Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wrapupalooza: School Edition

Love that Wrapupalooza title? Me too. I borrowed it from Lisa, who borrowed it from Tiffani. Tiffani is quite the clever one.

My kids started school yesterday....

Everyone had a great first day. School actually started last week, but since we were in AR, yesterday was our official first day. Everyone jumped right in without incident. The biggest shocker of the day? I didn't shed a single tear. Unbelievable! 

Abbey has the same teacher/class as last year (huge blessing!) and is my only child left at our beloved elementary school. Sarah started middle school and has all of Will's teachers from last year (another huge blessing). Will is such a laid-back kid that it didn't matter which teachers he ended up with as long as he was with his friends. Everyone is happy, including ME!

I had lots and lots of running around to do while they were in school. Abbey has an Epipen for an allergy to pistachios so I had to get that refilled and all of her medical forms signed/faxed to the school, and get some appointments scheduled for check-ups/shots next week. Also had to buy groceries since I haven't cooked in a month. I've been gone three of the last four weeks and I am so tired of eating out. Ugh. I'm finding it really hard to get back in the menu-planning/cooking groove though. 

Of course I also had to make a second trip to Walmart after dinner for school supplies. I was amazed a couple of weeks ago when I took the kids shopping and we found everything on our list in one trip to one store. I should have known that was too good to be true. Will and Sarah came home yesterday with an *updated* list (never mind that the list that I shopped from was the one I printed from the school website--argh!). Why do teachers do that? I feel like I'm bleeding money again and I'm ready to stop!

I usually draw the line at new backpacks. (Remember this question from last year?) No one in our family got a new one last year...but this year I caved. Poor Abbey has never had a new one. She's always used her sister and brother's hand-me-downs, and I promised her this year would be different. Sadly, I didn't get one purchased before the events of last weekend transpired so her daddy took her out last Sunday afternoon to find one. She loves it. Will scored a new one too. It was my dad's. 

I am really hoping that the routine of the school year will help me settle into a nice pattern for the fall. Honestly, I feel like we had NO summer. Things with my dad started getting really serious one week into our summer and they went quickly downhill from there. So much of my summer was spent on the phone or on the road or in a state of worry. I'm very sad that he's gone, sure, but I'm hoping that I can begin to move forward without his health weighing constantly on my heart and mind.

I let go of two HUGE volunteer commitments this year. I feel a lot of relief about that as well. You cannot know how free I feel. It's a really good feeling! I'm trying to get a feel for my weekly schedule and not overload myself. I'm such a homebody and need lots of space built into my week! 

It's been feeling very fall-ish here this week which is a very nice change from the heat and humidity we experienced in AR. The kids wore jackets to school today and I just made another pot of coffee. I love fall! And since summer was such a blur, I fully intend to revel in my second favorite season--autumn!!! 


  1. Glad to hear that everyone made it home and you are beginning to settle into a routine. Also, glad the kids are happy w/school and that you were able to let go of some volunteer responsibities.

    Enjoy the fall-ish weather! I'm looking forward to fall weather but will have to wait a little longer!

    We will continue to pray for you.

  2. OH Mer! Your kids are growing up! They all look (for lack of better word) OLDER! But as handsome and beautiful as always.

    So glad that you are at the beginnings of finding "normal", I can imagine its going to take some time to find your groove and feel steady again...it has been a long summer for you.

    I have to say that I am not ready for fall, only because fall reminds me of winter! and I am SO NOT READY for cold...but I do love the sound of a sweatshirt and a cup of coffee...wish I could share one with you!

  3. Tell Abbey she made a fetching choice. Also, your kids look healthy & gorgeous. Sooooo glad they fell into the beginning of the year at school sans incident. Yay & well done, you, for setting & maintaining good volunteer boundaries. Last year, I took the entire year off PTO (after serving as pres for 2 years @ our prev school). It was nice to concentrate on getting used to the 2 new schools of last year, rather than running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Praying for balance again this year.

