Monday, May 18, 2009


1. Glad for a terrific weekend! We were all so tired (kids slept til after 9am on Saturday!) and had a chance to rest and just enjoy being together. Yesterday was a perfect day.

2. Glad-as-glad-can-be that this is the last week of school. I am so hoping that their teachers are merciful and ease up on the homework.

3. Glad that two friends had healthy baby boys last week. Abbey is still a bit disappointed though that our friend, Mrs. Brown, didn't go with her suggestion to name her son Charlie. ;)

4. Glad that John has a short week. He's off on Friday (the last day of school) and I think we're going to do something fun with the kids to celebrate the end of the school year.

5. Glad that Abbey's teacher is moving up to second grade next year. It always seems like I'm just getting to know my kids' teachers really well by April/May, and then it's time to say good-bye. I got a note from our principal a couple of weeks ago informing us that Mrs. S was moving to second grade and she'd like for her class to move up with her. The entire class said "yes" and I'm thrilled about this. Her teacher is awesome, the kids in that class are great, and I love all the moms in our room! It's a win-win for everyone.

6. Very glad that Sarah is excited about middle school. And glad Will will also be there next year to "show her the ropes". He's a very good big brother, and I'm thankful for the care he shows to his sisters. I also kinda think he's excited to be the one in our family to pave the way for them.

7. Glad for the commercials during Saturday morning cartoons that convince my 7-year-old that she has to have these "super cool" shoes. Glad that I could shell out $26.99 for her to have a pair that she wore once before deciding she didn't love them after all. Arggggghhh.

(Oops. Did you detect that snarkiness in the midst of my gladitude? So sorry.) 

8. Glad for the season finale of AI this week and super-duper-glad that Kris Allen made it to the final two. My kids are convinced it's because I voted about "12" times, though their numbers are slightly off. Who are ya'll pulling for? 

9. Glad to be a part of a church that we love. Yesterday was Confirmation Sunday for 18 young people. One of the things they had to do as part of their confirmation class was write a statement of faith. Our pastors read parts from each of their statements yesterday and I was in tears at the beauty of their words. Simple. Childlike. Real. 

10. Glad the weather is finally warm enough to sit outside and soak up some sunshine work on my tan. We haven't hit 80 degrees yet this spring, but I think that will change this week!!! 

As always, many thanks to Gretchen for hosting Glatitude Monday!


  1. Tell Abbey I think Charlie would have been the most perfect name for Mrs. Brown's baby.

    I'm glad you're in the last week of school home stretch!! Woo hoo!

  2. That's neat that your teacher is going to move up with the class. I don't know if any of the schools around here...public or private...would let a teacher do that, but I think that it is a GREAT idea! :)

  3. None of my teachers ever move makes me sad. We've been fortunate thus far to have good ones, though. Already praying for next year's crop.

    My J is begging for Skechers. I may have him read your post today.

  4. David's 1st/2nd grade teacher looped, too, and we lurved it. Ustabe, all the teachers between K and 1 looped at our school. Then, things got too complicated, so they stopped. But it was good while it lasted.

    You tell Abbey she can call the baby Charlie in her head all she wants to. I prefer living in fantasy.

    You only voted 12 times? Funny to see a nearly 42 year old big man hovering over a phone to text AI. Makes me love him more.

    Glad you'll have middle school partners in crime. Seriously, how cool is it that Will and Sarah can move into a new groove in their siblinghood?

    Gladdy mc glad for all your gladeriffic blessings.

  5. I really need to remember to participate in the Glatitude Mondays b/c it is a wonderful idea :)!

    Those field trips sound fabulous! I am looking forward to the day the boys start enjoying those!

  6. Love it..... and so much exciting end of the school year stuff going on right now :)

  7. Charlie is a great boy name ... it's been one of our options since the beginning, but thus far, we've had no need of it. :) Hope it's a great week!

  8. Neat re: the teacher moving up with her class. I did that when I taught Sunday School years ago. Twas a mistake when I moved on with them into Middle School. LOL.

    I do hope you and other readers of this blog with vote not once but many times for Kris Allen.

  9. Wonderful list!I I love those shoes. You'll have to e-mail me the brand name. I think Kenners would love them! :)

  10. I would so be washing them and taking them back, telling the clerk they were worn once and could they please still be returned? Obviously it depends if they indeed look new... Worth a try maybe?

    There's a Charlie Brown here. I don't know him personally but know his family... Funny.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. WOW! That is amazing that the class gets to stay together next year. Takes a lot of anxiety about a new school year out of the mix, doesn't it?!

    And the shoes...feel your pain, sister.

    Hooray for last weeks of school!!! Summer is almost here!!

  13. I'm always so glad to read your "glads"...even the snipey ones:)

    I'm so ready for summer. We finally hit over 80 degrees over the weekend. LOVED.IT.

  14. I've promised The Mister that I would be in bed by nine tonight to try to catch up on some much needed sleep, but i couldn't not comment on your post!

    I love that you are enjoying your church, that is awesome, especially since I know your move to a new church was not an easy decision.

    And I love that you got a little snarky. I would feel that way in the same situation!

    All right! I want to be a women of my word so I am heading up stairs!

  15. I always loved moving up with my kid's when I taught. It was so much easier for everyone.....kid's, parents, and me! LOL

    We still have two weeks till summer vacation.....but the good thing is that we just finished our last night of gymnastics for the summer! Yippee

  16. I always love reading what makes others glad!!

    This was a GREAT list!

    I was asked to loop one year but I ended up quitting to be a stay at home Mom!! It's a great'll really enjoy it!

  17. Did I say "snipey" when I met "snarkey"??? Oh well...

    I can't be held responsible for the comments I make. (Or can I?)

  18. loved reading all the many things that are making you glad! I should do this sometime:)

  19. Please tell me my kids will sleep until 9:00 someday! A girl needs something to look forward to! I'm pulling for Kris too!

  20. I wish E's teacher would move up - how awesome!

    I'm pulling for Kris tonight!

  21. I love those shoes. And I just went through my own "gladitude" over clothes this week with my 3yo SON! Cool shorts and shirts at the GAP and he threw a fit over three of the shorts and one of the shirts. Honestly, I think my daughter was easier to clothe! ha!
