Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Offering Thanks

I heard one of my favorite Nichole Nordeman songs today. Every Season. If you've never heard it, go listen here. It is beautiful!

Depending on what's going on in my life, I relate to each of the different seasons in the lyrics. Today I was captured by the autumn lyrics--it's the last day of September and the wind has been howling and stripping all the trees of their beautiful leaves! The song also alludes to autumn being a season to offer thanks.

With that in mind, here are a few things I'm feeling thankful for this evening...

--The girls are feeling much better. Their fevers were almost non-existent today. They spiked again before dinner, but it feels like the worst is behind us. I am so grateful.

--So thankful John works hard to provide for us and that his hard work allows me to stay at home. The girls are staying home from school again tomorrow (fourth day this week) and I realize what a blessing it is to not have to worry about choosing my family over work. I do NOT take that for granted. Ever.

--Grateful for friends and neighbors who have called to check on us or offered to run by the store for things we might need. I've said it before but we have THE best neighbors (and friends). I feel like they'd do just about anything I asked them to do. Such a blessing!

--Thankful that I had some time away last weekend. John felt bad that I came home and jumped right into caring for sick kids, but really, it was nice to have that break. I'm grateful he was willing to play nurse and let me get away! Also a little bit thankful that everyone wasn't sick when I left or otherwise my mom-guilt would have taken over and I'd probably have stayed home.

--Very grateful that John and I are still feeling well. Will had a super mild case of something last week, but honestly, I'm not sure it was the flu. I didn't take him to the doctor because I thought he just had a slight cold. The girls have been SO much sicker!

--I LOVE our church. I was so sad when I dropped Will off tonight that our family couldn't all be there. I've been so surprised--in a good way--about how much I'm enjoying going on Wednesday evenings. Another big blessing!

Those are just a few things I've been grateful for this week. What about you guys? Anything you feel like offering thanks for? 'Tis the season, you know.


  1. I am sorry the girls have been sick but I am so glad you had a great weekend and that you are surrounded by wonderful friends!

  2. i'm always so thankful my husband works and provides for us too. he has never ever made me feel like i should be working or contributing financially and always says he's thankful i stay home with the kids. yeah for great husbands!

    i'm reading the maytrees too. i never really like annie dillard's fiction.

  3. Today I was especially thankful for the getting to move back here to CO. We took a drive up to Woodland Park and back down thru Green Mt. Falls. It was spectacular. Even got to see some deer (tho' I wanted to tell them to run far, far away since deer season is upon us).
    So nice to just be a few minutes away from a whole lot of fun and beautiful places, and just be together as a family enjoying our day.
    Glad to hear your girls are feeling better.
    God bless.

  4. Great news that the girls are feeling better!! I've been praying for you guys...totally understand the mommy guilt thing...I think you may have a keeper with that husband ;)

    I'm thankful for a flexible job that allows me time with my family when I need now...before deployment.

  5. I'm thankful for the perspective and joy that others' thanksgiving gives me. Such an encouragement.

    Thankful that despite our lumps and bumps, we're a tightknit family.

    Also, lurve our church, too.

  6. FINALLY! I HAVE that Nichole song!! ;)

    I love that instead of whining and complaining about your week, you're finding the good and joyful in it. You are a treasure.

  7. I am so glad your girls are feeling better. I have been praying for them this week.
    Love your blog.

  8. I'm thankful for the internet, for how it renews and strengthens friendships. :)

  9. Feeling especially thankful at this moment for perspective. It's a good thing, and it sets my head straight when it's going wonky.

    thanks, sis!

  10. As I sit here listening to this beautiful song (also my favorite NN song!). I am thankful for my new laptop and being able to catch up on friend's blogs. I am thankful for a sweet wonderful husband who just dropped me off at the Westin so I can have 24 hours away to relax and recharge. I am so blessed and I never want to take it for granted. :o)

  11. I'm so thankful for a great hubby who supports us all, too! Can't imagine not being around for my sweet ones - I really can't even think about it.

  12. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
