Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Too Tired To Title This

(Lots of alliteration in that title, so maybe I'm not as tired as I think I am.)

This week is almost over and I am so glad because I am completely zonked.

Today was Field Day at the girls' school which is my MOST favorite day of the school year. I love it! I had a low-key job this year which was very nice. I took lots of pics, but I don't feel like editing all the other kids out of them so you'll have to trust me that it was a beautiful day and my kids had a blast.

I did take this picture of my VISITOR tag. 

Why did I take a picture of that tag, you ask? Because I wore a tag like this last week when I went on Abbey's field trip to the zoo, and another mom came up to me at the monkey exhibit and asked me where I bought my VISITOR t-shirt? She was totally serious (and totally blonde), and really thought the tag was part of my shirt. Not sure why she'd want a visitor t-shirt, and after I laughed at her question I decided I didn't want to stick around to ask, so I made a beeline for the hippos.

Before I left this morning, I put all the stuff for these fajitas in the crockpot. My house smelled amazing when I got home this afternoon, and the fajitas were absolutely delicious. (Thank you, Deena! That recipe is a keeper for sure!)

I've been kinda blah this week. My dad hasn't been doing so great. He's actually feeling some better today, but he's had a rough time lately. I hate being so far away. It really wears on me. On top of that, some friends are moving away, some other friends are dealing with heavy stuff, and as ready as I am for school to be out, I always feel a little sad that the year is coming to a close. I usually cry on the last day of school as much as on the first day. It just means that my kids are one year older, more mature, and more independent...and it makes this mama's heart sad.

But............ KRIS ALLEN--THE ARKANSAS BOY--WINNING AMERICAN IDOL makes me HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My kids were begging me to get on Twitter and Facebook and ask all my central time zone friends who won. So I did. Because we can't stand suspense. We watched til the end of the show, but we certainly watched it with a lot less anxiety! Seriously, I am thrilled for Kris Allen. I have it on good authority from friends who belong to the church where Kris is a worship pastor that he is a great guy. He's definitely made all of Arkansas very proud!

I must sign off now. I've got to get in bed at a decent hour tonight. Tomorrow is another full day, but we only have two more days of school! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


  1. Oh Mer! I hadn't watched it, yet.

    No big, though, it'll just get me to bed earlier.

    And you know when I texted earlier? My Durango died in the library parking lot. It seems to be an oil problem or something. Chris came and rescued us.

    Let's get together soon. K?

  2. That cracks me up that she would want a visitor T-shirt. ???? Ha!

    Yea for Kris! I was thrilled to death. My sister ruined the surprise by getting on gmail chat and telling me, but it was ok - too much suspense for me anyway!

    I am so sorry that you've had a blah week. I've been thinking about you and your dad and wondering how he is doing - praying for him now.

  3. I'm sorry about your dad! I know how it is to be far away from parents when they go through hard things.

    "totally blonde" - LOL.

    I can't STAND suspense, either. At all.

  4. I hear ya' on the tired thing. I've been letting the kids sleep in 15 minutes later and letting them eat waffles on the way to school just because everyone is DRAGGING by this point in the school year.

    And I always cry, too, at the end of the year...usually when I get the little envelope that says they've been promoted. Yes, tears of relief.

  5. We still have 3 weeks of school left - yuck! I'm ready for homework, no schedule, and lots of softball. (AND PERU!)

    Haven't connected with you in a while...hope you have a great weekend.

  6. Too funny about the t-shirt...laughed out loud over that one!

    Those fajitas...I'm thinkin' I need to try that recipe.

    I'm with you on the school thing. I CAN'T STAND seeing my kids grow up..really...really! :( I told Caylie that we are going to homeschool college cause we ain't gonna let her move out! Just kidding...kind of...I think.

    Kris Allen...oh yeah! Our home boy took it all the way! :)

  7. SO excited for that Arkansas boy! My sister knows people from his church. And Carrie Underwood is from the town next to us. I don't even watch American Idol!

    My kids finished school yesterday and I was so sad. No tears at school, but I did cry when I wrote their teachers a thank you card. So bittersweet that my big kids are growing up.

    I've wondered about your dad. Will you get to see him soon?

    Fajitas look yummy. We love all our your recipes we've tried. I'll have to do this one next.

  8. Sorry to hear about your dad. I know you wish you were closer at times like this. I'm praying ...

    I didn't realize Kris was a worship pastor. I just love his humility - especially when he won. So sweet.

    We have field day tomorrow - I need to go buy one of those VISITOR shirts to wear - ha ha - so funny.

  9. i'm sorry about your dad. it is very nice to live close enough to my parents to be there when they need me. i imagine you feel helpless at times so far away.

  10. Thanks for the crockpot fajita recipe! I had planned on making fajitas tonight but didn't even think about doing it in the crockpot--that'll be so nice to come home to instead of having to do it tonight.

  11. I'll have to try the recipe.

    Thanks for catching us up a little on your dad, Mer. I'll pray.

    In (ahem) defense of the blonde one, perhaps it's just the end of a very long year for her, too??? ;)

    I'm thrilled for Kris. Really. Even though I voted for Adam--well, truth be told, we voted a lot for Adam and some for Kris since we liked him, too--I was happy with how everything turned out. I'm excited to watch both men's careers.

    Wishing we were as near our end of year as you, but still glad to be starting the wind-down.

  12. too weird! i'm messing around doing mindless computer stuff while i wait to go back to the school (quiet nap time yay) and this morning when i woke up the first thing on my mind was i think i can i think i can so i put that on my fb status. great minds think alike. tomorrow this time we'll say phew i thought i could!

  13. Yeah! I'm glad you liked the fajitas!

    Sorry to hear that you Dad is having a hard time. We'll pray for him.

    We were so excited that Kris won!

    My daughter has one more week of preschool - I'm not ready for her to go to kindergarten in August. Where have these years gone?

    Hope you guys have a great last day of school!

  14. The fajitas sound yummy!

    Visitor tee shirts?? Oh that's a good one!

    I'm getting ready to lounge and read. I have one more chapter left! Yeah!

  15. Sorry to hear about your dad! It is SO hard to be far away when famiy needs arise. I always want to be right there!
    The t-shirt thing was funny. Totally blonde for sure!

  16. I'm almost embarrassed to tell you that I looked at your picture before I read what you wrote, and I totally thought that was a shirt. And I was wondering why in the world you would have a shirt that said "Visitor." Thank you for not.

    And woo hoo for Kris! Still can't really believe it!

  17. Visitor t-shirt?! Ha!

    Thinking about your dad. And you.

    I'm with you on being worn out...and we've still got 8 more days. And my summer schedule is filling up quickly.

    Woo hoo for Kris Allen!!!!!!

  18. You crack me up, Mer. "made a beeline for the hippos." LOL I'm afraid I would have stood there and laughed my head off, right in front of her, but hey! It's a very cool looking visitor tag. :-)

    I was tickled pink that Kris won. I liked Adam but I really wanted Kris to win. Someone in a different time zone left a comment on my blog telling me who won, so like you I knew ahead of time too, but I actually kind of enjoyed sitting there waiting for Kris to find out the impossible had happened.

    I always loved field day too. Congratulations on another school year completed and happy summer to you and your sweet kids!

  19. I'm so sorry your dad isn't doing well right now...I've been praying for you guys. I know it's a long journey...but remission is so worth it!

    Yea..totally excited that Kris won! Finally, a positive reflection of Arkansas that proves we do wear shoes and have!

    And I know what ya mean about the end of the school...Mal has already informed me that she's officially a SENIOR!! How can that be??!
