Friday, May 08, 2009

chasing stray thoughts

...also known as thinking out loud... with lots of ellipses...because i like 'em...i like 'em a LOT...

...i keep finding stray grays...but i'm just going to get my hair cut color this time...because i'm not willing to spend the money...

...john sent me an email this morning signed 

J of the thousand grey/grays

...sweet, huh?...i love him so much...

...yesterday he sent me the acknowledgements page he wrote for his book (coming out in september) and it made me a baby...i'm so proud of him...and so happy for him too...

...chris tomlin is quite possibly THE most gifted worship leader on the guy has got it going on...downloaded some of his songs yesterday that we sing in church...and all i can say is wow...and wow you have a favorite chris tomlin song?

...the kids and i are loving our slow morning at home today...heading to the library later and a trip to Sonic has been requested...and then everyone is going to clean their rooms...i refuse to do it for them this time... know what makes me c-r-a-z-y? the parking lot of the middle school where i must venture daily to retrieve my son. i can feel my blood pressure rise as i navigate my way through the sea of SUVs and minivans. it's not pretty...

...hotel for dogs was not nearly as cute as i hoped it would be. didn't like the story line one kids loved it though...

...have ya'll read harry potter? my sweet girl checked it out of her school library for me...been wanting to read it since we started watching the movies on tv a few weeks ago...we can't find our copy...hopefully i can start it later this afternoon...

...10 on the 10th is coming up...if you want to join the fun, i'd love to have you...i'll put my post with mr. linky up sometime tomorrow evening...first, i've gotta come up with 10 things to post about...i have some ideas!

...think i've lost my love of the ellipses...even i am annoyed with my over-use of them in this post.  <--------------- see that? It's a PERIOD.


  1. My FAVORITE songs right now are We Will Rise and Jesus Messiah. I have them on a loop on my iPod and just listen over and over again.

    GOod warning on Hotel/Dogs. The Girl and I were planning on renting it for our girls night tonight. We'll probably still get it, but I can feel good about falling asleep!

    Yes, I have read all the Harry Potter books. I really enjoyed them. As a matter of fact I would love to read them again sometime.

    CAn't wait for the 10 on 10!

    Happy Friday!

  2. I love Chris Tomlin also...and ellipses...although I never knew what they were called!

    Ya learn something new every day!

  3. Oh, I love to use.............those babies.

    Chris Tomlin...I love sing, sing, sing and God of This City right now.

    Harry Potter...seen the movies never read them, but I'd like to.

    Can't WAIT for J's book....seriously, I'm so excited!

    Enjoy your weekend, friend!

  4. Oh, Harry Potter.... Probably my favorite book series after Narnia and Cherry Ames. Just plan on getting hooked. I'm with Kel - I'll read them all again. In fact, when I read the last book, I did go back and reread other sections....

    And I can't wait for J's book to come out. I know you're so PROUD!!!

  5. I'm one of those readers who reads the preface and acknowledgements. LOVE the acknowledgements. I'm also a big fan of liner notes in CDs. I'm so proud of your man; you must be crazy proud!

    Do you mean my favorite Chris Tomlin song right this very minute? Because I'll probably have a new favorite by the time I finish this comment? Right this minute it's "I Will Rise," but I often feel like breaking into "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" without any warning.

    Thanks for the heads up on "Hotel for Dogs." I've heard mixed reviews.

    I didn't think I would, but I truly loved the Potter books. You know how I feel about words and JK Rowling is a great user of them. I love the books mostly because of the way she writes them. How sweet that your girl checked it out for you!

    It's the 10th of a month already?! We just did that yesterday, right?

  6. <----------------------------
    oooooooooooooooooooooooo! But I like the arrows -------------------------------------> !!!

    Have a wonderful day, friend! Pencil me in soon, K?

