I very rarely get the itch to rearrange furniture or overhaul a room. Once I get a room arranged the way I like it (usually with someone else's help) I leave it that way until I move or until that person visits again and helps me!
But...every once in awhile, I have a flash of decorating brilliance and an idea in my head actually comes out as I'd hoped.
Such was the case this past weekend.
Last fall, John's parents bought the girls' a set of bunk beds and while they were visiting they helped me paint their room to match their new bedding. We got them a few accessories but the big wall over their desk has been bare for almost a year.
I've had an idea in my head for awhile for a custom wall hanging, and this weekend I set out to make it happen.
The biggest surprise? I was finished in about an hour and it turned out just as I'd hoped!
Playing off of the circle theme, I created this:
It's VERY fun!
I also spray-painted a chair (that I bought from a friend) to match their desk.
Side note: It was windy when I was trying to paint, so I moved the chair into the garage, which turned out to be a very bad idea. John's car was parked on the other side of the garage, and while it looked like the paint was only getting on the chair, it wasn't. He had a nice film of white paint on his windshield Monday morning and he wasn't very happy with me. Learn from my mistake--never, EVER use spray paint in an enclosed area!!!
When I was putting the chair back at their desk, I decided to jazz it up with some paper circles left over from the wall hangings. CUTE! I wasn't totally finished when I took these pics (had to cut more circles...) but you get the idea. 

The girls are happy and mama is happy too! And that big wall over their desk looks much less bare! Now if I could just find the perfect floor lamp. Pretty sure I can't make one of those!
Total cost for the wall hanging: less than $20.
The three-pack of canvases was $8; the scrapbook paper was $3-4; I was out of Modge Podge and it was $7 (for a BIG jar).
Cute! I LOVE to do stuff like that. I've had fun decorating our place here. It can be a sort of therapy sometimes. Great job! :)
You go girl!!!!!!!!!
Turned out awesome!!! :)
Very cute! You did a great job!
Very cute Mer~ love the canvas art work! :)
BTW, check out Target for a floor lamp. Now that all the back to school stuff is on clearance, you may be able snag a cute pink one for a fraction of the cost! :)
Look at you and your Pottery Barn-looking room self!
The biggest part for me is going from the idea to the courage and motivation to just do the thang. You've inspired me, Mer.
Today I will hang at least one picture on a wall of the house we've been in for almost two months. It is time.
Great job! It looks fantastic and you may inspire me to take some crafty project on!
I love it! It is totally cute! I still need to paint the kids rooms and put out their new bedding. Now, I have the itch.
I also have a new desire to use this modge podge stuff. It is new to me, but looks easy enough.
I can't believe you got all those canvases for $8. That's an incredible price. It cost me $7 to get my daughter 3 canvases that were 10x10 each.
So proud of your motivation and follow-through...
Very sorry about the windshield..my hubs wouldn't have been all that thrilled either ;)!
ADORABLE! I love the canvas idea. I need to try that, too. Thanks for the inspiration!
Price of ticket to fly u to WA to do this in my dtr's room? $300.00. And worth every penny. For I fall short on the organization & follow thru. But I know my way to the airport, baby! It's just darling, Mer.
Darling. So very cute, great job!!
Wow, Meredith! Those look awesome. Such a cute idea!
Adorable!!! I've been feeling crafty, too. I don't think mine would turn out as good though! =)
Super Super Cute!!! I love the wall hangings - so creative! The chair is great too! I'm sure the girls love it. What a cute room! Good job!
Their room is precious!!!
I had grand plans for decorating the boys' room this week. Didn't happen.
Maybe next week.
PS - Looks adorable!
Oh, SOOOO cute! I love it when things work as planned!:)
Very Cute!!
Bummer about the car. I learned that lesson while spray painting in the driveway once!
love it! great idea!
Yes, I learned my lesson about the spray paint too. Don't do it in an enclosed area! :)
Your project turned out wonderfully. So crafty you are.
I LOVE it! :-) too cute!
What a great idea! Good for you! You've inspired me to create something wonderful since I have all the supplies on hand. I've also used a canvas like that to have our kids make their handprint with paint and modge-podged a photo of them with their grandparents for a gift for the grandparents.
oops..previously signed into wrong acct.
looks great! I love it....
Wow! That looks amazing!
You are so talented with paper. I still love those boxes you made a couple years ago!
That is so stinkin cute and such a wonderful idea :)!
We have a wall in our living room that needs some serious attention!!!
p.s. Rumor has it that Murfreesboro, TN is getting a Trader Joe's. YIPPEE!
Really cute! So great when things turn out the way you hoped and you didn't have to spend a ton of $$$!!
Love 'em--you did a great job!
It was WONDERFUL to see you--thanks for making it happen and being so flexible!!
Stay warm. =)
okay, lady. this is amazing. like, truly amazing.
VERY well done!
ps: 3 pack of canvases for 8 bucks? where?
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