Thursday, April 16, 2009

I have to laugh or else I'll cry...

Just saw this graphic on the news website. See that dark blue shaded area that says 2'+ of snow? Yeah, that's the area I live in and these are the forecasted snow totals.

Ya'll feel my pain? Can I please have permission to whine???


  1. Here's a big wedge of stinky limburger to go with your "whine".

    Have at it.

  2. Whine away girl. I am so sorry. That is just not right!

  3. Yes, you have permission to whine. I whine if it's below 50. I would have never made it there!

  4. Oh no!!! You totally have permission to whine. I would be whining, too! :(

  5. Well, at least you got some WINE to go with that WHINE:)

    hmmm...I wonder how close to our family you live....

  6. I'd say, "I'm sure it will melt fast!" But really, that's no consolation. I know. I've been there.

  7. I think you have had your fair share of winter. I'd be whining, too.

  8. Winter, winter go away!
    Mer is through with you this very day!

    Take your white and all your snow
    Get outta town I'm tellin' you so!

    You've made your point and drawn the line...
    Now, let her go and have some wine!!!

    So sorry, sweetie! Hang in there!

  9. I LOVE snow, but even I would be sick of it by now if I lived there. I thought you only got snow this late up at the ski resorts. And I thought Missouri weather is crazy! Bundle up, spring will come. Eventually!

  10. Sorry the you can't escape the never ending snow...I think that by this time, even I would be ready to see the end of it!

    Sending warm wishes your way!

  11. Girl, I FEEEEEEL your pain and I raise it.......

    there is snowbanks 8-10 feet high here and it ain't going anywhere fast.

    I know, I know, it's not the same. I live in the Arctic now, but this is all so foreign to me...........


  12. Yikes! Whine away....we are going to see it in rain I suppose which is much more tolerable than snow. When I first read that I thought you said 2 INCHES not 2 FEET. That is just incredible.

  13. All sun and 70-80 degree weather here in Florida. But don't get jealous or anything!!!! :o)

  14. Only if I can whine cuz I'm NOT THERE! Considering I've seen 1 inch of snow in the past 2 years, I'd love to have your weather. (of course, the grass is always greener, and all that jazz!)

  15. maybe YOU need to be MY neighbor instead!

    there's a house on my street for sale, you knwo :)

  16. I woke up this morning, switched on the Weather Channel and they had a reporter in Denver standing in the middle of what looked like a blizzard. You were the first person I thought of. I am SO sorry -- this has got to be it though, right? :)

  17. Meredith,

    By the way, about what you wrote on Whimzie's last post...about not being able to march in the band, AND play an instrument at the same time...don't worry, I couldn't either!

    One night, I went through the ENTIRE performance, and was so focused on getting the steps right, that I completely forgot to even put my flute up to my mouth!!! :)

  18. Oh, Mer. LOL. I mean, not LOL. (Sorry.)

    My mom told me yesterday they were gearing up for possibly the biggest storm of the year. I asked her if the pantry was stocked!

  19. So sorry for the spring snow. My family (in Wyoming) is feeling the same pain. They have 2 feet so far and growing.

    Here in Michigan we usually get what you western folks have in a few days....for now, we are enjoying SUNNY and 67 (don't hate me).

    Hang in there...put up the Christmas tree and sing carols. :)


  20. Just watching the weather channel in your honor...they were in CO showing all the snow. I gasped. I then turned the channel. I then said "Lord, please have mercy on her sweet soul."

  21. Ewwww! Bring on the whine -- you have just cause.

  22. Yikes! Ronnie is supposed to be leaving there early in the morning but they have been told to wait at least until noon tomorrow before even attempting to drive.:(

  23. Oh, I hear you. It is freezing here today and we got snow up in the mountains just a few miles away. Crazy!

  24. Hope on a plane and come visit us....although we're in for a wet wet weekend!

  25. Why not? I'm whining here up the road from you.
    PS--I like your two week meal idea. I will try that next since doing as much as I did has me not wanting to cook another thing for a llllllllloooonnnnggggg time.

  26. We did have fun making snow forts today :0) And there is a part two caleed "Snowball Decimation" that I have heard tell around here is happening in the morning.


    Hope bunco was a blast!!

  27. Permission granted. Oh my.

    It snowed about 3" in Palm Sunday. It was the first Sunday for our new pastor. He came from Florida. (to MN)I was amused with his comment about the snow. He said that he thought a lot of us looked out our windows that morning and thought of the verse: "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. I laughed as I whispered to my husband, "I think most of us Minnesotans looked out our windows this morning and said, "Enough already!"

  28. I'm back....just to commiserate with you again.
