Monday, March 30, 2009


I took a quick peek at my April calendar this morning and have pretty much decided that I don't want to flip it over on Wednesday. There was no beautiful, blank page staring back at me. It is FULL.

Remember me saying that I could literally feel my stress roll away while in Seattle? Well, I felt almost every bit of it creep right back in when I stood staring at the month of April. Ugh. 

Speaking of April...
It appears to be starting off cold and snowy. More snow is in our forecast and I even heard them use the "b" word (blizzard) on the news tonight when looking ahead to the weekend. If we're going to get snowed in, I think it's only fair that we be allowed a day off from school and work, don't you?

Moving on.

I'm sharing some links with you tonight because it's quick and easy and I'm always finding things I want to share.

1. Moriah@PleasePasstheSalt is one of my dear friends and she recently changed her blog url. If you've been missing her blog, you can now find it here. She's also giving away a $20 gift certificate. If you've never visited her blog, go over NOW, say hello, add her to your reader, and register for her giveaway. Moriah's blog is one of my favorites! 

2. Julie is another real life friend and I loved her post about Laying Down the Shoulds. I often say that I'm not a rules girl and Julie's post does a great job of explaining some of my reasons why. Striving does not become me.

3. Surprise, surprise. I discovered ANOTHER coffee creamer I love. I may or may not have a problem with artificial flavoring. The funny thing is that I only use a tiny bit in my coffee because I don't like it super sweet. So every kind I buy seems to last forever (I just threw out the pumpkin pie spice from October). And in my defense, I've never had as many in my fridge as my friend Michele!

4. Feeling crafty? I was inspired after reading this post from Leah. 

5. I also loved this plate that Tami made. I want to find a way to incorporate that quote into something for my house as well. I may steal her cute plate idea.

6. I think these wool dryer balls are one of the best ideas I've seen in a long time. I'm almost out of dryer sheets so I want to try to make some of them soon. Anyone ever made these before??? Rachel also came up with a creative and inexpensive way to display children's art. Very clever!

7. My friend, Christi, shared a link with me today about turning your blog into a book. I think I want to start doing that at the end of every calendar year. Isn't that a fun idea? There are several companies that print blog books but this one and this one seem to be used most often by bloggers.

8. I had the pleasure of talking to my friend Janna for a few minutes this afternoon. I'm pretty sure she is THE most creative mom I know. Check out what she made for her daughter to wear to the musical Annie

She gave me some ideas for celebrating Passover with my kids. I think we're going to attempt a (modified) Seder meal this year and incorporate some other Passover ideas/traditions. That will require some planning on my part...but I really would like to do it this year.

I could keep linking away, but I think Eight is Enough, don't you? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)


  1. I might steal your stealing of your friends crafty ideas. They are fabulous! The plate, the frame, the canvases. Too cool! I love to be crafty!

    Have you tried International Delight's Dulce de Leche. MMMMMMMMM! 2 tablespoons of it in my coffee and I'm good to go. Without it, you might as well pour my coffee down the drain. It's like a liquid candy bar in a cup!

  2. See how motivated I am these days? I could click on every one of these links and be here for days but instead I starred this post in my Google reader so I can come back and click during my break later today. (Being disciplined is killing me.)

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  4. Feel free to delete one of those. Apparently I'm more repetitive than disciplined.

  5. Thanks for all the links, Mer!! You are always such a wealth of information. Hope you have a wonderful week and get all accomplished that needs accomplishing!

  6. i love it when you do posts like this...i always find great ideas to use.

    thanks for linking to me! how exciting!

  7. I'm all about gift certificates and wool. Thanks for the heads up!

    Sorry your April is busy. My first two weeks are kinda crammed, but then it lightens up a bit. May is usually my crazy month with all the end of year school stuff.

    I used to be a sweetened coffee creamer type, but I'm a half and half girl now. Or cream if I'm out of half and half (I love those days.)

  8. I am in love with coffee creamer too! YUM-O!

    I was just reminded of a shirt and some flower bows you linked to awhile back that I want to make...I have to go back and check those out..again!!

    Just take April one day at a time what you can do and that's all you can do!

  9. Our April is crazy, too. Both of my kids' birthdays and Easter fall in the same week. My husband is keeping different hours for a week for some training, we have 4 various dr. appointments, a hair appointment, our regularly scheduled things and leave for vacation on the 28th.

    In my favor I think being so busy will make vacation come quicker.

    Enjoy those creamers, I love them too.

  10. Mer... I made the dryer balls and wasn't impressed with them... DH blogged about them here... forgive his rank sense of humor! =)

  11. I feel like I'm crashing a party here, but I LURVE Gretchen also, and since she posted just the sweetest pics of you and the handsome hubby, now I want to go to the party too! Please invite me! I want to be blog friends also!

    Or I could just say that I have enjoyed reading your blog and will catch up later.

    I hope April comes sooner than later for you.

  12. I LOVE the plate idea (especially the quote) and I will find a way to use it :)!

  13. I look forward to our Passover celebration every's one of my favorite things! And I do struggle with being a rule-follower/perfectionist, and that's practically impossible for a Gentile trying to do Passover. So it's good for me and would be easy for you. :)

  14. I love the Italian Sweet cream (you mentioned it last wee)! Haven't tried Cinnamon bun, will have to do that. wished they made it in Fat free, but like you said it doesn't take much!

    Great linkage. I always love the links, and think of ones I would like to pass on, but than am too lazy to post them!

  15. It was so great talking and catching up. We need to do it on a regular basis!

  16. I've been gone for most of the day. These will be great cleaning breaks for tomorrow. For I will be cleaning, baby. i will.

  17. LOL - Yes, I may or may not have a problem with artificial flavoring as well.

    Thanks for the linky love, friend! I always have to come back and click around b/c breakfast time is not good blog-reading time, apparently. :)

  18. Another thing that works for the dryer is just a clean dry towel. Throw it in with your clothes you are about to dry. It helps them dry faster. No need to go waste money on yarn if you don't have any. Towel works just fine! We've been using towels in the dryer for years and we have H.E. (High Efficiency or however you spell it) washer and dryer and we still use a towel.

  19. holy cow, mer! I've been saving this post to read for when I had time to click all the links, and now I am FREAKING OUT at all the amazing links!

    xoxo. you are awesome. truly!

  20. Thanks for the plug Meredith! I have not learned to do the little linky thing yet! Maybe someday I will dive in and figure it out! :)

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