    So glad to see u posting, friend. But...you know we'll always be here if u decide to take a nap instead. Xxxooo

  4. Love that Arkansas backpack! :) So glad you are having a day to relax and catch-up. I thought of you last night as I was at my first girl scout parent meeting - it looks like I am going to be co-leading my daughter's Daisy troop - eek! :)

  5. How cool that Will got his grandfather's backpack! We've got to do that, too. But after spending so much money at Walmart on supplies yesterday, I'm not looking forward to it. We don't start school til September 8th...but I certainly am ready for fall, a schedule, and cooler temps.

    Wearing jackets? I'm jealous. It's in the 90s here today :-(

  6. May summer welcome in a blessed fall for you guys.

    And I got teary over the fact that Will is carrying his grandpa's backpack. That is just so sweet.

  7. I am glad you are home and the kids are settling into a new routine. I hope you enjoy your fall and continue to experience "peace that passes all understanding". We have been praying for you and your family.

  8. LOOK AT WILL! Oh my gosh, Mer. When did he become a man?! Geez. I feel old.

    So glad to hear that you are freeing yourself up a little bit for this year. Hopefully it will bring you lots and lots of peaceful days cozied up at home!!

  9. well, thanks for the compliment ;)...

    The kids look so happy! I'm excited that they have new "pack packs" (my niece used to say that ;) and are having a smooth transition into the school year..

    Yay for you not having a heavy load at the school this year...

    I'm so thrilled to "see" you back and getting back in the groove...have you dug around on allrecipes.com?? I've gotten some nice inspiration from there lately!

  10. Autumn is my absolute favorite season too (especially in CO...we miss it!!)

    I am feeling much the same way this year about my kids going to school-they start on Thurs. of this week; but I am comfortable with their teachers and we all "know the routine" so there isn't a whole lot of stress about the year beginning.

    I loved all of the new backpacks - very meaningful that Will has your Dad's. I'm sure it would have blessed him to know that Will is using it. We are recycling last years this time around and surprisingly, the kids seem completely fine with the idea.

    I pray that you will be able to breathe deeply and continued to be covered by Him through these next weeks.

    Blessings to you all!

  11. Pistachios? That's so random!! Oh well, at least it's not, like, cookies. ;)

    My mom told me about your fallish weather. Oh, and I talked to her today and she was at Wisdom House again. Apparently she likes it!

  12. I can't get into my menu planning, grocery-store-list-making mood groove either. I need some menu mojo! I've never been a schedule girl but I'm craving some established routines!

    Your kids have the most precious smiles. I notice that in almost every picture.

  13. Glad you are back and hope you can get settled back in and focus on John and the kids. I know you are exhausted and hope you can take some time for yourself this week. Praying for you guys!

  14. fall days cozied up at home...sounds like heaven. enjoy your quiet house! let your mind rest.

  15. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you Mere. And routine is always good and know you;re looking forward to that and just know that routines may come and go but I know the memories of your father will never faid away!

  16. Sounds like a great start to the new school year and to the Fall season....I love myself some routine.

    Still praying for you as you move forward...

  17. I think it is so sweet that Will is carrying your dad's backpack. That is something he can treasure for years to come :)!

  18. Hi Mer,
    Glad you are home and trying to settle into a routine. Your summer sounds like ours. Garry's mother had her heart attack right after school was out and the rest of the summer was devoted to taking care of her and making sure she had the best care she could have. We moved her to assisted living in Malvern and she seems to be adjusting just fine. Hopefully we will settle into a routine as well. Your kids are getting big and all look so grown up. Preston still misses Will and Sarah terribly :) Love you

  19. Meredith! ...have been thinking of you so much. i love seeing the pictures of your kiddos! much love to you in these days...call me anytime!

  20. alright, I'm late to comment, but wanted to give you a huge 'I hear ya, sistah!'

    also, I love autumn too.

    like LOOOOOOOOOOVE it!