  7. Love Harry the ellipses, although they do tend to lose their dramatic effect with overuse.

    LOVE Chris Tomlin! My fav is I Will Rise. We listened to it a lot while Hannah was in hospice and it was sung at her funeral. Everytime it comes on the radio we all cry like babies...but that's ok!

  8. I've read the HP books ... very good! (And you miss so much if you just watch the movies!) And congrats to the husband on his book! What a wonderful accomplishment. :)

  9. Is there a song of Chris Tomlin's that ISN'T a fave of mine? Or Mercy Me? Heart them both, big time. But my current fave: Matthew West. Seriously. Do you know that he's first and foremost a writer for others? Yeah, one of my faves by Mandisa (ONly the world)is by him. I didn't know this fact until I heard him on my local radio station, doing a "car concert". He did a medley of stuff he'd written, and many of the songs were sung by others. But I lurve to hear him sing, too. Are you tired of Matthew West, yet? :)

    Lurve the ellipses...

    Lurve Harry Potter. All. JK is an incredible writer, and if there's a better contemporary suite of novels about friendship and good vs. evil I haven't seen them. Enjoy!

    Thrilled to hear that John's book is moving along. Can't wait to buy my copy.

    10 on the tenth. Wow! Time flies.

  10. I knew John was a Pastor, but didn't know y'all were in Texas at one time. I definitely didn't know he was writing a book. How great is that?!? I compiled an advent devotion for our church with devotions, fun stories, and family activities this past year. It was such a wonderful preperation for the Christmas season.

    Chris Tomlin - Love Him!! Right now, my favorite is "How can I Keep from Singin'" But I'd almost take any song of his. :)

  11. ...I use these...entirely...too much...don't you think...

    ...and the question is...which song ISN'T my favorite Chris Tomlin song??

    ...and I really should get to Sonic sometime...

  12. I agree...Chris Tomlin is the best! I got his latest CD for my birthday and it is amazing! I know you are so proud of John. He is such a great writer!!

    And, no I haven't read Harry Potter, but all my kids are obsessed with it, even though they are all teenagers! haha

  13. I am so glad you reminded us about 10 on the 10th - it completely slipped my mind. Now I've got just got to think of something good....

  14. I didn't know they were called ellipses, but see my last 2 posts...apparently I love them...

    ...and Chris Tomlin fave song at the moment? "I Will Rise"

  15. Love ellipses...hate spelling that word, though...LOVE Harry Potter. We've read a couple of them to Eldest. Casey would stand in line at midnight on release with the folks dressed up like he was not dressed up, but he probably wouldn't be against it.

    I'll be doing my 10 on the 10th. I've been thinking about my topic!

  16. "<--------------- see that? It's a PERIOD." <-- I totally love this bit!

    And yes, you should read the Harry Potter books! They're good! Happy reading!

  17. I love ellipses....and the Tomlinster....and new haircuts....and reading books intended for kids....and Sonic... and 10 on the 10th.

    And I could go on and on.

  18. I picked up the first Harry Potter book last fall, when I was looking for something to do while nursing.

    I finished the whole series in a matter of months. And I just re-read the whole thing a few weeks ago.

    They are that good. And very, very different than the movies. The movies are good, but they are like the Cliff Notes version of the writing.

  19. Chris Tomlin: so hard to pick a favorite. I can't. Have you been to one of his concerts? It's hard to even call it a concert because it's so much about the Lord and not about Chris. So worshipful and engaging. "I Will Rise" is a new one that's pretty amazing.

    Harry Potter: Haven't read a single book, although a friend brought me the first one this week. I just am skeptical that I'll like them, but I loved Twilight, so who knows. Both seem so uncharacteristic of me.

    Thanks for the 10 on teh 10th reminder... I think I'm in!

  20. I'm an elipse fanatic! (also heavy on the exclaimation points)

    My fave Chris Tomlin song is "Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)".

  21. Love randomness.... :)

    Hope you had a great weekend and mother's day!! :)

  22. My husband says I tend to TALK in ellipses .... I don't know what he's thinking...
