10 Things That I'm Enjoying These Days...
2. New Hand Soap! I'm a bit of a hand soap snob. For my kitchen & bathrooms, I buy the antibacterial pumps from Bath & Body Works. Last weekend I bought this scent and this scent, and they are making me all kinds of happy. They both smell so...fallish!
3. Redbox free rentals. I've had two free rental codes this week. Who can pass up free movies? We subscribe to Blockbuster.com and get to swap our mailers in for free rentals, but the stores recently changed their return policy and it takes sweetforever to get a new movie in the mail. Redbox has remedied the in-between wait time for me (for this week, anyway)!
4. Walking with my neighbors. Several of us have been meeting to walk each morning. It was as simple as throwing out an invite--"Who wants to walk in the mornings?"--and we have a nice little posse of friends hitting the trail for exercise and conversation. I love it. Because I really love my neighbors.
5. Trader Joe's Roasted Gorgonzola crackers. Oh my gosh--yum! My aunt (who is lucky enough to live close to a Trader Joe's) introduced me to these crackers last month. She also gave me a ton of TJs loot, including four boxes of these. We're down to the last box and there might be some weeping and gnashing of teeth when we finish it. I love them with a wedge of this cheese and an icy cold Dr. Pepper--which is what I've had for lunch every single day this week.
6. New mascara. I'm usually a loyal L'Oreal girl, but I bought a new kind/brand last weekend and I'm loving it! It's this. The wand is super flexible and the mascara doesn't clump or wear off. It was cheaper too. Woohoo!
7. Our fall schedule! Everything from school to church to home and homework is just falling into place beautifully.
8. Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. Oh dear. I have such a weakness for these. I had two last week and I've had to steer Minnie-the-van away from the Starbucks drive thru every morning this week so I don't go broke on skinny-2pump-no whip-Pumpkin Spice lattes! (Oh dear, I've turned into one of those people.)
9. Arkansas Razorback football! It might possibly be the best thing about fall. I love it so much. My husband doesn't share my affection, but he loves me so it's all good.
10. Speaking of my husband, I'm enjoying him these days. He just finished up a huge freelance project that consumed so much of his spare time. The extra income was nice, but we're all glad he has more time to spend with us. He and I are going to watch a movie in a little while (the free Redbox one!) so I'm trying to get this post wrapped up.
Ya'll wanna join the 10 on the 10th fun? Just post a list of 10 things (anything your imagination can come up with) on your blog and link up here. Easy-peasy!
I love you even more for saying sweetforever and easy-peasy! That is so much fun and reminds me of Little Rock.
I'm in the midst of a blog break right now--burnt out and needing some restoration and a renewed desire to do it. Instead I'm about to paint something! I;ve got my canvas and brushes and paints all ready!!
Oh, Mercy! It's here already! Guess I should stop exclamation-pointing and start thinking!!!
I'll be posting tomorrow! I'm going to take pictures with my new camera!! Just have to decide what 10 things...hmmm...
I'm so behind on blog-reading, so it was great to read this. The Guernsey book is one of my very favorites, I absolutely adore it, and I'm still waiting for Olive Kitteridge to come in at the library.
I bought the Leaves flavor at B&BW and it is awesome.
Redbox rocks, we use it all the time.
I am finally going to a TJ's next month and I can't wait. I need to get a list from you of what you think I should get. No cold stuff, but I want to fill my pantry.
I haven't had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season, but I will soon. Then it's peppermint mocha for me!
I love to read so thanks for your recommendations. Football is such a wonderful thing about the fall. I don't love it as much as my hubby, but I do love the GA Bulldawgs. I must get to Starbucks and try a Pumpkin Spiced latte. I'm seeing this everywhere now, so it must be worth the drive (25 minutes from me). I love the times when my hubby and I are actually enjoying one another. It is such a great feeling.
Your list was great. I enjoyed reading it!
Loved your list!
I almost copied it!! :) I'm enjoying a lot right now too...
I haven't read in so long...hoping to remedy that soon!
I totally agree with reading and handsoap and husbands. I am going to have my brother (who has a TJ's within a few miles of his house!!) send me the crackers and I've never tried Redbox rentals. I feel like a complete freak but I am not a fan of the Pumpkin Spice Latte's. Is that weird? I know it is because they are EXTREMELY popular. I do LOVE the Peppermint Cappucino.
LOVE Pumpkin Spice Lattes! I can drink them by the gallon, but I order fat free to save some calories and guilt!
And we love the Redbox, too. And chilling with the hubby is a nice thing, too!
What a GREAT list you have here!!
I'm with you on teh Pumpkin Spice Latte!! Yum-oh!
Can you believe I've never stepped foot inside a Bath + Body Works? My mom love that place and for some reason I just never go in. But those soaps scents sound wonderful. I've been hearing that book is great - must put on my list. Happy fall!
The Potato book is next on my list. I'm reading Peace Like a River right now because SOMEONE ;) highly suggested it. I am loving the way he writes....definitely can't wait to see where we're going on the next page! I've heard several people mention Olive K. but I kept thinking Kit K. and couldn't wonder why everyone was reading an American Girl book. I have no idea what the Olive one is even about.
I'm not going to say that it's mean to mention TJ's when you KNOW I don't live anywhere close to one now. Nope I wouldn't say that.
Even if I did, I'd forgive you for being one of my 20 Tweeps to recommend PSLs from Starbucks. I think I'm going to try it in a chai next time. Have you ever done that?
I'm glad the 10 on the 10th are back.
so glad I found your blog! I came over from Elizabeth's at Finding Him Bigger. I loved her list and decided to join in. Very fun!!
I also love to read. I have heard so much about the Guernsey book. I need to pick it up!
I also love my neighbors!! We are having a party this weekend celebrating one neighbor's cancer remission!!!
Thanks for letting me join!
I got Leaves and Spiced Cider hand soaps, and I felt the same way! Mmmm.
And I keep reading about these pumpkin spice lattes...guess I'll have to try one next time I'm near a Starbucks.
Love your list. So much.
All those things make me happy. And happy for you, because you are happy.
This totally sneaked up on me....my 10 on 10th list may have to be on the 11th.
Go Hogs!!! It has been forever since I commented but wanted to say "Hi" and give a shout out to those razorbacks!! :)
pumpkin spice inside and out? sounds fantabulous!
MMMMMMM, Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Hot Tamales. I think that is what God eats.
Friday fill-ins is a weekly meme found here:
Janet posts a new one each thursday night and then you can link up!! it's always fun!
I can't believe I forgot to sign your mister linky. I did finally participate yesterday! ;)
I missed this! It looks like great fun and I hope I remember to come back October 10.
I love your ten. Very creative.
Great post, lots of wonderful and happy things here :) I am in a bit of a reading slump, although I read the Guernsey book earlier this year and really enjoyed it. I looked at Olive Kitteridge after seeing that you had read it, but it might be a tad bit depressing for me :)
I'm going to have to check out that mascara. I uesd to use one of the L'Oreal ones, maybe volumizer, but have been trying an Almay one (for the color of my eyes, they have those products geared toward eye color) for a while. I like it, the Almay one, but it clumps some. Must check out the one you mentioned :)
Hope you're having a great day!
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