Monday, August 31, 2009


I had a fantastic weekend--the getaway was exactly what I needed.

Part of me wants to share every detail of my time there, but another part of me knows that the experience isn't really one to be shared with the world wide web. It was restful. It was healing. It was more than I could have asked or imagined. And that's about as much as I'm willing to divulge.

I will tell you that I spent a lot of time here:

And here:

Sometimes though, it was a bit too chilly--even with my fleece and mug of coffee,

so I hung out here:

Thankfully, this time I didn't encounter any moo-ing "bears" or snakes. I was pleased that this beautiful creature decided to visit, though it scared me to death when I walked around the corner and saw her peering in the window! (Too bad I couldn't grab my camera fast enough to capture that!)

Hope everyone has a great week!

I'll be back in a day or two with some VERY exciting news! 


  1. Meredith, I'm so so glad you were able to have this time!!!!!! :)

  2. Refreshed! What a peaceful word. I'm so happy you had the chance to get away!

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    That's a great word, isn't it?!

    So glad you had your weekend!!

  4. Awesome.

    So happy for you.

    Loved the hammock pic. :)

    Kelly in Michigan

  5. Miss Doe was just checking in, being neighborly...making sure you were comfy and settled, I think.

    Glad you had your time, Mer. Sounds like it was healing, indeed.

  6. So glad you were able to get away! Looks like an awesome place!

  7. Looks heavenly. I'm pretty sure there will be hammocks in heaven!

    Big news? Are you pregnant?!

    Just kidding. Or am I? ;)

  8. I'm just now catching up on your news...that you got to go away by yourself and then that you had a great time. So a loving sort of way - ha! Everything looks so beautiful and peaceful. So glad you got a little "ME" time.

  9. Sounds and looks wonderful. Glad you had that time to yourself.

  10. What a tremendous blessing....

    So glad that you are feeling refreshed and revived.

  11. I am so glad you are relaxed, refreshed, and recharged. You deserved it after this past year!

  12. Mer, So glad your respite was so refreshing. Loved your "cliff hanger" blog ending and waiting for the VERY exciting news with bated breath. Though I'd love to see more of you, hope you aren't moving back to Arkansas when I can see myself out there in Summer 2010 or 2011.

  13. Hammocks are delightful. I felt your ease as I read this.

    Welcome home.

  14. So glad you got the rest & refreshment you needed!

  15. Oh, Mer! I'm so glad you had a good time. You even "sound" better in the blog. :)

    Like the others, I'm baited....
