John turned 42 and Abbey turned 7!
Abbey thinks it is very cool that she shares a birthday with her dad. I sometimes feel sorry for John because he seems to get a little lost in the birthday fuss, but if you ask him he'll tell you that's just the way he likes it. He also thinks it's very special to share the day with Abbey!
We had a very low-key family celebration.
Started off with gifts and the birthday girl's breakfast of choice.

Cinnamon rolls (thank you Pillsbury!) with birthday candles on our "Princess for a Day" plate. (I've always been a Mary Engelbreit fan!)
She loved the Thumbelina doll from my mom. Does that yellow Dr. Seuss book look familiar? That was a fun gift from ME!
We went to church, came home, had lunch, and played with the birthday girl's other toys. She LOVED the Pixos and her new bicycle!
We're still helping her learn to ride without training wheels. Our neighbor saw us working with her and offered us the use of this. John was grateful, and so was his aching back! (See that beautiful blue sky? It was gorgeous here yesterday.)
Betty Crocker and I baked a cake for the birthday people. (Abbey made John a card last week and drew a picture of both of them...she named them the "birthday people" and I think it's so cute that I can't quit calling them that.) They requested chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. We also had triple chocolate ice cream to go with it. There was some cake left over, but I'm sure it won't last long.

Seven pink and green candles for Abbey, four blue and two yellow (42)
for John! Like my fancy cake?
After cake and ice cream we rode our bikes to the park and let the kids play until they were ready to ride back home.
Then MORE Pixos. Seriously, this is a fun toy.
Abbey was sweet to share with Will
and Sarah and they made all sorts of fun designs.
John chose Imperial Chicken for dinner with four-cheese macaroni, steamed green beans, and Sister Schuberts rolls. (Easy to please, huh?)
John's parents arrive later this evening, so I'm sure we'll be doing some more celebrating. We're going to have a "real" birthday party for Abbey too...but it will be after Spring Break because so many of her little friends are gone this week. My family is really good at stretching birthdays out!
John's parents arrive later this evening, so I'm sure we'll be doing some more celebrating. We're going to have a "real" birthday party for Abbey too...but it will be after Spring Break because so many of her little friends are gone this week. My family is really good at stretching birthdays out!
Happy Birthday, birthday people! I love you both so much!
Awww, that's so cool they share a birthday together! Looks like a wonderful, wonderful, weekend!!!! :O)
Happy Birthday to the birthday people!!
Lisa Q
Man, can it be a year already?! I remember this post from last year!!!
Happy Birthday to the People!
Aw, Happy Birthday to both of them! :)
Hi Birthday People and Celebrators!
Looks like a wonderful day.
I'm all in favor of March b'days. Glad I could herald the month in for both of them.
The cake--candles--too cute.
My hubs gets short shrift around Father's Day and his b'day due to my kids' summer b'days. Like John, though, he'd have it no other way. Kinda makes me sick, all that selfless sharing. ;)
I love low-key family birthdays so much. Just wonder why my fellas don't buy into the idea as much as I do.
Looks like a beautiful day!
And we're still working on the no training wheels thing, too. Ugh.
Happy Birthday, Birthday People!
That is so sweet that they share a birthday ;)!
It looks like the day was a fun one for all!!!
What a beautiful weekend for birthdays! I know you all had such a great day!
"The Birthday People" look very much alike too! And girl, I knew we were bloggy BFF's for a reason...I adore Mary Englebreit!
I cannot imagine coming out of my door and seeing those mountains..that's just beautiful! Did y'all get to sleep in on the first official day of Spring Break??
I can't believe that's the view you get from just being outside in your neighborhood. Incredible!
I miss those kinds of views!
Sounds like it was a great "birthday" day! My daughter's birthday is the day after mine so we often share a special day as well.
Loving all of your recipes! I was in a rut so they are perfect!
See, I knew we were separated at birth (and by a few years). I love M.E. too.
Happy day to your birthday people.
I just got back and am catching up. Looks like a FABULOUS day! And we have a "red plate" for special days, but I don't have three for their birthday, so this year I'm going to make them each their own plate for their day.
Missed you- we'll catch up later this week. Unless you're gone, in which case, sometime.
Yay for ME! Every year for Christmas my mom and I give each other ME calendars. What a sweet plate!
Either we use too much water on our Pixos or we aren't patient enough to let them dry completely because we haven't had very good Pixo luck. I should send you the many little Pixo balls that I keep finding in pockets, under the couch, etc.
Happy Birthday to John and Abbey! I'm not happy to realize I'm older than John. Grrr. But just by 2months.
How old do you think is old enough for Pixos? They look cool.
Happy Birthday to both John and Abbey!
The sky and background are just breathtaking!
Have a great week!
All three of your kids are just beautiful. I know I have said that before, but it's the truth.
Happy Birthday to the Birthday People. My Birthday is the day after my moms and I always loved it, itmade me feel special.
About Pixos, I had never heard of them before. I need to check them out!
Such sweet pictures of your precious people! John is such a good daddy to say he doesn't mind that the fuss is more about his little girl - and I know he means it!
That cake looks so good, Meredith, and I am so tempted to go raid my pantry for something sweet now. Thanks a lot. :)
Happy birthday to your people!
How fun! Seriously though, Colorado looks just like central oregon where we just lived for 3 years before we moved back to the valley! AND, our youngest and my hubby ALMOST shared a birthday. Hubs was actually hoping for it, but I told him I was NOT planning on staying in labor for another 12+ hours!
I'm glad I found your blog again...thank you facebook...because my laptop got a little "wet" and I'm having to find all my favorites and put them back in their sweet place. I've missed ya! ;)
I'm glad the birthdays went so well. And, personally, thats my kind of birthday cake! They are the BEST!!!
What a fun double birthday!
How great that you got a picture of her riding her bike. You're so good:)
Happy Birthday Abbey and John! It looks like a great day!
Happy Birthday Abbey and John. It looks like you guys had a fun day!
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