best thing since sliced bread, in my book!
This is so fun - I'm glad you thought of doing this!
The picture of your mountains...so beautiful. We spent our 1st anniversary in CO Springs, and we stayed in the Pikes Peak Suite at our hotel, and had an awesome view of the mountain.
I am so with you on DWTS - love Ty Murray and Shawn Johnson. Shawn is adorable, and Ty - oh, he was so bumbly and awkward and I just loved him.
Love your 10 on 10 post! And I can't wait to get mine up later this morning!
Mmmm, I love Qdoba, too. Unfortunately, the closest one is over an hour away!
Fun to wake up and see a picture of Pikes Peak!
And you took the picture while driving ON A CURVE!!!!! Sorry, the Mom in me came out.
You look great in the lime green, and I agree, you were having a great hair day. There will be no great hair day pics on my post later on today. Because, you know, the hair dresser saga....
This was fun Meredith :o)
Hooray for good hair days and good husbands!!!!
Love your list! Still mulling my list over...I'll get it up! But, I'm with Susan....no hair pictures for me!! :)
Mine's up & linked.
I love my Shuffle. It's lime green and so adorable!
I am having a crazy day today, so I kept my first one simple.... can't wait to get back tonight and see what everyone comes up with. Great idea, sis! you're up & linked :)
Do you know how hard it was to come up with 10 of something ... anything? So sad. :) But, very fun! Thanks for hosting!
I don't know how you can't spend every waking moment outside in Colorado. It's beautiful there. How I wish I could visit!
Your self portrait is great!
My post is up! I can't wait to read everyone elses!
I came by way of Jackie's blog. Great idea...loved your photos. Looks like you have a wonderful blog. I'll be back to read more.
This is JUST GREAT! I SOOOO needed some bloggy inspiration and thanks for the reminder via email! ;)
what a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!!!!
YES, your hair was FABO!!
Your town is so beautiful!
I liked Shawn too (DWTS)...there seem to be a lot that I could see "go on" already...maybe b/c it was just the first night...
LOVED that pic of Starbucks!! I am so excited and so proud of you for stickin' to yer guns! ;)
This 10 this is fun!
I just found your blog and I love it. I live in NM and come to Colorado often.
Why is there a smiley by my link? I didn't put it there. Though I do smile when I stop by here.
I'll go away now.
How fun to get a Shuffle! I love mine and recently got David one for Valentine's Day! Enjoy it!
What a great idea! Thanks for not having too many rules. They just complicate things.
I'm so glad you're doing this! I posted mine instead of taking a shower, now that's dedication!
I have the same iPod and love it. It's perfect for wearing while I clean. I tried to copy Qdoba for dinner last night, and it was a hit! I tried a salad there the other day and it was good, but I don't think I'll try it at home:) Why mess with perfection?
Yay! I'm at the 10 on the 10th party!!
You DID have a great hair day! And, seriously, your pics of your town and mountains makes me miss the central Oregon/Bend area where we just moved from, because they look a lot alike! ..and I've totally taken pics while driving...a lot.
I plan on doing this, but can not seem to think of what 10 I want to do! Hopefully I'll have it up later:)
Aw, shoot. I think I may have linked wrong. It's not like you gave us many rules and I may have broken one of the few you gave.
Look at you, Miss Willpower! If I were in Starbucks picking up a GC I totally would have folded and bought a drink. Good for you!
Just the thing I needed to give a little bounce to my Step today! Thank you for this fun little task!
Oh Fun. I am going to participate, but I'm off to swim practice. I'll post, but it will be later tonight.
Pikes Peak is beautiful. When I was in Orlando I saw this man wearing a Pikes Peak T-shirt. I almost went up to him and told him I had a friend who climbed to the top, but I got distracted. It amazes me that you went that far!!!
BTW, you are SOOO pretty!!!
I love your idea of the ten photos from your day :)!
1) The pic of Pikes Peak is absolutely breathtaking :)!
2) Love the top photo sitting with your organizer. Your daughter is beautiful!
3) Your hubby is so sweet!
4) You look BEAUTIFUL!
Love your pictures. Ronnie is in Colorado Springs right now and enjoying himself when he has the time to get out and about. :)
Wow Meredith! Thanks to this I've had more traffic on blog than ever before! Of course if I blogged more than once every three months that would probably help too. I'm so pitiful.
How fun, Mer!
I love that I know the exit you were on and the places you went today...it means I live in Colorado. And I DO love Colorado!
I also LOVE your hair. Very Pretty!
I may participate, if I can get our other computer to cooperate.
Today sounds like a great day -- I am hosting my first give away -- stop on by for a chance to win...starbucks.
I wish I'd seen this earlier! I would have totally joined in. You can count me in next month.
I randomly found your blog the other day and thought it would be fun to join in!
I love your 10 on the 10th idea! I posted a late one since I am just coming across your blog but next month I'm in :o)! Love your blog by the way!!
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